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Thread: Resident Evil 5

  1. #1
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    Default Resident Evil 5

    I have no smurfing idea if I already made this thread.

    Discuss this game that's coming out on Friday(don't know anything about other countries).

    Also, maybe some of us could get together and play through.

  2. #2
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    The other thread from october had a post last month, but let's start fresh, that thread is mostly speculation anyway. We can use this for excitement and first impressions instead!

    I'm pretty damned excited, I really am, you could probably tell from my set. I much prefer the old style RE instead of the new RE 4 style as I think it's much scarier that way, but they both have stuff going for them and basically I can't wait to blow zombies heads off, mix herbs and collect files again. It's gonna be great either way. What's even better is the multiplayer, my sister and I will be playing this all Friday for sure.

  3. #3
    Magixion's Avatar
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    I am definitely excited. Been waiting for this for a long time. Also, I can never turn down a good co-op game.

    If anyone needs a co-op partner, hit me up!

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  4. #4


    Ill probably pick this one up sometime in the next few months. I'm sure the game will be great but I can't say the demo overly impressed me. Just because I'm in a bitchy mood today Ill say that co-op should have been the after thought rather than the focus. I was playing RE1 yesterday and I couldn't help but shed a tear thinking about what the series has become today.

    Ill also like to add how pissed off I am that Microsoft got their grubby hands all over this game. The adverts on TV for RE5 have 360 logo's pop up at the end. I always assosiated Resident Evil with Playstation and now the series is being headlined on the 360. Capcom should know better.

  5. #5


    When my brother visited with his PS3, I played this demo online so many times on his pretty Playstation Network. It was ridiculous. Nothing makes me happier than playing Sheva. I love the little sayings they can do as well, since I don't wear my headset. Although the Chrises of the world spam "Come on!" at me way too much considering I'm always right behind them. But there's nothing better than hitting the thank you button after they explode a barrel right in your face, especially if you can get Sheva to say "I owe you one."

    Anyway. I can't wait for the full game. Gonna be so much fuuunnn. I've read from the reviews that the Normal difficulty is really easy. That's probably good, though, as single-player Sheva is a horrible piece of . I got a month free of Xbox Live when mine broke. I might use it for this game.
    Last edited by LunarWeaver; 03-09-2009 at 07:02 PM.

  6. #6
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    Just because I'm in a bitchy mood today Ill say that co-op should have been the after thought rather than the focus.
    Yeah, it's a real shame that they put some work into it, especially because co-op is one of the most wanted things in modern games.

    I was playing RE1 yesterday and I couldn't help but shed a tear thinking about what the series has become today.
    What's that then? Fun? Playable? With a huge reduction in retarded puzzles that mean the police chief can't go take a leak without getting decapitated?

    Ill also like to add how pissed off I am that Microsoft got their grubby hands all over this game. The adverts on TV for RE5 have 360 logo's pop up at the end. I always assosiated Resident Evil with Playstation and now the series is being headlined on the 360. Capcom should know better.
    Should know better than... what? Trying to make a profit? Trying to reach a broader audience? Trying to sell the game on a console some people actually own? Did you bitch like this when they announced Code Veronica for the DC?

    Besides, why are you pissed off that a game you just whined about is going to a console you whine about constantly?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Yeah, it's a real shame that they put some work into it, especially because co-op is one of the most wanted things in modern games.
    Maybe its the most important thing to you but I think you'll find a lot of people thinking the same thing as me. If I'm playing this game offline I'm going to have to put up with the AI which will be a headache considering the game is built around two people playing.

    What's that then? Fun? Playable? With a huge reduction in retarded puzzles that mean the police chief can't go take a leak without getting decapitated?
    So all the Resident Evil games prior to RE4 weren't fun or playable? I disagree. Maybe you need to start appreciating other genres of games. Its fine to say that you prefer Resident Evil now but disregarding previous Resident Evil titles is very immature. No wonder survival horror is dead when there are people with your mentality around.

    Should know better than... what? Trying to make a profit? Trying to reach a broader audience? Trying to sell the game on a console some people actually own? Did you bitch like this when they announced Code Veronica for the DC?
    Well first of all Capcom don't need to accept Microsofts money to make a profit off this game. It would probably be in their favour if they let people know that RE5 is available on two platforms rather than just one. And people don't own PS3's eh. If you say so.

    Also Code Veronica going to the DC exclusively for a period was wrong in my opinion. Same when Capcom started releasing Resident Evil titles exclusively on the Gamecube. They found their way onto Playstation eventually which is good as sending a franchise all over the place on other systems is just making the consumers life more difficult. I think Capcom need to respect the Playstation brand more seeing as it is what kick started the Resident Evil franchise and made it as popular as it is today.

    Besides, why are you pissed off that a game you just whined about is going to a console you whine about constantly?
    Resident Evil 5 is fine for what it is but gets so much praise I can't help but try to kick some sense into other people. As a long time fan of the series I feel the most left out when it comes to RE5 and thats not right. So Ill much rather whine thank you.

    Also Ill whine over a console if it has it coming. For the most part I praise the 360, you just don't seem to hear that.

  8. #8
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    You bring up many good points, Dreddz. I'm one of the people who's going to love the multiplayer and frankly I've been waiting for a multiplayer RE game ever since I saw the potential RE0 had to be multiplayer, but ideally the multiplayer still shouldn't make it suckier to play single player. From what I've heard Sheva is a bit trigger happy on using up all your healing items.

    Like you I also prefer the survival horror of the previous games. The tension and excitement when you walk through a door, not knowing what's on the other side with a few bullets left is just great. Going through doors in RE4 is hardly scary when you can just blast everyone's head off with the entire arsenal that will fit in your inventory and rarely go empty on ammo. That's not to say I don't enjoy blasting zombies' heads off, not at all, I like RE4 very much, it's just a matter of preference really. I'll be sad if they never make another Resident Evil in the old fashion again, and judging by the amount of money they're reeling in on RE4 and RE5, that might actually happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by MILF
    What's that then? Fun? Playable? With a huge reduction in retarded puzzles that mean the police chief can't go take a leak without getting decapitated?
    I very much enjoy the puzzles, finding items and figuring out the use of them, it's a nice distraction from mindless slaughtering. The only puzzles who are retarded are in RE4 though. I thought the puzzles in the earlier resident evils were easy, but this just took the cake. They could've just as well have eliminated them completely if they were going to make them that easy. I wonder how many puzzles there will be in Africa.

  9. #9


    I much prefer Resident Evil as it is now. I never found it remotely scary in the first place. It was always just a cheesy action game with ty controls. REmake is the only one that attempted any scary atmosphere in my eyes. After Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3, and Code: Veronica all being but identical, I more than welcome 2 entries in the series that are different.

  10. #10
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I think RE5 has ty controls too, to be honest. Aiming is pretty damn clunky compared to other third person games like Gears.

    I would definitely welcome it if, in the future, the series aimed more towards fear than action, though. I did like the bit in the demo where you have to survive against a smurfing horde, because it really is more about survival than "clear the area and collect the sparkly treasures".

  11. #11


    RE5 definitely has ty controls compared to what's out there. They take some real getting used to. But putting the camera behind them and letting you aim at specific parts is leaps better than oddly changing camera angles and characters that can't aim for the head despite all their special training.

  12. #12
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    I was playing RE1 yesterday and I couldn't help but shed a tear thinking about what the series has become today.
    What's that then? Fun? Playable?
    Didn't realize you were a comedian Milf.

  13. #13


    i cant wait for this game, me and a buddy have both taken the day off work to play co-op online.

    i really cant get my head round it when people complain about a game being on more than one console.. i mean if its a game you want to play and its on your console, then what difference does it make to you at all if its also on another console?

  14. #14
    RX Queen Recognized Member kikimm's Avatar
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    I'm super excited for it. =D I haven't looked at anything for it ever since I watched a trailer a loooooong time ago. I refused to read up on it, look at any other videos, or play the demo. Maybe that seems stupid, but I just don't want to have any sort of preconceived ideas about it. I want to be completely surprised. Even if it's exactly the same as RE4.

    So I'm totally pumped to start playing it. Now now now!
    --Box Box Box Box

  15. #15


    Don't mean to brag but my friend's mom sent him the game from Japan. Been playing it all day. Its pretty damn awesome.

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