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Thread: Most powerful videogame moment?

  1. #76
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    One of the most powerful for me is Nanaki finding out the truth about Seto in FFVII. It gets me every time. In contrast to Aeris, where I QQ'd the first time, but that was it - I've seen the Seto scene over 20 times and still cry.

    In Dawn of War II (SPOILER)When Dreadnought Thule shows up and kicks a retarded amount of ass. Actually pretty much everything Thule does, both before and after dying.

    The ending of FFX is fairly powerful. I did tear up.

    In Mass Effect, the entirity of Virmire is just one long, long level of serious win, from being totally pumped up because it is badass, plot reveals, and (SPOILER)having to choose between Ashley and Kaiden. No third option exists. One of them dies, no exceptions. And BioWare did such a good job at making genuine characters who feel like real people that it hurts either way.

    In Call of Duty 4, on two occasions. First, the intro: You're in control of a dude, only not so much, because he's being led to his execution. You can't do anything about it, just look around the place. Secondly, and even more harrowingly, is when the game subverts pretty much every FPS trope going and (SPOILER)not only do you fail to stop the nuke going off, you're caught on the edge of the blast radius - and could have been safe if you hadn't stopped to save a downed pilot - and you die. You're in first person control of this guy and all you can draw is crawl around the charred ruins until he finally gives up from pain and exhaustion. No weapons, no enemies, nothing except about a minute of suffering. That's just not how an FPS game is supposed to be, and it's all the more powerful for it.

    Shadow of the Colossus. The whole thing. I've rarely felt so conflicted while playing a game, but this is certainly one of the only ones I've felt I might not be able to carry on with, and considered that a good thing. If I hadn't had the heart to finish SotC I would have considered the money even better spent. I want those emotions in games, I want things that challenge and conflict, it's the same as the CoD4 stuff I was talking about. Seeing those mighty, often very beautiful and noble creatures struck down... not knowing if I could trust the dude I was bargaining with in the process, etc. That, more than anything, more than aesthetics or atmosphere or gameplay, is what makes SotC such an incredibly important game.

  2. #77
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    Several scenes but i can only be bothered to mention one at the moment.

    Zachs (SPOILER)last battle and death. Although it gets ruined straight afterwards with that horrible song...

  3. #78
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    When crono died in Crono Trigger I was planning to an hero myself.

    As well as when Home was destroyed in Final fantasy ten

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  4. #79
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Wow, I never knew CoD4 had such a deep ending. I may actually have to play the game instead of just multiplayer on Live.

  5. #80
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    In Mass Effect, the entirity of Virmire is just one long, long level of serious win, from being totally pumped up because it is badass, plot reveals, and (SPOILER)having to choose between Ashley and Kaiden. No third option exists. One of them dies, no exceptions. And BioWare did such a good job at making genuine characters who feel like real people that it hurts either way.
    Not to mention that totally sweet assault music that they felt was too cool to include on the OST. Virmire was one of my favorite sections of the game, and it's still the one I load up the most whenever I play Mass Effect.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  6. #81
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Mine include a few predictable classics:

    Metal Gear Solid - (SPOILER)Wolf's death.

    Metal Gear Solid 3 - (SPOILER)Snake and EVA fight the Shagohod head-on after blowing up the bridge. Most epic cut-scene ever.

    Final Fantasy VII - four moments from this game: (SPOILER)Nanaki meets Seto for the first time.
    Aerith's death.
    Cid's "someone has to save the planet, and that someone is us" speech.
    And finally...
    When the Lifestream erupts all over the world to help overpower Meteor.
    That last one gets me every time, no matter how many times I've seen it.

    Final Fantasy VIII
    - (SPOILER)Seeing Squall alive and well at the end. The first time I completed the game, I was in horrified anticipation that they might've been about to leave the ending open and unresolved, without revealing whether he'd actually made it or not. Even without that mystery, it's still a nice ending to this day.

    Final Fantasy X - Two scenes from the ending: (SPOILER)
    "This is your world now", and "Yuna, I have to go."

    Final Fantasy XII - Practically the entire first half of the ending, right after (SPOILER)Vayne is defeated. In particular:
    Judge Magister Zargabaath prepares to sacrifice the Alexander to save Rabanastre, without a moment's hesitation.
    Ashe and Larsa declare the peace.
    Basch and Noah make peace of their own.
    Balthier and Fran also appear to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, but Bathier refuses to let his 'friend' (we all know it's totally more than that) die.

    Syphon Filter - (SPOILER)Gabe finds Lian alive in the Catacombs, but she's oblivious to his obvious but unspoken feelings because there's something more important happening.

    Gran Turismo - Getting a gold medal on any time trial lap from a license test. Not quite as 'powerful' as these other scenes, but a certain feeling of elation nonetheless.

    Ecco the Dolphin - After the storm, when Ecco lands into his home bay which is now completely devoid of life. After that, (SPOILER)his conversations with Big Blue and the revelations from the Asterite.

  7. #82
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Persona 4
    Pretty much all of November, even though I thought the writers could have found a better way for Nanako to get kidnapped than OH LOOK SOUJI JUST GOT THIS LETTER IN THE MAIL SAYING SOMEONE CLOSE TO HIM WILL DIE. LET'S LEAVE HIS SEVEN YEAR OLD COUSIN ALONE WHILE WE GO TO THE POLICE STATION. Really Souji just should have stuck his arm in the TV right then and there like "See? I'm not lying, I can totally go through TVs."

    The end of the fight against Izanami was pretty moving; the other three party members taking hits for you while Rise is like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;_;

  8. #83
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XIFICKIE NOOOOOOOOOO ;-;

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Kentarou View Post
    Final Fantasy XIFICKIE NOOOOOOOOOO ;-;
    When Lion sacrifices herself to save Vana'diel.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  10. #85
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    To sum up this thread, the greatest video game moment is all of us reminiscing on our favorite video game achievements and past times.

  11. #86


    too hard to remeber
    would defo be either from ff9 or something from legacy of kain

  12. #87
    go doom! Medi's Avatar
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    The opening FMV of FFX-2.


    Let's see, so many...

    Super Metroid - The final battle against Mother Brain. Fans of the game know what I mean.

    Metroid Prime 2 - Battle against Quadraxis (both the music and the enemy are so epic), and the very end when Samus gives a little back hand wave to the Luminoth. She kicks ass.

    Chrono Trigger - The whole game.

    Chrono Cross - The aforementioned scene with Miguel in the Dead Sea, also when you go back in time and (SPOILER)rescue Kid from Lucca's burning orphanage. Also, Kid's words at the Water Dragon Isle around the campfire. That song gets me every time.

    FFI - I'm weird, I know, but something about the entire game appeals to me. It's quaint.

    FFVII - The very very end, after the credits, where (SPOILER)Nanaki and his apparent children look out over the ruins of Midgar. Probably one of my favorite scenes of all time. I also like the scenes in the Shinra building involving Jenova. There are a couple songs there I enjoy. Plus, any other scenes folks have mentioned.

    FFVIII - All the FMVs. I don't know why, but they have always resonated with me.

    FFIX - Kuja's appearance, all scenes involving Eidolons, the ending.

    FFX - The sending at Kilika, the scene at Home, the scene with Yunalesca, the ending. They've all been said.

    FFXII - While I find the entire game beautiful and memorable, my favorite scene is probably the one at the top of the Pharos at Ridorana, especially the tidbit involving Balthier and Fran. And the ending, of course.

    Rye made this!

  13. #88
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    P4 Again xDHow could I forget the moment when I realized it was Adachi? When I reached the text box just before the list of names, I was like. Oh my god. It's Adachi. Adachi did it. OMG. ADACHI HOW COULD YOU I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER D:
    Though that was more me than the game, they were all very calm about it.

  14. #89
    Bloody Claw strawberryman's Avatar
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    Speaking of Persona 4 (which I just got and I have to say is the most fun I've had with a game in a while), I got pretty choked up when (SPOILER)Ryotaro crashed his car while chasing Namatame, then asked the protagonist to save Nanako because she's his "only reason for living along with lamenting that he was absolutely helpless to try and rescue her.

    Oh, yeah, and just about everything Nanako says cuts right through me.

    (Sidenote: P4's the first SMT game I've played, but after this I'd certainly be interested in the others.)

    Thanks to Sagensyg for the sig!

  15. #90

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