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Thread: Character Spotlight: Jecht

  1. #1

    Default Character Spotlight: Jecht

    Who here likes Jecht?

    I do, this anti-villain is one of my favorite characters in FFX. He was kinda lousy father but as a person he was still good guy. Tidus was totally different kind of person and this Jecht was unable to see. But I never liked Tidus so I donīt care if he was mistreated. Though child shouldnīt have to be negleted by his own father.

    Also Tidus is pretty selfish. Jecht gave his life for saving Spira from Sin and still Tidus was " why donīt you love me dad?"

    It would be interesting to see Jechtīs quest through Spira with his buddies Auron and Braska.

  2. #2
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    I always thought that if they were going to do another FFX game then following the quest of Jecht, Auron and Braska would be pretty fun, though I guess in many aspects it would be very similar to FFX itself. I'm sure they could put some new locations and events in though, so perhaps it wouldn't. I'd have looked forward to its release anyway.

    As a character though, I was never that fussed with Jecht. I felt sometimes he acted in a manner that seemed slightly over the top, mean and wasn't terribly interesting. Not a terrible character, but not one that was anything close to me considering unique or particularly interesting.
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  3. #3
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    Also Tidus is pretty selfish. Jecht gave his life for saving Spira from Sin and still Tidus was " why donīt you love me dad?"
    He was more saying that he hated him and i could understand the impact it had on him in his childhood and paritally later on since he played on his team and he also believed his mother's death was caused by his departure.
    He was waiting to let all his emotions out on him for years, but of course you could tell that he forgave him.

    Jecht was okay. he just slightly reminded me of someone i know.

  4. #4


    I like Jecht

    Hes kinda the guy that doesn't really say "fatherly things" to his sone, but he still cares...
    He cares, but, he just says it in the wrong way...

  5. #5
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    Jecht is the man. He's the reason I made my name Guardian XIII.

  6. #6
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Jecht is a drunkard that like to go around topless and abuse his son. Truly a real man of culture.

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