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Thread: Final Fantasy IX project

  1. #1
    red headed monkey dude sir helix's Avatar
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    Default Final Fantasy IX project

    (if this is considered as advertising please just lock it)

    i don't know if its been done befor or not. but im going to novelize FF9, Ill be using exact dialogue as wel as changing some to fit in more emotion. Ill most likly include small side quest events as well as major discriptions of the surroundings, and of course Steiner will be called rusty.

    Iv done many writing projects in the past and failed to use good spelling and punctuation, so this time i'm gonna try my best.

    ill post a link in the future, so that i can get feedback and advise as to make it better.

    so is there any key points in the game that i shouldn'e cut? and are there ones i should? these are the thing im looking to the eoff co for help on.

  2. #2
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    I'll be glad to give you some help. I have a lot of experience on writing fiction. If you're concerned about spelling and grammar I reccommend that you study the dictionary for a while and for grammar, check out a book called Strunk and White's Elements of Style or any grammar book you can find.

    I don't think there are any story elements in IX that should be cut.

  3. #3
    red headed monkey dude sir helix's Avatar
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    This is the part of the first chapter. I added to the meetinf scene with some slight comedy and done a comlete switch to the part were vivi turns in his ticket, (you'll wanna slap the vendor).

    The sun had just rose high and the mist had gathered in the sky. cutting through the mist was the stern chest of a mermaid figurehead positioned elegantly on the front of a large theatre Airship. gulls flew passionatly beside the mast and sails, But on deck no life was visable, Yet down below A young thief with a monkey tail walked with himself down a long hall as the ship rocked gently in the wind. He loved being a thief, it was his single passion along with his Treasured dagger he kept close to his side. The sounds of the old wooden ship's hull creaking was music to his ears. He came to a lone door and pushed threw, lighting a candle alowing him to peer a short distance through out the room. Walking to the room's center he lit a lanturn and the room was completly illuminated.

    "Whoes there?" yells a voice from behind the door.

    "Blank! Its just me! Zidane." Zidane gave a small wave to his comrads as they filed into the room and all four of them saluted.

    "Man your late." Blank laughed, taking his normal spot in the corner, Folding his arms. Blank was dressed more on the barbarian side, His dark red hair and his face mask made him stand out drastcly.

    Zidane traded a couple slugs with Cinna, who steadied his large hammer over his left shoulder and made way for Marcus to get a few in.

    "So wheres the boss?" Zidane asked with extra joy in his voice.

    "Ain't here yet." Cinna shrugged.

    At the opposite side of the door, a man with a dragon mask jumped into the room from one of the portholes, swinging his steel wildly. Marcus and Blank from the corner drew their blades and blocked for Cinnaas he swung his hammer. The Masked man was hit and sluggishly balanced him self. jumpping of off the make shift lift of Marcus' sword he slashed the the maks down the center and it shattered.

    The Boss, Baku, cried out in pain, grabbing his temples and kicking the mask pieces out of his way as he made his way to the room that Marcus, Cinna, and Blank entered from.

    "Alright boys, lets get this meeting started."

    The five of them crammed in around a table with a realy bad madel of the great Alexandria castle.

    "Heres the plan. Tantalus, Thats us, we're headin' to the castle of Alexandria. the mission, Steal er kidnap the heir to the throne princess Garnet!" the Baku holds up a ragdoll with "Garnet" written on the back.

    Cinna hopped off of his rump. "i'll take it from here, Soon our ship'll dock at Alexandria, And when it does we'll put on our costumes and" he took a large gulp. "And perform the most popular play in Alexandria 'I wanna ba your canary. Marcus get ready cause your lead."

    "Just leave the actin' to me, I'v been practicin!" he proclaimed as he drew his sword and swung it. Zidane and blank immediately dropped to the floor to escape decapitation. "but the real Kidnappers'll be Blank an Zidane.

    Blank lifted himself off the floor and help up a cage of little bug like creatures.

    "If we live that long!" he said staring at Marcus. "I'll distract them with these damn things, Man i hate oglops." he put his free hand on Zidane's shoulder. "But i'll manage. Thats your cue zidane."

    "So i swoop in and steal Queen Brahne,right?" He snickered.

    cinna smiled and spoke. "You bet, your'e gonna steal the fat-ass but-ugly queen Brah- what the hell'm i sayin! Garnet, Garnet, Garnet."

    Baku crossed his arms and extended them over the model as if he was god.

    "We're gonna kidnap the most babe-licious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet."

    They left the Room and baku went to the deck. The helmsman turns the wheel sharp and They float toward the Castle. Down below, A small boy looks up and gazes at the large theatre above his head. Vivi had tried so hard to get his hands on a ticket to 'i wanna be your canary'. And he had finaly found one. The nobles had filled The town and all horded into the castle for the show, He tried to follow but was knocked down into the city dirt. His ticket flew from his hands and landed in the lap of a little girl.

    "Are you alright?" the girl knelt down beside the mage. "Here. You dwopped your ticket." Vivi stood and took it from her thankfully. he waved bye and walked off with a pack of other children.

    As skilled as he was in the art of black magic, He was still no match for society. He looked different than everyone else. His skin was like a mass of black light with two yellow eyes, he had not physical features and could only show emotion by his selfpity acts. His cloths were all patched up and filthy.

    He waltzed into te ticket vendor to gain access to the castle, He handed over the ticket gladly.

    "Whats this? is it another fake? I'm afraid so. shoo shoo, off with you!" The vendor ripped the tickit up and tossed the pieces in vivi's face.

    "No, there must be a mistake!" vivi yelled as the vendor shoved him out onto the street.

    He looked up and down the giant walls of the town, it once was Beautiful now it was gloomy. he perched himself on the ground. a cart drawn by a large yellow chocobo bird ran past him and water splashed and he was soaked completly.

    "what else could go wrong?" He asked himself, placing his face in his hands. If he could cry he would have. but with tears he was ilequiped.

    Aross the street, Hiding in the allyway, A rat kid walked like a dope toward him. He kept his face tipped up and looked down at the sniffling mage.

    "So! You wanna see da show? right?" the rat kid asked with a snob gleem.

    "More than anything! Can you get me in?" Vivi stood and looked at the kid as if he was the hero of the universe.

    "Sure can, but it only has one catch, You have to be my slave."

  4. #4


    wow this is good and I do want to kill the ticket vendor.

  5. #5
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Yes. More killings pls.

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