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Thread: Best Final Fantasies, Categorized

  1. #1
    BizarroSephiroth's Avatar
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    Default Best Final Fantasies, Categorized

    Basically, for each of the following categories, which Final Fantasy is the best/worst? And then, which Final Fantasy do you like the most?

    My BEST:

    Story- Final Fantasy 7. No contest

    Gameplay (Battle System and such)- Final Fantasy 10. I loved the turn based system, idk why.

    Music- Final Fantasy 8. Every song just really seemed to be perfectly orchestrated and fit each scenario perfectly. And Fithos Lusec is to DIE for

    Best Main Character- Cloud, FF7. The way he progresses throughout the game really captured me, and the secrets revealed about his life were a real interest of mine. Also coming in a very close 2nd place is Tidus from FFX

    Best Villain: Sephiroth, FF7. You cannot contest with a villain this badass. Coming in a close second is Kefka Palazzo from FF6.


    Story- FF9. I just never really got into it as well as any of the other FF games.

    Gameplay- FF12. I hated the free roaming system honestly. I felt that it wasn't really "FF". It seemed a little much like Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time, which, don't get me wrong is a FANTASTIC game, but something about FFXII's system I just didn't like.

    Music- FFX-2. The music, aside from a few tracks, was pretty much god awful.

    Worst Main Character- Paine(FFX-2)- Aside from not really being a TRUE "Main" Character, they just did not reveal enough about her. It just seemed like she popped up. I had no idea who she was even at the end.

    Worst Villain- Shuyin(Vegnagun)(FFX-2) This was tough to choose, but this Shuyin dude just didn't seem to be explained enough, although i understood that he was basically from the REAL Zanarkand, as Tidus was from the Dream Zanarkand.

    BEST FF IN GENERAL: FF7! My first FF, and I can only speak volumes about how I connect to this game's story, and just sink into it. Its almost like, when I play it, i feel like I'm a part of the story because I follow every detail so closely because it's so capturing. Favorite one for sure
    Last edited by BizarroSephiroth; 07-02-2009 at 12:23 AM.

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  2. #2
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Before I post mine I must comment on this.

    [QUOTE=BizarroSephiroth;2682237]Worst Main Character- Paine(FFX-2)- Aside from not really being a TRUE "Main" Character, they just did not reveal enough about her. It just seemed like she popped up. I had no idea who she was even at the end.[/spoiler]

    Really? I felt X-2 was more about her than anyone else. Everything was about her. She was the recorder with that squad that freed Shuyin. Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai were linked in with her more than Yuna or Rikku. I thought she got plenty of development.

    Story - I
    It was short and too the point. Go grab these orb thingies and kill the big guy and everything else between here and there.

    It was short too, but more fleshed out if that makes since. No padding and useless stuff going on.

    Gameplay (Battle System and such) - X-2
    It was fast paced and fun.

    Music - V
    Clash on the Big Bridge, that is all.

    Best Main Character- Butz
    His name is Butz and he teamed up with three girls. He's my hero.

    Best Villain - Seymour
    Tenacious bastard. I had to kill him four times!


    Story - VIII
    I gotta admit. I wasn't paying too much attention.

    Gameplay - XII
    Meh, why couldn't there be better gambits. Like use Black Magic or White Magic. Why did they have to be so specific?

    Music - I
    I couldn't really say anything before when it was on the Nes and limited. But it's been remade, it wouldn't hurt to had more tracks.

    Worst Main Character - Squall
    His apatheticness got on my nerves. Rinoa should have pushed him out the airlock first chance she got.

    Worst Villain - Queen Braine
    True villain or not, she's ugly and I hate her.

  3. #3
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Story- FFX

    Gameplay (Battle System and such)- Hmm...either FFX, FFX-2, or FFXII. Can't really pick one among the three.

    Music- FFX. I loved ever single track in the game minus the main battle and boss battle theme. All of the special battle themes were awesome, though.

    Best Main Character- Tidus or Cloud. Balthier is also neat.

    Best Villain: Kefka, I guess. Dr. Cid was pretty cool, too.


    Story- FFIV. OH NO HE'S DEAD. No it's cool, he's just really really sick. He gets better.

    Gameplay- Ehh, just wasn't too fond of a lot of the pre-FFVI games to be honest. They just seemed kinda boring, minus FFIII.

    Music- There wasn't really any I especially didn't like. I guess I'd say anything pre-FFVII because I don't like SNESy music.

    Worst Main Character- I didn't really like Cecil.

    Worst Villain- Sephiroth.

    BEST FF IN GENERAL: FFX for sure! I just love everything about it.

  4. #4


    I'm only going to comment on ones that I've played completely here (as in, at the very least, the storyline and the majority of the optional bosses - although with the sole exception of Omega Weapon in FF6 Advance, I've beaten all of them too). That means FF6 to FFX-2.


    Final Fantasy X. The others I've played simply didn't seem to have that much of a story to them, it was there but very overlapped with random nonsense.

    Gameplay: Final Fantasy X. I LOVE the CTB system, it's so much more strategic. I quite liked FF8's junction system, but not nearly enough to make it top.

    Music: Tough decision between VIII and X here. They both have their good and bad points.

    Main Character: That's quite a tough one. I'm not much of a Cloud or Tidus fan, but that aside, I find it tough to decide between Terra, Squall and Zidane. Zidane is epicly funny, Squall actually has interesting character, and Terra is HAWT.

    Villian: Kuja. FFX doesn't have any true villian as such, except for Seymour, who just isn't that good as one. (Jecht is not at all evil, Sin has no evil intent but was just doing what it was programmed to do, and Yu Yevon wasn't really evil as such either, just desperate to keep his town alive.) Ultimecia was too absent for the majority of the game, Sephiroth is overrated, and Kefka was just insane. Shuyin, let's not even go there. >_> That being said, Kuja is more top by the reason of "the other's aren't as good" than that of "he's better".


    Story: Final Fantasy X-2. There pretty much WAS no story to it.

    Gameplay: Final Fantasy 7. Materia was either annoying, or a game breaker, depending on how you used it. The battle system was too basic for my liking.

    Music: FFX-2. While it does have some good tracks (such as Yuna's Ballad and Aeon Battle, and the two proper songs), most of the music was just... boring.

    Main Character: Cloud. I know I'm going to get flamed for that, but he just seemed to not have much character to him.

    Villian: Kefka. Beyond insanity he seemed to have no motivation or story to him, from what I could tell.

    Best FF Overall: Final Fantasy X. 'nuff said. FF8 would be second, but not by any means a close second.
    Last edited by killiancurse21; 07-02-2009 at 01:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Story-VII. People get it a lot of heat, but it really is brilliant, it would work much better if the translation issues were resolved. RunnerUp-VI

    Gameplay-IX. The character development system is fun while character still have a sense of identity. RunnerUp-IV

    Music-X. I think the tracks were pretty and added to the drama. RunnerUp-VI

    Main Character-VI. Terra was likable and was removed of all the bland trappings other female protaginists had. RunnerUp-IX

    Villian-VI. Kefka is a riot, and the twist of him actually destroying the world is brilliant. RunnerUp-V

    Best FF Overall-VII


    Story-XII. The characters weren't involved, the plot was pretty passive, and the developers confused 'mature' with 'dull.'

    Gameplay-II. It's simply not very fun, the Leveling System is cheap and ridiculous, imo.

    Music-V. It was kinda bleh for me.

    Main Character-XII. Vaan was riduclous, he had zero significance with anything.

    Villian-Cloud of Darkness. I am here. I am villian. Fight me.

    Worst FF Overall-XII. It's a good game, but it 'progressed' in all the wrong ways.

  6. #6



    Story-VII. its very unique, a brilliant story and a fascinating world

    Gameplay-XII- its so much more fun, i really don't get why people prefer tedious Turn base.

    Music-VIII, great music or X or IX

    Main Character-an unusual choice, but Ashe XII, because she is a strong female lead and although she is icy she has a set plan and she sticks too it with dubious morality exlored, she wasn't perfect angel like some of the other female leads (Yuna for example). Plus she can give Cloud a run for his money in the sword/angst department

    Villian-VI. Kefka, because he achieved some bad ass stuff, or Sephiroth VII for what he done to Aeris

    Best FF Overall-VII or XII



    Gameplay- X i hate the sphere grid

    Music- umm not sure V i guess

    Main Character- Tidus, X i like him but his outfit is just godawful

    Villian- umm dunno actually the one from III

    Worst FF Overall-VIII, its good and the story is very interesting at parts, but its a bit immature at sometimes and Squall's love for Rinoa is rushed, but still sweet
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  7. #7
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Story: Final Fantasy VI - lots of characters, lots of story, lots of optional stuff

    Gameplay: Final Fantasy V - tons of customization

    Music: Definitely VIII. Has the best overall music that I can honestly enjoy just listening to.

    Main Character: Squall - despite everyone's hate for him, I find him to be the most realistic character in any of the games. The only issue is that his character development felt a bit rushed, and would have been a lot better in a longer more fleshed out game.

    Villian: Kefka. I just enjoyed his character so much. The fact that he actually destroyed the world and ruled over it makes him one of the few villains to actually accomplish his goals.

    Overall: I can't pick one. I normally say VI, but I actually really loved V and VIII as well.


    Story: Final Fantasy III. To be fair, I don't even really understand the story. So my other choice is Final Fantasy IV. I hate how linear it is, I hate how you can't choose a character or customize them at all (both changed in GBA/DS version but still) and I completely hate the, omg that character died! nope, they're all fine.

    Gameplay: Final Fantasy II. Worst system ever.

    Music: XII, because it wasn't Nobuo.

    Main Character: Tidus. I just didn't like him. He didn't even end up in my "final party," which from what I can tell, is unusual for that game.

    Villian: Sephiroth. He was just a crybaby. And it was all for his mommy.

    Overall: II or IV. I've never beaten II, and I just don't enjoy playing IV.

    IX is the only numbered game from 1-12 that I haven't played a substantial amount, and it's honestly because the game just seems to have horrid load times, and I only recently was able to start playing it. I haven't finished IX, X(X-2 as well), or XII, and clearly II, but I have finished the others.

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    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    Story- Final Fantasy 10.

    Gameplay- FF10 and 12.

    Music- FF10.

    Best Main Character- One from the early FFs, so lets pick Cecil..

    Best Villain: Garland.


    Story- FFX-2.

    Gameplay- FFX-2, going back to the old ATB didnt make any sense to me..

    Music- FF3, I like all the music from ff, but the ff3 soundtrack wasnt too appealing to me.

    Worst Main Character- I dont know really..

    Worst Villain- Shuyin/Vegnagun, and that Genesis guy from Crisis Core.

    BEST FF IN GENERAL: FF1 has always been my fav.
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  9. #9
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Story- VIII. A movie in a game. I was completely captivated by the story of VIII

    Gameplay- XII had awesome gameplay from every aspect

    Music- ..hmm.. Toss up between X & VIII

    Best Main Character- Squall, no doubt

    Best Villain: Sephiroth


    Story- FFX-2

    Gameplay- FFX-2, probably

    Music- Anyone of the earlier FF's.

    Worst Main Character- Yuna was pretty crappy

    Worst Villain-
    Vegnagun, how silly was that

    BEST FF IN GENERAL: Final Fantasy VIII, my all-time favourite game.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Story: VI - High Drama, comedy, and a wonderful cast of characters, great character development, and a plot that was rather original for its time.

    Counting all FFs - Final Fantasy Tactics It had real drama, moral ambiguity, suspense, mystery, controversy and it made you really think.

    Gameplay: V - Job classes for the win. Simple in concept, complex in practice. All of the numbered (and some of the spin-offs) attempts at redefining the system always fail to live up to the original.

    Counting all FFs - Final Fantasy Tactics, everything V did but bigger and better...

    Music: VI - My fave soundtrack with the best character themes in the series. The kind of music you hum along with as you play and awe when you hear it orchestrated. It beats most of the modern FFs hands down.

    Counting all FFs - VI, you silly goose, didn't you read anything I wrote above?

    Best Main Character: Terra Bradford, easily one of my favorite heroes in the FF series. I really loved her story and her struggles. I still hum her theme from time to time. Runner Ups - Lady Ashe (XII) and Cecil Harvey (IV)

    Counting all FFs - Ramza Beoluve would tie with Terra, he was more realistic than the other heroes and I feel his story was quite splendid. Proof you can lose but still win.

    Best Villain: Kuja - A narcissistic mastermind who feels all life is beneath him. Orchestrates the downfall of all the kingdoms of the world and overthrows a man who could be thought of as a god; then turns around and decides to end existence cause the thought of life going on after he dies is too much for his ego to bare. He has a sympathetic backstory but all it really does is make him feel real, it hardly changes the fact he's a twisted and evil SOB. I love him. Runner Ups - Kefka Palazzo (VI), Golbez (IV), Vayne Solidor (XII)

    Counting all FFs - The Glabados Church, Yevon has nothing on these guys. You would need to play the game to understand what I mean...

    Best FF in General: VI, IX, and XII

    VI is my personal favorite and I feel IX and XII represent the best of the series in terms of story, gameplay, and design.

    Story: X - Boring, drawn out, and a riduiculous cast of RPG cliches. The only thing not predictable about the plot is the truth about Tidus and that was such bull, I couldn't believe what the game was expecting me to swallow.

    Counting all FFs - Throw in Crisis Core as a tie. A hack for a villain and a plot that was basically a rehash of the VII plot except without the good parts, and it all felt like it was written by an obsessed fan.

    Gameplay: X - I want to like CTB, I love the concept but the dumb as dirt difficulty, the matching game one hit kill on monsters, and the cinematic choices in boss battles, that half the time cripple the boss, just destroyed any love I may have had. Sphere Grid is also terrible in that it gives the illusion of freedom and customization when it really doesn't. Neither feature really starts to shine until the end game and personally, I didn't pay $49.99 so I could kill 30+ hours with a terrible plot and cast just so I can finally play the "fun" part of the game...

    Counting all FFs - X- weren't you listening?! Though I guess I can nail Crsis Core again, at least as a runner up. The main story has variety but no difficulty whatsoever, the side missions have some challenge (except in the face of the mighty"roll" ability) but they are very repetitive and only the mission briefing really seperates missions from each other. The combat is very basic and is only saved by Materia fusion and the DMV.

    Music: X - I only liked a handful of tracks and even then I was never fond of them.

    Counting all FFs - X-2, remixes of some of X's track and bubbly pop filth for the rest. I also don't like either of Yuna's songs. (Don't tell my Gf )

    Worst Main Character: Yuna, cause she's a smurfing doormat and never really showed enough backbone or grit for me to ever give a damn about her. She also falls into too many RPG cliches which amount to what little personality the writers failed to give her. Runner Up - Cloud Strife

    Counting all FFs - Yuna (X-2), Starts the game saying she's going to find her own way and not let people boss her around and instead becomes even more of a doormat than before as she is suckered in to every sob story that comes her way. She learns nothing and doesn't grow at all and yet people claim she's gets such great character development...WTF?!

    Worst Villain:
    Seymour Guiado - Tacted on "chatty villain" with a silly boo-hoo storyline thrown in so late in the game you no longer cared. Terrible design, a motive that changes almost everytime you meet him, and his only claim to fame is he becomes a Zombie that gets his ass handed to him how many times?

    Counting all FFs - Genesis from Crisis Core, what's worse than Seymore or Shuyin? How about an emo Sephiroth wannabe that makes up 80% of his dialogue by reciting a stupid poem. How about the fact the writers decided to change the plot of VII to incorporate this wannabe loser into the main series? Seriously, there is nothing redeeming about this guy.

    Worst FF in General: Gee... I wonder which one it could be...

  11. #11


    Best Story - IX. All the characters, while some needed more development, beautifully showed the attribute they represented. The main story included some very fun plots twist, and the best cast of characters from any FF.

    Best Gameplay - With it's faults of running slowly, I'm going to again say FF IX. True, the battle system was nothing special, but at the same time there was really nothing wrong with it. And I've always loved a classic turn based from time to time. The skill learning was also pretty solid, as well a the skill allocation system. True, other systems are more fleshed out and complex, but among the FF's the more traditional playstyle of IX remains my favorite. Though most FF's are somewhat lacking compared to games of other series anyway, even if they are fun.

    And I agree with Kanno on X, a potentially awesome system destroyed by a dumbass computer....

    Music - 9, though single titles have awesome tracks on there own. For example, DAncing Mad is easily my favorite, and as much as I HATE VIII, I can't deny it has some awesome tracks as well. But IX wins out with overall volume of great tracks, especially Rose of May, which contends with Dancing Mad for my favorite. I think I've said Rose of May is my favorite before, but in reality it depends on my mood at the time you ask me which one I prefer.

    Best Main Character - Zidane. This is the only one that wins No Contest. Until IX, Leads have never been a major like in an FF game.

    Best Villian - Kuja. Though Kefka is somewhat close. I loved how Kefka was a villian who didn't need an elaborate Backstory, and is the epitome of awesome when it comes to just plain Crazy villains. Though when you have someone like Kuja with such an amazing backstory and terrifically portrayed motivations, it's going to win out against plain crazy everytime.

    best overall - I think it's safe to say IX for this one.

    Worst STory - VIII. I'm just going to not go into details, don't feel like ranting today.

    Worst Gameplay - VIII. See above.

    Music - I'm just going to agree with Kanno, not that I hate X's soundtrack, but there wasn't really anything memorable for me.

    Worst Main - Squall. See other VIII related comments.

    Worst Villian - Surprisingly, I'm not going to say Ultimecia. This reward goes to Sephiroth. Sure, he looks kind of cool, but the reasoning for doing what he does is freaking lame, and nothing he does really leaves much of an impression. Every other villian in the game is more memorable then him. Hell, I remember the first President Shinra being more hardcore then Seph. Really though, to be honest, of all the FF's I played, Sephiroth is the worst villian, and to be fair thats doing pretty good. Cause I can't really say I hate him, I just thought he failed to come through as a good villain.

    Worst in General VIII, and if you failed to see this coming, I spit at you. Patooee.

  12. #12
    Phoenix King The Last Oath's Avatar
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    Best Story - FFX. So many twists and the whole story was really done well. Epic.

    Best Gameplay - XII. Being able to develop your character into any anything user or making them into a mage/warrior or wateva. And the battle system was cool. No lagging and transitioning into a battle system. Boss battles had high intensity.

    Music - Im saying VIII over X because more of its music was epic. VIII had great music i.e The oath, eyes on me and fithos lusec.

    Best Main Character - Tidus, he was very well developed throughout the game. I guess also because he was the first character we could hear speak. And it was awesome how he narrated the game too.

    Best Villian - Sin was a well developed villain but im going to say Hojo. Yes, Hojo. He started the whole Sephiroth thing, created deepground and even survived the events of FFVII and caused another conflict in DoC.

    best overall - FFX. All of its characters are awesome, and I dont know if im the only one but whenever the camera has an up close on a main characters face there is a LOT of detail. Even the characters in FFXII didnt have that much.

    Worst Story - FF2. Omg.

    Worst Gameplay - FF2. I spent more time levelling up my magic, str, HP and MP so that i wouldnt die in the next part of the game then i spent actually playing the game.

    Music - FFX-2. All its music was gay, there was nothing really epic about it except 1000 words.

    Worst Main - Vaan. No character development.

    Worst Villian - Shuyin. At least Vegnagun had the idea that it was created by yevon and hidden for 1000 years. I remember the first time i played x-2 i was quite dissapointed with Shuyin.

    Worst in General - FF2. Seriously, I spent more time powering up then actual game play BEACUSE I HAD TO. otherwise you would die once you got to the dreadnought. And that was on my first playthrough.

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    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I want to change my worst villain from Sephiroth to Genesis. Also Genesis looks like my aunt Wendy.

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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel everyone should change their worst villain to Genesis.

  15. #15
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Best story: Hmm... IX, because people will accept that more than when I say III or V. But still, III and V are runner ups. III had the first villain with a developed background and anotehr reason than just wanting power, V had Exdeath, Gilgamesh and all the drama and beauty of World 2. And IX is... Well, IX, and that should say enough.

    Best gameplay: V. Job system wins, it's as simple as that. Runner up is XII, for its great Active Dimension Battlesystem.

    Best music: III, V or IX. III because it had the first boss music and final boss music in the series, as well as fantastic music for its three final dungeons, V because it is just made of win and IX because its IX. Nuff said.

    Best main character: Zidane. I never grow tired of this guy. He was refreshing, had those unique thief blades, had a tail and patted Dagger's behind. He's got the stuff.

    Best villain: Xande. He was the first developed villain in the series and his anguish about his mortality is later clearly repeated in Kuja. Exdeath and Kuja are runnerups for this title, as well as Vayne.

    Best overall: I have to say IX, though III and V come very close.

    Worst story: X. I never got into it and never understood what was so great about it. I hated the characters, hated the voice acting. VI comes close, especially thanks to the suckfest called the World of Ruin.

    Worst gameplay: Probably II. Though I never liked materia or espers either.

    Music: VI or X. VI only had a few good tracks, but for the rest is very overrated (V's soundtrack is miles better) and X was entirely forgetable.

    Worst main character: God, who to choose? Cloud or Tidus? Probably Tidus. At least I could tolerate Cloud because he didn't have VA. Tidus, not so much. And no, I didn't say Vaan. Oh dear! I actually didn't mind Vaan, he wasn't as bad as everybody makes him out to be.

    Worst villain: Kefka. He is a less cool Exdeath clone. Everybody just prefers him over Exdeath because he has that stupid sound effect called a laugh. Kefka was uninteresting, boring and annoying. No, destroying the world doesn't make him cool in my eyes. Kuja and Exdeath did it better. And Xande too, he kept the world frozen in time for years. Kefka can't beat that. Runner ups for the worst? Seymour and Sephiroth.

    Worst in general: VI. A piece of overrated blandness, that looks bland, sounds bland and is bland. It's boring, has no really interesting character that we haven't seen before and it's soundtrack is even more overrated than VII is. The World of Ruin was the biggest piece of bull and bore I've ever seen in my life, dungeon design was uninspired (only one type of graphics for caves?! V had THREE!), I hated the mech feel of it and in general I just didn't like it. Bleh. Sucks.

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