Inspired by a thread about classes I came to wonder about Kimahri's function in FFX. Seeing as the other characters had a function, Tidus = fighter, Auron = samurai, Yuna = summoner/white mage, Lulu = black mage, Rikku = thief and Wakka = joggler, I came up with a theory that Square's original intent with Kimahri was that he was supposed to be the dragoon and/or blue mage of the game. However, in the game we learn that only Ronso can learn fiend abilities, so putting these abilities on the Sphere Grid was impossible (I think the Sphere Grid idea came after the writing of the characters) since everyone would be able to learn them. Maybe that's why he doesn't have a path of his own on the Grid and blue magic is an overdrive ability, which sadly makes him quite useless.

Agree or disagree, please.