Hi All. Was playing FF8 last night, for the 2nd time, and I was at the part where Selphie, Zell, and Squall are on the Train to Timber (Disc 1) and the "dream sequence" kicks in. Everything runs as normal, until I run into my first encounter with Laguna, Kiros, and Ward. First off, for some reason it's always 1 crocidile thing and 2 those mushroom guys (sorry I can't remember the formal names- tooooo tired! Hehe). The screen switches, and right as the battles about to start it freezes, my curor appears, and game just shuts down and I'm sent back to the desktop. I rebooted the computer twice and have tried to get through it five or six times and the same thing! Grrr. The disc is fine, no scratches and wasn't dirty, and it's not the computer. Anyone else have any similar problems? If so- please- help!!
Thanks guys.