It seems for every Hills,there is an Amazing Race, for every A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila, there's a Mole.

It seems like Reality TV is hurting itself, there is so many obviously contrived and ridiculous television shows, which is putting smarter, better, reality shows to shame.

So, what reality shows, if any, do you like, because they are smarter.

I like Survivor, not the whole 'Drama Island' Survivor, the social strategy Survivor. Survivor is like two shows, one part is the Real World-esque stupid crap where the 'likable and strong' are deserving. I'm into the Mafia-esque social strategic game. Survivor can be for smart people, but its overshadowed by the not-so-great players.

I like Amazing Race, as well. It involves culture and travel skills.

So, what reality shows do you legitamately like for real reasons as opposed for a guilty pleasure?