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Thread: Michael!!! NOOOO!!!!

  1. #46
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    I'm not going to pretend I was a fan of his, because I wasn't-- but his death was surely a surprise, and it's a shame, much like Farrah Fawcett's (too lazy to post in both threads, sorry )

    I see a couple of people on my Facebook making snide comments about how 'the pedophile is dead'. Stupid conservatives. =<

  2. #47
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    I liked Michael. RIP.
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

  3. #48
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    It does suck he died, but I'm going to play the black sheep here.

    His death is not a surprise. At all. The man may not have been old, but he certainly wasn't young. It's somewhat commonplace to have heartattacks at that age. This just shows Michael is a man like any other.

    And I"ve always wondered, why do people only seem to speak of the good things a man did when he dies? Does his death somehow right his wrongs? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he definately molested the kids(I'm fairly sure he did, but thats hardly the point), as I barely payed attention to the details, but people who were constantly after him for that, sure he did it, will now be all ass-kissing now that the guy is dead, almost as if none of that ever happened?

    The people who went after him for him loosing touch with reality, being a horrible father, and all that, now turn and say he was an amazing person? Something about all that disgusts me.

    I'm not going to sit here and pretend I think he was a great man, I'm not going to pretend to be particularly sad he died. Again, I'm never happy another human dies like this, but at the same time it happens. life moves on.
    He was more than just an icon, he had transcended that, people grew up listening to his music, he was a huge part of a generation. Regardless what he may have done to tarnish himself, it's impossible to overlook what he did for Pop Culture.

  4. #49
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    He was a musical legend, pop icon, trendsetter, and amazing entertainer. If you look at many musicians today you'll see that many of them have taken from Michael Jackson whether they wanted to or not. E! released pictures of Michael Jackson rehearsing a week ago. He looked relatively healthy and happy; well as healthy as he could look at that rate. There's so many fans making vigils outside UCLA medical center. And Jermaine gave a short speech about him.

  5. #50
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    He is faking his death. Calling it now.

    Seriously, though. That's too bad. He did put his body through a lot throughout the years.

  6. #51
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    Really sad man. I was just watching the MJ marathon on BET. Truly great singer.

    I'm trying to decide what's better.
    Dancing Egyptians or Dancing Zombies?

  7. #52
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    This came as a total shock to me. I kinda knew he's put himself through the wringer a few times but to have him finally pass on is really sad. I did a cosplay skit a few years ago that ended with a Thriller number. Despite being a bit eccentric... I really respected the man as an artist.

    Some of my favorite videos.

    YouTube - Michael Jackson - Scream

    YouTube - Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

    YouTube - Michael Jackson - Thriller

  8. #53
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    Thriller is the best.

  9. #54


    I dunno about anyone else but we were competing at work to see who had the most texts from people telling them the news. This seemed to spread faster than news of 9/11

    I was kinda hoping MJ would one day redeem his legacy. But alas. At least it started out awesome. Remember the good times

  10. #55
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    I've heard all of my life that death comes in groups of 3: Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett both died today, and Ed McMahon passed away earlier this week. It's definitely a sad time in the entertainment world, and the world in general.

    Michael Jackson is probably the biggest musical influence of our generation (up there with Sinatra and Elvis), and his death has shocked and stunned us all so much. I haven't shed a tear because I just can't believe that someone so pervasive in America's culture has died. It's weird and numbing in a way. This is definitely one of those "you'll remember where you were" moments.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    It does suck he died, but I'm going to play the black sheep here.

    His death is not a surprise. At all. The man may not have been old, but he certainly wasn't young. It's somewhat commonplace to have heartattacks at that age. This just shows Michael is a man like any other.

    And I"ve always wondered, why do people only seem to speak of the good things a man did when he dies? Does his death somehow right his wrongs? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he definately molested the kids(I'm fairly sure he did, but thats hardly the point), as I barely payed attention to the details, but people who were constantly after him for that, sure he did it, will now be all ass-kissing now that the guy is dead, almost as if none of that ever happened?

    The people who went after him for him loosing touch with reality, being a horrible father, and all that, now turn and say he was an amazing person? Something about all that disgusts me.

    I'm not going to sit here and pretend I think he was a great man, I'm not going to pretend to be particularly sad he died. Again, I'm never happy another human dies like this, but at the same time it happens. life moves on.
    The molestation allegations (and charges of which he was all acquitted) that plagued Michael Jackson during his later years are bad, and will surely haunt his name well on into the future, but his musical genius and status as a legend is what people will remember when they think of Michael Jackson. He touched a lot of people's lives and inspired generations.

    And have you forgotten little Ryan White, the little boy whom Michael Jackson was one of the biggest supporters and advocates? Or his generous donations to the American Cancer Society, Volunteers of America, YMCA, AIDS Project L.A. and dozens of other charities?

    You can choose to believe whatever you want about him, but I refuse to think of Michael Jackson as anything other than an American legend.

    EDIT: I hope I didn't sound harsh, Neo. I wasn't trying to attack you or anything! xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    I'm trying to decide what's better.
    Dancing Egyptians or Dancing Zombies?
    I love both, but "Remember the Time" is my favorite Michael song! (Well, tied with "PYT")
    Last edited by Dynast-Kid; 06-26-2009 at 06:41 AM.

  11. #56
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    While I have no respect for Michael Jackson as a person, I separate that entity from him as a musician. Losing the King of Pop is worth mourning.

  12. #57


    First off, I should say I don't understand WHY people are so surprised, not necessarily that it's not a surprise, that probably makes more sense.

    And yes, Michael has done good things, I never said otherwise. But donating charities, supporting causes, doing good things for the world, Jackson is far from being alone in doing this. Hell, random people that all the time, yet no one puts them down as legends for it. The only difference in charaties is how much they can donate, so because he happens to be richer then them he deserves to be a legend for it?

    And no Boko, he doesn't transcend an Icon. What you described IS an Icon. People grew up listening to a lot of other peoples music too, and other artists had a major impact on the industry and several peoples lives. Jackson simply had more pressence then a lot of people so stuck around longer.

    Again, I wasn't even SAYING much about him, I was mostly expressing my disgust of people who just seem to forget all the bad things that either he did or they thought he did just because he's dead, cause that's never going to change, and outside of ones own appearance in mind, I can't imagine why they would suddenly seem to forget all those things.

    I'm not trying to deny anything he's done, at all. I know very well he's done some good, and that he's had a major impact on music and culture in general.

    I'd go on, but I have a really hard time putting what I think into words without it sounding horribly wrong, so I'm not even going to try right now.

  13. #58
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    Well, he was a big part of a lot of childhoods - both him and Janet (that's enough for most people). Michael Jackson is the earliest and most memorable artist I can remember listening to. I remember staying up late with my cousin just to watch the premiere of <a href="" target="_blank">Scream</a>. XD

    Also, Thriller is and will always be AWESOME.

    Also, also, even though I'm saddened by Michael's death, the mourning Pedo Bear images crack me up.

  14. #59
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    I was really surprised to learn about his death. At first I was like "It can't be true, it's some kind of media stunt." But, of course it wasn't.

    It feels so surreal. I grew up listening to his music, and as a kid I was a huge fan of his (I'm still a big fan of his music). It's just so weird that his death is all over the news. It just happened so suddenly I suppose.


  15. #60
    Aydin's Avatar
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    I was surprised to hear that he was in a coma earlier this morning from my brother and that he most likely will not come out of it. Then later, I heard that he died. It came so suddenly! Even though I wasn't really a fan of his, I grew up listening to his music and it's a real shame that someone like him could die. (It's ridiculous of me to think such a thing. Maybe this is just of the experiences we must face to grow up.) I know he did amazing things for the world aside from just making music and I wish I could say that I had the utmost respect for him but I am guilty as well for making fun of him for being a pedophile. (Although I believe he really isn't..) I wish him to Rest in Peace and I will miss him and I am also sure many others would as well...

    -listening to Billie Jean-

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