I ate a weed brownie last night and got pretty wrecked which probably contributed to my waking up at 4 PM. I ate dinner. I finished reading Watchmen. Now I am sitting here doing nothing. Being on Spring Break means pretty much no obligations whatsoever so I take full advantage of it, as you can probably see.


What are you planning on doing with the rest of the day/night?

I'm going to meet up with some of my other friends who are on Spring Break as well. We'll probably get high (there is pretty much nothing else to do in this middle of nowhere town, don't villainize me for it :aimmeh, go to the Casino, look at all the pretty lights, then dominate Time Crisis 2 in the arcade (we hold the high scores for 1st-3rd and then 5th-10th). I will probably then return home, raid my refrigerator, listen to Pink Floyd, and go to bed when my eyelids feel heavy enough.

how about you.