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Thread: Let's Interview: Shattered Dreamer

  1. #1
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Default Let's Interview: Shattered Dreamer

    Hello and welcome back to Let's Interview. I am your host with the most...something, The Space Pope. In today's oh so exciting episode *cough* I will be interviewing Shattered Dreamer in case the thread title wasn't enough of a hint.

    Okay, Mr. Dreamer, let me start off by saying that it's wonderful to have a guest of your caliber on my show, and that should I ever wage war on your star system, you will be spared. Maybe.


    Okay, kewstin uno

    From your profile it says you are a law student. What branch of law may this be and why the hell does your planet need any more lawyers? I'm already thinking about retracting my kindness of sparing you, unless you become my defense attorney should I need one.

    2) What made you decide to become a law student anyhow?

    3) Being from the land of little green drunken midgets and rampant violence, tell me how it was growing up in Ireland. I am genuinely curious. *smokes bubble pipe*

    4) Related to question 2, how to you feel about all the Polish immigrants in Ireland today and their effect on your society?

    5) Is Bono a douche y/n

    6) If you had the ability to change one law, be it city wide, regional, national or global, what would it be? Also, if you could impose one absolute law on the entire planet, what would you choose?

    7) I want to see how adventurous ( ) you are. So, if you had a choice between keeping your life as-is until you die or having a 50/50 chance of taking a risk and either fulfilling your dreams or losing everything, which would you choose?

    8) What is your favorite word? Mine's 'Bangladeshi'.

    9) Do you by any chance possess the "Irish Curse"?

    10) What got you into video games?

    Annnnnnnnnnd since I though I wrote down only ten questions but in fact wrote down twelve, you have the privilege, nay, honor of answering two more questions!

    11) Is Tropic Thunder a good movie? I keep hearing it is but I just don't see how it's possible.

    12) zyxoljiu ilitrummi retiyut gaglazoyt...ahem, sorry. Sometimes I slip into my native tongue...despite the fact that I'm typing and could easily edit.
    Anyhoo, what do you consider to be a perfect date? *blush*

    EDIT: Jiro chose for you to be my next guest, now it's your turn to choose!
    Last edited by The Space Pope; 08-16-2009 at 08:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Your Prime Minister Timekeeper's Avatar
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    Despite the fact that this is not my interview I'm going to go all parasite and say that Tropical Thunder is only good if you realllly like Ben Stiller, otherwise....

  3. #3
    Twisted Reality Shattered Dreamer's Avatar
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    Thanks for having me on the show Popee its an honor to be here

    1) My degree is in Irish law as a whole. Dead boring I know! My planet doesn't need any more lawyers & to be fair but hey my planet doesn't need any more reality tv shows either does it

    2) What made you decide to become a law student anyhow?

    Funny story! I went to law school kind of as a joke, bit extreme for a joke I know. I was your fairly unmotivated high school student & decided if I was going to go to university I'd do a degree in something worth while. So I had some money saved away & went to private college to do law because the entry points were low there & like I said I was unmotivated When I started the course in 2006 my class had 140 people in it. In the final year I was in the last 35. Not bad for what literally started as a joke!

    3) Being from the land of little green drunken midgets and rampant violence, tell me how it was growing up in Ireland. I am genuinely curious. *smokes bubble pipe*

    Hahahahaha I do love a good racist stereotype Ireland was a pretty good place to grow up to be fair even though I loved in the West where the people are mostly backwards & closed minded. But to be fair I spent the last 3 years in Dublin & city folk ain't much better. To some it up Ireland great the people not so much. We're friendly to everyone else but hate each other!

    4) Related to question 2, how to you feel about all the Polish immigrants in Ireland today and their effect on your society?

    How can I answer this without being banned for racism Lets just say me & the Polish don't mix too good. Me & my mates lived above Polish people in Dublin & one night one of them threaten to stab me. How do I feel about the Polish? Lovely people

    5) Is Bono a douche y/n
    Yes obviously!

    6) If you had the ability to change one law, be it city wide, regional, national or global, what would it be? Also, if you could impose one absolute law on the entire planet, what would you choose?

    Legalize marijuana of course! That question was a no brainer pardon the pun

    7) I want to see how adventurous ( ) you are. So, if you had a choice between keeping your life as-is until you die or having a 50/50 chance of taking a risk and either fulfilling your dreams or losing everything, which would you choose?

    I doing option B already! I'm giving up going on to qualify fully as a lawyer & playing music full time. I'm looking forward to doing something which doesn't involve horrible long winded books & exams for awhile. Life isn't not lived unless you try to follow your dreams at least once in your life!

    8) What is your favorite word? Mine's 'Bangladeshi'.
    Awesome probably!

    9) Do you by any chance possess the "Irish Curse"?
    Brewers drupe isn't something I've ever had a problem with no!

    10) What got you into video games?
    My first memory of playing video games was playing a Street Fight 2 arcade machine in the local chipper at age 4 & thus my love affair with video games began!

    11) Is Tropic Thunder a good movie? I keep hearing it is but I just don't see how it's possible. I love Tropic Thunder regardless of what anyone says its awesome! Went to see it 3 times in the cinema! I mean what funnier than Robert Downey Jr as a black man I mean African American.

    12) zyxoljiu ilitrummi retiyut gaglazoyt...ahem, sorry. Sometimes I slip into my native tongue...despite the fact that I'm typing and could easily edit.
    Anyhoo, what do you consider to be a perfect date? *blush*

    Hayley Williams from Paramore maybe but thats the musician talking. Honestly Olivia Wilde ( The O.C., House) definitely she's gorgeous!

  4. #4
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shattered Dreamer View Post
    Funny story! I went to law school kind of as a joke, bit extreme for a joke I know. I was your fairly unmotivated high school student & decided if I was going to go to university I'd do a degree in something worth while. So I had some money saved away & went to private college to do law because the entry points were low there & like I said I was unmotivated When I started the course in 2006 my class had 140 people in it. In the final year I was in the last 35. Not bad for what literally started as a joke!
    Interesting, that's actually how I ended up becoming the intergalactic demigod that you see before you today. Also, if I ever go to Ireland and end up getting arrested, I'm looking your number up. I don't have diplomatic immunity

    Hahahahaha I do love a good racist stereotype Ireland was a pretty good place to grow up to be fair even though I loved in the West where the people are mostly backwards & closed minded. But to be fair I spent the last 3 years in Dublin & city folk ain't much better. To some it up Ireland great the people not so much. We're friendly to everyone else but hate each other!
    Yes, I have heard as much from the Space Pope's human relatives, about how the people are very kind yet can't seem to stand each other. Alot of Irish families are like that even in America in my experience, I wonder why.

    As for the Polish, they're basically Ireland's version of Mexicans in America from what I hear, so I feel your pain. But yes the Polskis are an honest and industrious people, just a little...yeah I guess I should stop too.

    Legalize marijuana of course! That question was a no brainer pardon the pun
    The Space Pope is pleased with this response.

    And I'm glad to see that you're a human that is willing to take a risk, related to question 7.

    I love Tropic Thunder regardless of what anyone says its awesome! Went to see it 3 times in the cinema! I mean what funnier than Robert Downey Jr as a black man I mean African American.
    I think we should call them black African colored afro negro Americans, just to be safe. I don't need Sharpton on my ass again, ever since my comment about how I had ribs one day and that they were a bit too dark for my taste.

    Anyways, thank you and I hope you had a lovely time on...Let's Interview!
    This show has a small budget, so please accept this gif in leiu of a real gift.

    Now you can tell your friends and family that you got AIDS from the one and only Space Pope!

    And per your request, next week's guest will be Rodarian. Stay tuned....or else! *shakes hoof angerily*

  5. #5
    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    Oh yay I'm next....And I shall tell the world of 'our' baby!

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

  6. #6
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    I will make sure to prepare some extra special questions for you, human. How dare you try dragging my sex life into the street against its will like some rapscallion who pimps out his wife for crack.

    If you call TMZ all bets are off.

  7. #7
    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    I no need no TMZ.....

    Me and you..On the SPACE POPE SHOW!

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

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