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Thread: Last movie you watched and your critique of it

  1. #1
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Default Last movie you watched and your critique of it

    I think this would be a good way to find out about some movies that some people wouldn't normally watch by having other members post about what they saw last and their take on it.

    So, I will start by saying that the last movie I saw was Stargate, made in 1994. It started out fairly interesting and within half an hour I found myself nodding off. Most of the movie is comprised of sand people running around speaking in unintelligible tongues and walking around the desert.

    Anyways here is the beginning portion of the movie; it's about a discovery of some sort of large ring made out of a material that's not from Earth during a dig back in 1928 Egypt. Flash forward roughly 65 years later and you have James Spader talking about how the Egyptians didn't actually build the pyramids. Everyone thinks he's a whackjob and he ends up going broke and losing his sciencey-type grants. Then some wrinkled old prune pulls up to him and asks him iif he wants a job translating Egyptian writing.

    He does some translating and it turns out that this giant ring is actually something called a...

    wait for it...

    stargate(!), and that it can take you to distant galaxies via technobabble explanations. Anyways they of course get trapped when they use it and wind up with the sand people on a distant planet. After an hour of sheer boredom and stagnant plot development this weird alien guy who really looks like a girl comes down and starts kicking the sand people's asses. Turns out he is Ra or so he says. A bunch of things happen and alot of sand people die and eventually a big bomb goes off and the credits roll.


  2. #2


    The last movie I watched was From Dusk till Dawn. It was surprisingly good. It had every thing a good movie needs: Boobs, Gore, and Explosions. Towards the end the movie really picked up. Tarintino's acting was good. He was a convincing psycho.

  3. #3


    <a href="">Chocolate</a>. It was awesome.

  4. #4
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    that's weird chocolate is also the last movie i saw
    seen it before too though
    um 7.5/10
    real good

  5. #5


    I just watched I Love You, Man yesterday. I expected to like it a lot, but I didn't at all. It was boring and not that funny. I normally like the dumb bromance bull everyone pulls these days too. Well, whatever. I'm sure others would enjoy it more than I did so 7/10.

  6. #6
    Don't get mad, get moist I Don't Need A Name's Avatar
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    Got dragged to see The Ugly Truth.
    Baisically, it's a typical and slightly amusing RomCom. Nothing special about it, but quite enjoyable.
    I made one myself for a change! Although you can probably tell that..

  7. #7
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    The Little Mermaid! 11/10.

    Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid have the best and cutest love stories. Plus, Sebastian is in The Little Mermaid!

    <img src="" alt="I didn't mean to tell! It was an accident!">
    Last edited by Marshall Banana; 08-17-2009 at 02:14 AM.

  8. #8
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    The Spirit

    Acting ... 4/10
    Lighting Composition... 10/10
    Set Design ... 10/10
    Costumes ... 6/10
    Overall ... 7/10

    A very artsy film. I haven't read the graphic novel it's based on so I can't say if it follows it accurately, but I thought it was decent in terms of storytelling. The children they casted to play little Spirit and little Sam were very close to the adult actors. I rarely see that happening in movies. The fight sequences were pretty boring in terms of choreography and action.

    The set design and lighting were of course amazing as they were in Sin City. I don't think I've seen such superb light composition in awhile. It really helped to add to the atmosphere of the film. Some of the costumes were pretty cool, but many of the costumes of the main villain named The Octopus (who is played by Samuel L. Jackson) were a bit too over-the-top. The clones The Octopus made were annoying as I don't know what and Scarlett Johansson's character could have been easily distinguishable. Her character was boring and clearly just another pretty face with no depth. She even seemed bored with her role.

    Sam played by Eva Mendes could also fit that description, but her character at least has a back story. Most of the actors were averagely decent or just plain boring in this film except for Samuel L. Jackson who was entirely too campy. In a funny way! In terms of being a superhero movie, it was not the best and definitely not as good as Marvel movies like Spiderman -- the first one only. However, I was impressed with the neo-noir look and it kept me entertained to an extent so I've gotta give it a passing grade.

  9. #9
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Logan's Run

    As a pre-Star Wars sci-fi flick, it does occasionally dip into the valley of Star Trek cheese with regards to special effects. There's only a few times when it's overwhelming, though, and for the most part the characters and story are at the forefront, not the special effects. Plot-wise, though, it leaves a bit to be desired with a few things that you're just supposed to accept, like who is actually handing down the orders to keep all the stuff going.

    Not too bad of a movie though. 7/10.

  10. #10
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Last movie I saw was The Mist last weekend. It's based on a story by Stephen King, so I had high hopes, but the writing for the movie was pretty disappointing. Every plot development just seemed so forced, as if they wrote a story separate from the book and had to go back and quickly edit some things in.

    The explanation for the mist was equally forced and anticlimactic, mentioned once with no build up or development and then forgotten. The creatures in the mist were not remotely frightening and their inability to break glass or damage buildings or vehicles was frustratingly unbelievable. The ending was decently unexpected and a good twist, though also seemed kind of haphazardly done like the rest of the writing.

    Overall: 5.5/10 (I couldn't decide between a 5 or a 6)

    EDIT: I should qualify that I was a bit drunk when I watched this, but still quite lucid.

  11. #11
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    Watched Big last night.

    I haven't seen this movie in a number of years, and I was pleasantly surprised by how well this movie has held up. Sure, the logic behind it is a bit flawed, but it was also arguably Tom Hanks' finest comedic hour. It's pretty hard to be bored by this movie, and even though many clones of this movies exist (many body-switch/transformation movies like this existed in the 80's, all based off of 1976's Freaky Friday), it's still quite memorable.


  12. #12


    Saw Hot Fuzz with my sister a couple days ago.

    Amazing movie that Hot Fuzz. The acting was quite good, and the jokes were hilarious. Also, that action scene at the end, regardless of being a parody of action movies, was one of the greatest action sequences I've ever scene.


  13. #13
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Flags of our Fathers.

    A pretty amazing war movie, and one which made me think about it for the rest of the night after I had watched it. However the last few minutes flagged, I felt, and were too much of a "tying up loose ends" kind of thing.

    Still, excellent movie and well worth watching. I'm going to try and watch Letters from Iwo Jima soon too, I hear it's better.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    so all right, i guess we could DISCUSS stuff in here too

    NECRO: which fight scene was your fave? i really liked the first one with the boys just cause of the colors, and the one with the capoeira tic kid.

    neo: yah man good film. have you seen shaun of the dead?

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