Were only 8 days away from the Half blood Prince, with the premier just gone on Tuesday in London.

So far with all of the trailers and clips, the film to me looks pretty awesome; maybe the most exciting yet! However with the fiasco of the Order of the phoenix, that could just be all of the exciting stuff crammed into one trailer...and that's it.

to be honest, they haven't given HBP great reviews for the film. Some say its spell binding catching teenager adolescence in the bag! some are saying that its long winded and flat! One actually said that the die hard fans are going to hate it! But we all have to remember that the films are always going to be different then the books, and we should love them regardless.

so what are you expecting from the films?
Is there anything you want to make sure is in it?
Are you looking forward to it?
Do you think that the series is going well so far?
Do you think that the Deathly Hallows will have a tough act to follow?



Here are 2 clips from a Harry Potter site of the new film! If you don't want to be spoiled do not watch! If you want to comment, wrap it with the spoiler tag!

You will need Quicktime to watch the clips! don't worry quicktime is free!

Clip 1

Clip 2

(SPOILER)I liked these clips! I'm very eager to see more of this scene!
At first i was a little worried about it, and i was wondering where the hell is bill and Fleur, but it is a small scene i guess to stick everyone in. The HBP bit was a little stale but i guess its just part of the story telling!