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Thread: The 'WATCHMEN' Movie thread (MARK YOUR SPOILERS!)

  1. #1

    Default The 'WATCHMEN' Movie thread (MARK YOUR SPOILERS!)

    hmm so i saw this movie yesterday and suffice to say...

    it wasnt too bad...Obviously stuff had to be cut out but im more excited about the 3 hour directors cut lol! for a 2hr 40min movie i didnt feel like it dragged on.

    Now i wasnt as miffed about the ending...but i only read the graphic novel about twice when the first teaser came out so i maybe not as fussed about it as say a general fanboy or whatever but (SPOILER)they go to a similar conclusion its just how the got there that was different...Dr Manhatten bombs instead of the squid...

    hmm i dont remember all them having super strength

    Rorschach in movie form is just as awesome in the GN btw! Jeffrey Dean Morgan stood out as the Comedian too!

    Malin Ackerman is teh hottness lol!

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  2. #2
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I haven't seen the film yet, but I can definitely see why they felt it necessary to change certain details of the ending, just because they depended upon a number of extraneous plot threads to make even the smallest fragment of sense (granted, it's still pretty much out of left field). Including those plot threads would've added at least another half hour to the running time, and I can't even really think of an elegant way it could've been done.

    That said, YouTube - Watchmen - Hitler finds out about new Watchmen ending for great lulz.

    anyway I'll probably go see it tomorrow (well, today) or sometime this weekend.
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  3. #3


    I'm going to see it tomorrow, I'm hoping that a matinee won't have as many fanboys (they only go out at night I hear). I only got around to reading the novel last weekend, so I'm pretty excited although not really expecting anything great or anything horrible.

    I don't get the new ending, I mean I'm not surprised they switched it, but uh, I guess I just have to see it to understand really.

  4. #4
    Darkswordofchaos's Avatar
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    I saw it last night it was pretty good. i though all of the heros were played really weel especially Rorschach

  5. #5
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    I wouldn't stress about the ending too much. The end result is entirely the same, how they got there is different. Things edited out of course.

    I found it amusing that with all the gore and penis, they couldn't show someone vomiting.

  6. #6
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    I was immensely satisfied with the movie, to be honest. I agree with JKTrix's assessment of the changes to the end: although they changed how they got there, the result was ultimately unmodified. To keep the original ending, they would have had to add all the previously mentioned subplots for it to make sense, and given that the movie was already two hours and forty-three minutes long, I can understand the resistance to such a thing.

    Otherwise, I thought they did an amazing job of keeping true to the source material; when a few scenes stick out at you as "oh man, that was actually a panel from the graphic novel!" then you know they've done a good job of keeping faithful.

    I highly recommend the film, but I recommend reading Watchmen beforehand. Seems it's getting poor reviews due largely to the story-telling, but I think that's probably because most of the negative reviews I've read seem to be by people unfamiliar with the source material itself.

  7. #7


    Overall, I liked it, but I had issues with it. The was several scenes that had pacing issues, requiring you to read the book to get how they got there. Regardless of the fact there is a book, that makes for bad story-telling. Hopefully, the director's cut fixes this issue.

    I had issues with the music choices. Most of the choices worked, but some, (SPOILER)like the music in the Owlship sex scene, made the movie awkward, unintentionally prompting laughs from the audience.

    I also had issues with the ending. Not because it's different, though given how many new scenes were added to include the (SPOILER)energy crisis subplot, I don't see why they couldn't have done it. But, my real issue is that the new ending doesn't work, realistically. (SPOILER)The original ending worked, because the attack was from an outside force. But Dr. Manhattan was an American citizen that, just two days prior, the rest of the world perceived as a god-like force protecting the U.S. Even if he did attack America, as well, that fact isn't gonna make the rest of the world sympathize with America. They would likely blame America for creating him and causing the mess.

    The rest of the film I was cool with, pacing issues and all, but the ending annoyed me.
    Last edited by Winter Nights; 03-07-2009 at 07:44 PM.
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  8. #8
    Magixion's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed the movie. Though, the subtle changes were there, they did not adversely affect the movie. Granted, a few friends I went with had not read the graphic novel, so I had to fill them in a bit on what happened. Though my friends hadn't read the graphic novel, they all really enjoyed it as well. I felt the music went really well with it too. Even you did chuckle a few times, I think it was necessary to have a bit of humor in there to lighten the mood and remind people it is still a super hero movie and should not be taken -too- seriously.

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  9. #9


    That kinda undermines the whole point of "Watchmen", though.
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    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I didn't really mind the major change to the ending; if you don't buy that then you don't buy the entire premise behind the movie Fail-Safe either. The music choices didn't really bother me all that much either, apart from that awful cover of Desolation Row; nearly all the songs used in the film were mentioned somewhere in the text, with the exception of 99 Luftballoons, which was really the only one of those I could find to be "questionable"; even then, it would've been much less so had it not been humorously featured in a recent episode of 30 Rock, which is hardly the director's fault.

    The changes that irked me by the most were in chapter six of the original graphic novel, which explains Rorschach's origin story. Having Rorschach (SPOILER)smash the guy's head in with a meat cleaver gives a completely different effect to the original where he lit the whole house on fire, and his whole following monologue to the psychiatrist was ruined as well (though maybe that'll be restored in the director's cut, but a substantial portion of the literary symbolism would be missing anyway). There were all kinds of little changes like that throughout the film, a lot of which I thought rather missed the subtlety of the original.

    Despite that I enjoyed it and will probably even go see it again - it's probably the best adaptation we could have hoped for out of Hollywood these days - but it's not the 10/10 film it could have been. It's probably a 7/10 at best.
    Last edited by The Man; 03-08-2009 at 05:22 AM.
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    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I didn't enjoy the first half hour or so because it was all character development and I didn't follow all of it, but after they got through that rough spot and we heard someone's thoughts other than rorschach's, I liked it better. I reaaaaaaally liked Night Owl

    The music was kinda weird, but I appreciated its role in setting the time frame. It just highlights just how much classic rock/70s music I know compared to contemporary stuff

  12. #12
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I thought it was really great, but admittedly haven't read the graphic novel to compare to. It seems to play an interesting counter-point to Batman Begins/TDK. In the Nolan Batman movies, we see standard superhero moral sets being played out in a gritty, realistic world, where with the watchmen it's the other way around - a gritty, realistic moral set in a standard superhero world. There's a lot of food for thought and I'm most definitely going to have to read the book to understand the whole story better.

  13. #13
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    I think they need to cut more here and there and extend more here and there. Add a line of dialog here and there when there was none. Transitioning things a bit better would have help a lot also. I also felt there was a lot of wasted time that could have been better used to add more dialog in other scenes.

    I felt the first half of the movie was rather awkward but once things turned away from mars it all started to come together a bit better. Also why was the cat thing there(I don't know how to spell its name and I am not looking it up)? Did I miss the line of dialog about genetic engineering?

    I also thought the fights were a bit over the top and crazy for people with no real super powers. That said I did enjoy it.

  14. #14


    Yeah, the explanation of Bubastis relates to the original ending, so now she's just randomly there for no reason other than having a CGI lynx in the mix.

    Weird question though. Did anyone else's audience burst into laughter during the (SPOILER)attempted rape of Sally Jupiter? That was the most awkward moment of the entire movie for me. It wasn't the whole audience, but a large portion of people just started laughing hysterically. Smurfing college towns...
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  15. #15
    Darkswordofchaos's Avatar
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    lol. when i saw it every one in the theater burst into a great big aplause when(SPOILER)That black dud comes up to Rorschach in prison and tries to shank him but gets a broken hand and gets his face fried. my favorite part

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