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Thread: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince-Film 6 *SPOILERS*

  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by McLovin' View Post
    They shouldn't have left out the funeral. They should have had everyone they left out appear at the funeral and cry n stuff to show the impact of Dumbledore's death.
    I agree. 2 years ago I got halfway through the book and lost interest in the series. A few days ago I saw the movie and now I'm finishing the book today (I just got to Chapter 27), and I have to say, the movie was pretty good except for all of the stuff that was skipped/altered/put in for no reason (Burrow battle, specifically. Wtf?) I was also a little disappointed when I saw what Slughorn looked like in the movie. I kinda pictured him like how he was described in the book. I like how Lavender Brown was portrayed though.

    But alas, The Order of the Phoenix has always been my favorite book AND movie.

  2. #92
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    This movie was ok. It was a tough one to make a movie out of since there was little action in the book and there were a lot of flashbacks.

    My main gripe is Ginny. She's a bad actress and not even pretty. They should have replaced her in movie 4. No one would have cared and the franchise would have been better for it. Her scenes with Potter were just awkward.

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  3. #93
    Knight of Nothing *Devore*'s Avatar
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    I haven't seen the film yet, but from what I have heard, am I right in saying that Dumbledore didn't have a gross blackened hand which was was caused by the ring that had the horcrux in it, which would have caused him to die anyway. (SPOILER)It is one of the main reason why he got Snape to kill him. So why leave it out. it would have been an extra 5 mins in make up and its not like he ever explains to harry what happened to it so it would have added much more film time.


    Is it just more, or is the lack of Dobby getting F'in annoying. Cause in the future DH film, unless they cut it out, (SPOILER)Dobby is going to turn up-save Harry then die...and if you haven't read the books its like "Who's that?...Dobby? from the second one? oh right.. oh well, he's dead now" Where as in the books he makes regular appereances keeping the reader emotionally attached to him. The writters really F'ed up his dramatic ending.

  4. #94
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  5. #95
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    He does have the gross hand but its not as gross and not as obvious. There are no close ups of it.
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  6. #96
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Devore* View Post
    I haven't seen the film yet, but from what I have heard, am I right in saying that Dumbledore didn't have a gross blackened hand which was was caused by the ring that had the horcrux in it, which would have caused him to die anyway. (SPOILER)It is one of the main reason why he got Snape to kill him. So why leave it out. it would have been an extra 5 mins in make up and its not like he ever explains to harry what happened to it so it would have added much more film time.
    The hand was in it. Did you watch the movie? They show it plainly (and mention it) in the subway station, and when they're in his office, Dumbledore mentions it again, and they show it again. That's about as much mention as it gets in the book, until Book 7.

  7. #97


    I was really disappointed with it.
    I understand that it's a film adaptation and that things are supposed to be cut out and shortened to accommodate time and stuff.
    But I didn't appreciate the fact that they played up on the little things and shortened things that mattered and had to do with the plot, and added things that didn't really happen.
    Some really important things were to happen, and instead it was 1 1/2 hours of random stuff, Quiditch, Harry/Ginny awkwardness, and things that didn't matter, and an hour of actual plot.
    To anyone who hadn't really read the books, it seems hard for them to understand what was really going on, they didn't really share much about the memories, and stuff.

    I thought some really important part that was cut out were when (SPOILER)all the students take Felix Felices to defend Hogwarts to defend against the Death Eaters, how they cut out Moaning Myrtle during the Sectum Sempra scene (I know, not really important, but I think it was important to show how Draco was still human, even through all Death Eater biz.), and loads of memories.

    Also, it really bothered me how during Dumbledore's death scene Harry wasn't frozen, and he just stood down there like a twat while it happened. Wasn't Dumbledore supposed to use his last second to freeze Harry, and not anything else. I dunno.

    ANDDDDDD, WTF @ The Burrow burning. So random, and very unfortunate. :/

    ANDDDDD, how Lupin and Tonks were just randomly together. But I understand not everything can be fully developed. After all, it's a MOVIE, not a four part saga for every movie. xD I know, I ask too much. lol

    I thought it was terrible, most likely because I expect too much, as it's HARRY POTTER.
    But, hopefully the next two actually spend time on the plot, and not on things that don't really matter.
    Last edited by ff7+ff10 gurl 100; 07-21-2009 at 04:29 AM.

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  8. #98
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    I def agree on the Dobby thing. Though they made the 5th movie when the 7th book hadn't been released so that's alright, but they should have still put him in the 6th one at some point so the audience could remember him for the 7th movie. A picture or name mention would do.

    And Snape revealing the half-blood prince was done retardedly since the whole movie never once showed Harry trying to find out who it was. Just 5 min of trying to find out who it was would have made a difference imo at the end of who was the prince.

  9. #99
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    my biggest issue is the entire Ginny thing.

    Ginny was a huge motivating factor for Harry going into the 7th book, and was the main reason Harry had a hard time trying to go off on his own. Their relationship is also suppose to show the HUGE contrast between him and Voldemort.... Harry fights for Love, while Voldemort just fights for more power.

    On top of that, the scenes between Harry and Ginny felt forced, rather than flowing into eachother. They spent far more time developing Ron's random relationship with the crazy girl, than Harry's with Ginny. Hell, even Ron and Hermoine got more development than Harry with Ginny which is completely absurd. I LOVED Ginny after book 6, and I still barely know who she is after movie 6.

    I don't have a problem with the actress though. I think she's cute, which is pretty much how I pictured Ginny. In no way gorgeous, but cute. I feel they made her play the timid character too much though.

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  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by McLovin' View Post
    And Snape revealing the half-blood prince was done retardedly since the whole movie never once showed Harry trying to find out who it was. Just 5 min of trying to find out who it was would have made a difference imo at the end of who was the prince.
    Agreed. You could kinda tell that it was just thrown in there. It was just Snape walking to to Harry and going "Sup, You know that spell you used on Draco? That's mine. I'm the Half Blood Prince. Bye. *walks away*" Pretty lame if you ask me.

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  11. #101
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I saw it and thought it was good. Not great but good. It seemed to me like they were trying to put too much into what they missed before and missed out on the whole half blood prince thing that's in the freaking title.

    Also ginny does this thing where she talks out of the side of her mouth that bugs me. Also (SPOILER)the ginny and harry kiss thing, it seemed cute but yeah forced. They don't have good chemistry which is very sad

    I did like the way Tom played Draco though, he did a good job. Also Bellatrix is how I expected her to be. :P

    It was a good movie but I wish they put more of the half blood prince in it and go more into voldys pasts. :/

  12. #102


    I seen it. It seemed rushed. Very much so. I don't blame the actors as much as the clock.

    It seemed like a putty movie. That is, it didn't feel like it had a real solid beginning, middle, or ending. It is just there to fill the gaps of previous and future movies. I dunno, cause I never read the books.

    I seen Ice Age III prior. That made me happy all day.

  13. #103
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    Ginny was SO bad in this film. That shoelaces scene just about had my skin crawling, it was so awkward! Harry was bracing himself like he was gonna get a BJ.

    Snape & Slughorn were both lovely though. Alan Rickman as Snape in particular just seems to get better and better with each film. And Jim Broadbent really can do no wrong. DanRad and and Rupert Grint were pretty good too. I think they have such great chemistry together. Really sells the idea that their characters are BFFs. Emma Watson's Hermione is horrible as usual. Overact much? Sheesh girl.

    The movie was entertaining but forgettable. Pretty much the same as all the other HP films. I watch it, enjoy it, but a week later I can barely remember scenes or dialogue or anything like that. Just a vague recollection of the film as having been, "alright".

  14. #104
    Phantasmal Killer Værn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackmage_nuke View Post
    He does have the gross hand but its not as gross and not as obvious. There are no close ups of it.
    The opening scene would've been an excellent chance for a closeup, of only Harry and Dumbledore had been placed on opposite sides of each other T_T
    (Of course, now that I think about it, that would have been before that happened, right?)

    Hopefully they'll start the next movie with Dumbledore's funeral or something... that's kind of a big deal in the last book. (SPOILER)Especially since the one of the last things we saw was Harry picking up the wand in Dumbledore's old office.
    Last edited by Værn; 07-23-2009 at 06:44 AM.

  15. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    That shoelaces scene just about had my skin crawling, it was so awkward! Harry was bracing himself like he was gonna get a BJ.
    Oh man, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way during that scene! I looked around the theater to see if anyone had caught what I had during that scene and it looked like I was alone on that one and I felt kinda bad for thinking that way.

    (SPOILER)I have to say though, like right after they kissed was really funny. Harry was walking alone in the snow when Ron came up to him and asked "Hey, have you and Ginny done it yet?" Hilarious.

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