It's been a while since I've last been on EoFF. It's not only because of my busy real life, but it's also because I've seem to have lost my "desire" to be here. Yeah, I've been keeping up to date with all the news on EoFF, like me winning the most serious member Ciddie (about time one was invented) and Laddy stealing my weirdest member Ciddie, which I don't care about much for some reason anymore, like I would in the past. (realizes that EoFFers will just think of me as selfish since I'm only talking about news involving me.) Well, I also know about oddler's marriage and Micheal Jackson's death (okay, maybe the latter piece of news isn't really EoFF related).

Currently, I feel really weird. I feel like I'm De-Evastioizing. Well, what I mean by that is I'm losing all of my "defining" personality traits like my "too lazy to let it go" personality, as well as my tenseness and ardence. I guess it's a good thing in some ways since I won't be getting angry as much, or be feeling as stressed out all the time. At the same time though, I want to retain those traits because I feel like I need them, because without them I'll become like everyone else (I hope no one takes offense at me saying that) and I'll no longer feel unique. Without my passion I'll probably no longer be chasing buses anymore thinking I'll be able to reach them and get to my destination early/on time (which is really bad since not only will I be late more often, but I'll also lose my only source of excercise. Yeah, laugh at that all you want. I even make jokes about it myself so it won't offend me). I don't really know how to get back my drive though...

(realizes Staff and CKs are eyeing this thread right now ready to close it at any second, uh, no offense Staff and CKs)

So my topic is, what do you EoFFers do to get back your drive, or your desire to do things?