Heeeeelp! :-x

I need to start shopping for some college supplies. Only problem is, since I'm going to be in Europe for the year, I have to buy most of my things off of British websites and ship them to my dorm so that they're there when I arrive. It's really irritating. Anyway, I found everything I want at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It's my favorite store. Everything is stylish, cheap, and efficient. But I can't bring the majority of those things with me in my suitcase, and they don't even ship internationally. :whaaa:

Is there any type of British/European equivalent, with cute and cheap sort of dorm things? Colorful and nice? I've been searching my butt off, and I can only find more upscale sort of things, and... you know, Tesco.

Here is the BB&B website, if it helps you to find a similar store. =O

Bed Bath & Beyond Shop For College

Thanks a bunch of peaches!