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Thread: Destiny of An Emperor

  1. #1
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Default Destiny of An Emperor

    It was an NES game about ancient China and is responsible for spawning all those Dynasty Warrior games (which I never bothered playing), I guess you could loosely call it a strategy RPG. I was reading a thread that said that NES games always had paper thin plots and small world maps but this game is HUGE (too huge, walking from one end to China to the other can be very time consuming, especailly when all the towns look exactly the same), and the plot, while not incredibly deep, does offer some motivation for seeing the quest through.

    If you've played this gem, what did you like and what would you change about it? Personally I'd set up a ferry system to make traveling a but less pain-in-the-assish.

    If you haven't played this game then you deserve to be trampled by a stampde of Buffalo then ripped apart by feral mountain children.

    There is also a second one for the NES but I never played it. Stealing now.

  2. #2


    I always though the ROmance of the Three Kingdoms book and subsuquent Video games started the Dynasty Warriors?

  3. #3
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    I always though the ROmance of the Three Kingdoms book and subsuquent Video games started the Dynasty Warriors?
    Well that was also inspired by Destiny of An Emperor, which started the whole thing. You can tell by the names of certain towns and some of the warlords such as Lu Bu.

    edit: Well obviously the book was first, since it was written 600 years ago, but you know what I mean. If you really want to get technical, all three series were based off the book but I'm just talking about the games which also played off of each other.

  4. #4


    I loved DoaE when I was a kid, I played it a bunch. The thing that annoyed me the most, aside from the travel time, was the menu. I also didn't like the names of the "strategies" since I could never tell what did what.

    Great game though. I wish to play it again.

  5. #5
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Yeah I was afraid to use the tactics because I had no clue what they did. If only I knew back then ;/ I was also too stupid to know what a steed was so when someone asked me for a horse I had no idea what to do. And the food thing sorta kept you from grinding too much, for better or worse.

    I might just play this game again tonight.

  6. #6


    You make me happy Space Pope. I thought I was the only one forever that played this game.

  7. #7


    I just didn't know there was a game like this pre-dating Romance, which I hated.

    I might give this game a try somewhere down the line.

  8. #8
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Yeah you really should if you have the time, for an NES game it's pretty impressive and can be pretty challenging. Don't know about the sequel since I haven't played it yet.

    And I live to make people happy Bunny, I fly across the sky with my beautiful silken wings that leave a stream of Lucky Charms behind and they fall to the Earth as delicious, teeth-rotting snow.

  9. #9


    On an unrelated note, if you like Stratagy games, you should give Genghis Kahn on the NES a try. It was actually rather fun.

  10. #10
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Yeah I actually have that game but never got around to playing it. I have more games than I do songs ;x

    I was doing some reading and apparently DoaE has a few weird glitches and tons of licensed and unlicensed remakes and sequels. Never knew all that.

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