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Thread: Jade Empire

  1. #1
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Default Jade Empire

    I wanted to get this back when it came out, but for a reason I can't remember, I never did. Anyway, I downloaded it to my 360 last night, and I must say that I am quite impressed. It's very interesting to see BioWare do a Knights of the Old Republic style game with out all the Star Wars dressing.

    What are your thoughts on the game? I am early in the game so please, no spoilers.

  2. #2
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Jade Empire is okay but I thought it fell far short of KOTOR. I thought the game was overly linear in comparison. I think that is probably what I hated about the game the most. I never felt the need to want to play it again. It was fun but I had more fun with KOTOR.

    Wait...I did play through it a second time. First time I was a complete ass hat and the second time I was a total pussy XD

  3. #3
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    First time I was a complete ass hat and the second time I was a total pussy XD
    It's very difficult for me to imagine you playing through one of those games as a good guy. Knowing you, you probably felt dirty for playing the good guy. I bet you cried in the shower too. Also, you punched someone in the face.

  4. #4


    At first it had a lot of appeal to me. I was having fun, digging the story and so forth. But after a while fighting became a chore and I grew tired of staring at someone's face and huge blocks of text for hours. Overall it's a really good game, but I only played through it once. I couldn't get through it again, despite the replay value.

  5. #5


    I actually don't think the replay value is very high. I think it's high enough to play it a second time and see what odd dialogue branches you can get, but most of the dialogue is the same no matter what you do. There are a few alignment-specific quests and abilities, but that's about as deep as the alignment system goes. The story is very linear, though the linearity is masked by the dialogue system and the hope that there is more content to explore than there really is.

    I'm not saying the game isn't good. I thought it was a nice departure for BioWare, and it's definitely worth a playthrough or two, but I wouldn't say it's a favourite.

  6. #6


    I got the special edition when it first came out because I was a total BioWare fanboy due to the awesomeness of Baldur's Gate and KOTOR. And this is nothing like those games :/ I never finished it. There were never enough dialogue options. Not enough depth or variety in the story. As stated its a little linear. Its not what I'd call an RPG. Its just an action/adventure game with a few RPG elements to it and nothing to special to puff it up any. My brother really loved the game. I just couldn't see it through

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