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Thread: Lost Season 5 - Spoilers EVERYWHERE! :p

  1. #16


    Time travel, eh? I smell more plot holes.

  2. #17
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I thought it was handled well enough. They seem to be going for the angle that it's impossible to alter the course of history, which substantially reduces the possibility of plot holes.

    That said, they constantly keep surprising me. Every time I think the plot can't get any weirder, it gets weirder.
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  3. #18
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    I love love love that Lost is actually adhering to the rules of time travel. Does any other show do that? Heroes definitely doesn't, and it's such a huge pet peeve of mine.

  4. #19
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Yeah, I like the fact that they're not doing the multiple universe thing that most sci-fi stories do. Most of the times that's just handled awkwardly and leads to time paradoxes.

    Am I the only one who thinks (SPOILER)Locke isn't really dead? If he is dead, he's going to resurrect as soon as they get back to the island. The fact that the producers won't directly address whether he's dead or not leads me to suspect that there's more to this particular issue than meets the eye.

    I'm also kind of curious about Alpert. Sometimes I'm led to suspect that he has knowledge of the future or exists somehow out of time, but then he says things like (SPOILER)"the next time I see you I won't recognise you" to John which directly contradict that implication. He definitely seems to have a lot more knowledge than any other character on the island. It's also worth noting that his name is derived from the birth name of Ram Dass, who wrote a book entitled Be Here Now. Given how insightful his character has turned out to be, I'd say that has pretty strong implications about the central philosophy of Lost.
    Last edited by The Man; 01-22-2009 at 06:52 AM.
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  5. #20
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    The weirdest unexplainable thing I think is that freakin old woman. First she's in a flash, then in a picture with some monk and now here??

    And the stuff happening on the island is awesome. It could explain some things like who these hostiles were, the whispers (could be the losties themselves watching events happen!!!) and the 2 dead bodies found in the caves.

  6. #21
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    The time travel angle is ok but I wish it was something they had planned from the beginning rather than in the last two seasons. It would have been a total mindsmurf if weird crap from the first two seasons was explained by the Losties doing stuff when they travel in time this season.

    Odd question: if the hatch had a back door how did they not find that in the first place?

    I am sadly disappointed in the lack of smoke monster during the premiere. Need more smoke monsta! The Ben/smoke monster relationship is the most well developed relationship on the show.

    Locke probably is dead but the island will revive him somehow.

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  7. #22
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Mrs. Hawking obviously has some connection to the island; she knew Desmond's destiny was on the island and obviously has some form of precognition. What exactly remains to be seen.

    And I think the hatch's back door was obscured by something or other originally. It was addressed in the second season somewhere iirc.

    The producers have said that Adam and Eve (the two bodies they found in the first episode of the first season) will, once the entire series has concluded, make it clear that they were planning everything from the beginning.

    It's entirely possible that weird crap from the first few seasons will be explained by time travel stuff; we don't know for sure yet. It's entirely possible they'll do something like the Prisoner of Azkaban's angle on time travel, where the actions of the time travellers influence actions of their original selves.
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  8. #23
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    My head hurts.

  9. #24
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    I'm also kind of curious about Alpert. Sometimes I'm led to suspect that he has knowledge of the future or exists somehow out of time, but then he says things like (SPOILER)"the next time I see you I won't recognise you" to John which directly contradict that implication. He definitely seems to have a lot more knowledge than any other character on the island. It's also worth noting that his name is derived from the birth name of Ram Dass, who wrote a book entitled <I>Be Here Now</I>. Given how insightful his character has turned out to be, I'd say that has pretty strong implications about the central philosophy of <I>Lost</I>.
    I've been trying to figure out his character for several seasons. I thought I had him figured out toward the beginning of the premiere, but that line that you quoted destroyed my theories. Thanks for the info about where the name came from, Be Here Now seems to be exactly the concept of the character, if not the show as a whole.

    I still want to know what's up with the freakin numbers that surround Hurley. And is he really seeing these dead people?(I loved the way they brought it in in this episode) I mean, is he just crazy or is this part of his relationship with the island, that he is able to commune with the dead?

    I hope they're able to pull off the whole time travel aspect. It's incredibly hard to pull off, and pretty much nobody ever does it well. But I'm still hopeful; the show's full of genius and they had a plan so I'm going to keep up hope that they can keep from being bogged down by trying to make sense of time travel.

  10. #25
    red headed monkey dude sir helix's Avatar
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    iv found so many simularitys between the show and the book lord of the flys.

    jack = ralph
    locke = jack

    and so on and so forth, iv also come to the conclusion that (SPOILER)Hurley takes the role of simon (the christ like charecter) so iv come to beleive hes gonna die.

    Locke cant be dead, and with the healing powers of the island once they return, he shouyld be able to get back up just like he did when Ben shot him. Alpert is screwin with my head with his not aging trick. And also there has tobe survivors on the frieghter, the C4 blew up in the middle right? so every one ran to the stern (manly jin) and with a combustion blast from it, itsnt it possable that he along with others were simply thrown into the water.

    and has anyone else noticed that the dharma intiative guy on the film has a different name for each film he send to the stations
    Last edited by sir helix; 01-22-2009 at 11:23 PM.

  11. #26


    well that was the craze..

    i think i need to lie down! Liked the first hour slighty better...its soo weird seeing Sun soo...scary-like lol!

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  12. #27
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I really don't think the creators are going to do such a direct ripoff of any pre-existing story. For example, who would Ben's analogue be in Lord of the Flies? Not to mention that Locke doesn't really share that many personality traits with Jack (Lord of the Flies); he's more motivated by a desire to protect the island and the people living on it than LotF's Jack, who was mostly motivated by his own self-interest. There are much more notable similarities between Jack and, say, Keamy. There are parallels between Lord of the Flies and Lost, but by far the most notable is that both are survival stories that take place on an island.

    As far as Hurley and dead people, I think it's the island's way of communicating with him. It's worth noting that Hurley's not the only person who sees dead people; Jack, Claire, and Locke all have seen Christian Shephard, who's supposed to be dead, and Mr Eko saw his dead brother, among other people who have seen dead people. (The creators confirmed that Eko's vision was created by the smoke monster). Then again, Jack's father may not actually be dead, in which case Jack's vision of him in LA would just be a case of the island manifesting presences where they're not supposed to be (it also did that with Walt).

    As far as the freighter goes, I do think it possible that Jin's not really dead. I doubt anyone else survived though.

    Edit: Apparently Lindelof has said Hurley's the only one who can see the dead. So apparently Christian... isn't dead?
    Last edited by The Man; 01-23-2009 at 06:58 AM.
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  13. #28
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    They said Christian is a special case.

  14. #29
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Oh, I must have missed that. That said, I'm still not abandoning my "The island has brought Christian back to life" crackpot theory just yet.
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  15. #30
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    About Locke's death. Ben seems to know something. And I find it odd that they mentioned Expose during this episode. Could be just an easter egg or a clue for us to remember what happened to Nikki and Paulo. (the spider venom) and that Locke could just be under its affects (a large dose).

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