What makes a person bad or evil. What makes bad or evil is in the eye of the beholder.

Also, can you really say even Adolf Hitler or any other person is "evil"? Yes, i do acknowledge that he killed numerous counts of innocent people. And i know he experimented on others too. But can you really say he is evil?
I know he did horrible things. Yeah, he should not have blamed others for his country's failings, and he should not have tried to conquer half the world, and he should not have killed all those people. But, can you really say he is evil?

He only tried restore his country's honor and power.(At first, or so i believe.) He tried to help his country at first(i believe), but instead,he took everything to a radical extreme, once he saw he could gain massive power and control. Like people say, power corrupts. And along with that, money is the root of all evil, as this whole war may not have happened if Germany was not in such debt.

That's my opinion anyway. That's why i won't say Vayne is evil or not.