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Thread: The Memorial Service for...

  1. #16
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garland View Post
    What's annoying about the whole death is all the false fans it created. Michael Jackson was a has-been. Nobody gave a damn about his music for 25 years, 20 if you're feeling kind. His music wasn't being played. Now everyone's his biggest fan? A couple weeks ago, the guy was a pedophile, now he's a god. I hear Jackson's album sales have increased by numbers upwards of 700%. I can only imagine the sale of rose colored glasses rose by 10,000%.

    I think some news I watched said that like three CD's have sold over 100,000 more albums since he had died.

    And I totally know what you mean though, like I only knew of him because my parents had his cds, and so I would listen to them.

    smurfing miley cyrus was saying how he was such a big influence on her and that she will be eternally heartbroken, if he wasn't for him she wouldn't be able to put out the music she does today.

    She's not even 18 yet, she shows nothing of micheal jackson influence. It's just at this point you're going rto look like a freak if you don't say he didn't influence you or that MJ's death isn't really a big deal to you.

    "Oh hey, where'd the war go? I guess we'll forget about everyone dying everyday, or all the problems in the world. Starvation, Disease, Screw that! MJ just died!"

  2. #17
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    Celebrities come before world events, you guys should know this.

  3. #18


    The memorial was emotional for me.

  4. #19
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    The memorial was emotional for me.
    I could probably watch it and cry, but I don't agree with how this is being done.

    I cry at any death, in the movies, tv, just the news saying someone died.
    That sucks, but it doesn't need to be glorified on TV like that.

    Oh hey! In 4 hours, you can watch MORE about the funeral! And then you get to hear about the messy custody battle! What are we going to do1?
    Last edited by Avarice-ness; 07-07-2009 at 09:00 PM.

  5. #20
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    The memorial was emotional for me.
    And me.

    Seriously (and this to everyone else, not Serapy) I don't see what you're problem with how it was done, I just watched the whole entire thing and I thought it was beutifully done. Michael Jackson is and always will be an iconic person to me, and many other people - I understand that not everyone liked him, but let the fans pay their respects. And I don't know where some of you are getting "false fans" from. People did care about Michael Jackson, he was still being talked about, even before the comebacks where mentioned, countless tribute acts, and releases. Even when the trials where going the general majroity in the real world (i.e. not what the media presented) had a positive coment on him. And it wansn't glorified, it was just a genuine service to someone who died.

    And whatever your opinion of both Michael, and the way he was protraid today. I want you to understand, that my respect for him, as a singer and a person, is completly genuine, I have been a fan of Michael Jackson's since I was a child, I was his fan when he "stopped" I was his fan when the bad press, and lies started, I am his fan, even though he is dead.

  6. #21
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    >>> Wow, Stevie Wonder was there and even singed, it was a great memorial/tribute.
    Well deserved MJ.
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  7. #22
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    I thought there would be a little more respect here. In all regards humans should look more in the better of people than the worse. What holds us back is the negativity and hatred. I see no harm in a memorial service for the man. Michael wouldn't have probably mind that the world would be able to see him off live and have his freinds and family pay respects to him. I always try to stay on good moral standards.There are no benefits in criticizing others. The vice comments of others just vexes me and saddens me. It's like a dagger to the heart with the life fluid dripping down my chest stinging and slowly dripping onto the floor.

    I was moved by that memorial. Al Sharpton was a good speaker and what he said he said it well. Mariah Carey, Usher, John Mahen (I believe that's his name forgive me if I am wrong), Shaheen, and the others performances were great and stunning. It was good to hear from Kobe and Magic. Also from Barry Gordon and Sheila Jackson.

    What probably got me the most were Michael's sibling's speeches and his daughter. I really don't know any humans that have a tinge of kindness in their heart not to well up when they saw her grab the mike and speak about her lost father. I salute a man that was able to move many people and also help many across this world that were less fortunate than he was. May he forever rest in peace.

  8. #23
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    I don't mean to offend anyone but I just have a very traditional mindset when it comes to funerals.

    What played out there, could have very well played out at a concert. Minus the people talking about his life, it seemed like an MTV video music awards. Every time I switched over to it, it was people cheering, singing, dancing, screaming excitedly.

    If he wanted it like that, good for him, I just can't take a death seriously when people are singing and dancing.

    He didn't go out with a bang, those people sent him off with a bang, they could have done it without a televised funeral and selling tickets.

    Again, I have nothing against him, but I have everything against the way his "tribute' played out.

  9. #24
    VICIOUS GEEK SOOT~ヽ(`Д´)ノ scrumpleberry's Avatar
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    Oh my god his daughter ;;

    Also why why why do people think that he was only an 70s-80s staple check it bitches this was a really big album. He didn't die out or become pathetic for the past 20 years. He did A LOT. I don't understand why you're going OH YEAH SURE EVERYONE CARES NOW HE'S DEAD GOSH HE WASN'T SO GREAT.
    Last edited by scrumpleberry; 07-07-2009 at 10:57 PM.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avarice-ness View Post
    I don't mean to offend anyone but I just have a very traditional mindset when it comes to funerals.

    What played out there, could have very well played out at a concert. Minus the people talking about his life, it seemed like an MTV video music awards. Every time I switched over to it, it was people cheering, singing, dancing, screaming excitedly.

    If he wanted it like that, good for him, I just can't take a death seriously when people are singing and dancing.

    He didn't go out with a bang, those people sent him off with a bang, they could have done it without a televised funeral and selling tickets.

    Again, I have nothing against him, but I have everything against the way his "tribute' played out.
    You must not have been to many black funerals or memorial. All the ones I've been too they have some singing and dancing from the choir. well not necessarily the funerals those usually have one person singing, but the memorials do which is a different thing. Even back from my grandmother's day. It's not mocking the dead, it's just a form of expression.

  11. #26
    There's a Bo In My Fro Garnie's Avatar
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    Everyone has different views and i agree with the pro's and con's.

    I'll admit it here and now! I loved MJ since i was 5. I'v always loved him but unfortunately (because of the bad press and such like) I was a closet fan for the past 6 years. Every now and then in that time i would stand up and say.."yes! I love MJ he's a fantastic singer and a great humanitarian. I even was giving the results of his case on #eoff, because i couldn't quite believe that he was a pedo. and a few were also of the same opinion.

    there's always gonna be people who still think he's a criminal and shouldn't have been respected at all. there's those who think he should. theirs a lot of people now willing (like me) to admit that they loved him, and will scream till there blue in the face that they have never once been ashamed to admit. the truth is though that like me, they were for a little while.

    now that he's gone, more and more people are saying " i love you MJ and i'm sooo gonna miss you!!" and like Avarice-ness said that most of these people are jumping on the band wagon. that is true, but these people could just be a closeted fan like me, and now there allowed to say that they did love MJ. I dont know if all of the things he was accused of were true. I dont think they were but i wasn't there. All i can say is that people are always gonna remember him for the best times not the worst.
    Whether we like it or not.

    shaheen sung it better then MJ. Don't cha think?

  12. #27
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Avarice-ness View Post
    I don't mean to offend anyone but I just have a very traditional mindset when it comes to funerals.

    What played out there, could have very well played out at a concert. Minus the people talking about his life, it seemed like an MTV video music awards. Every time I switched over to it, it was people cheering, singing, dancing, screaming excitedly.

    If he wanted it like that, good for him, I just can't take a death seriously when people are singing and dancing.

    He didn't go out with a bang, those people sent him off with a bang, they could have done it without a televised funeral and selling tickets.

    Again, I have nothing against him, but I have everything against the way his "tribute' played out.
    You must not have been to many black funerals or memorial services. All the ones I've been too they have some singing and dancing from the choir. well not necessarily the funerals those usually have one person singing, but the memorials do which is a different thing. Even back from my grandmother's day. It's not mocking the dead, it's just a form of expression.
    I've never been to a black funeral, nor have I ever heard or them being like this.
    I'm used to the traditional quiter funerals, you mourn them in the actual funeral then you go to a reception like deal and then have your tribute.

  13. #28
    VICIOUS GEEK SOOT~ヽ(`Д´)ノ scrumpleberry's Avatar
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    also stevie wonder was brilliant with a capital EVERYTHING

    John Mayer was pretty excellent too. Who was that azn girl who led everyone in the finale bit?

  14. #29
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    I think she was half asian and half black because of her hair and some of her facial features. Don't know who she was though. Like to have heard from Janet as well, but probably too painful for her to speak on his behath for a second time.

    shaheen sung it better then MJ. Don't cha think?
    I think he was just as good.

  15. #30


    I just read in a tabloid that he was killed by a group of people who were trying to steal all his money away from him.

    I hear Billy Mays was involved in the plot!

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