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Thread: Randomosity at its finest.

  1. #1
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    Default Randomosity at its finest.

    So last night I had this dream that Allie, Stu, and Alice were at my house eating all my food and hogging up the video games. Alice seemed more interested in my dogs, to the point that she took them on a walk and never came back. Stu was telling me the finer points of Morrowind, and Allie was absorbed in a long battle in what I assumed to be a 3D FFIX on the 360.

    I have no idea what would prompt my subconscious to to play a mind-movie starring three people I hardly ever talk to but when I woke up I felt as if I just got done hanging out with some old friends.

    Topic: Random dreams. They don't have to involve EoFFers, just any random dreams you've ever had.

  2. #2
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I had a dream that I was in a room with a metal floor. It had holes in it, and there was a live flame underneath used to heat the room. My skin was really really hot and I felt like I was melting, except my feet were as cool as ice. I went to pick up my shoes and leave the room and they melted.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  3. #3
    Crocodylus Pontifex The Space Pope's Avatar
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    My dreams usually end with me hugging my mother, looking up into her eyes, and having them turn into vipers while her skin melts off as she goes "GIVE US A KISS THEN, LOVE"

    Then I wake up with little scratch marks all over my chest.

  4. #4
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Oh, I have some weird ass random dreams from time to time. I can't remember any of them at the moment, but when one does come to mind, I'll post about it in this thread. :3

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  5. #5
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I had a dream that Roto was unbanned and I saw him post and it was a magical experience. That was pretty much the extent of the dream too.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  6. #6
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Couple nights ago I had a dream.. well, let's just say it was an epic saga involving random elements from LOTR, Halo: ODST, FF and for some reason, The setting of Lego Creator, but smoother. It went on for hours, at least to me, with epic struggles with enemies, a betrayel of a companion, leaving him behind while I stood on a fence (for some reason on fire, probably because he wouldn't be able to follow me), a castle in middle, which for some reason I have to climb and move on the side of, like people at a cliff with a small path, hugging the wall. All the while I keep my two swords in my hands(or they magically disappear) and fight heroic battles against shady villians with magic powers and a blaster that those freaking black grunts have that equals a rocket launcher.

    There was a girl in there somewhere I had to save.. or kidnap.. It's all pretty vague at this point.

  7. #7
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I just had a dream where there was this inflatable go-cart I had that went super fast. It was inflatable though so I could deflate it and put it away. Then if it hit water it turned into a inflatable lil boat. We had adventures we did. And then I ran into a mutant principle that was trying to kill me cause I was making too much noise on my inflatable boat when the school halls were flooded. ERRRWEEEEEEEEE~

  8. #8


    I often have dreams that I'm starting a fire at work and I always get fired.

    They always fire me when I'm trying to put the fire out, too!

    EVEN THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T JUST CATCH FIRE CATCH FIRE. Like the sink. It just starts burning.

  9. #9
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Oh, I just remember now. Whenever I have dreams involving my family, usually with my brothers, one is always act like a jackass and the other a moron in my dreams, and I always end up getting into a fight with the jackass for some stupid reason. Sometimes, I dream about my dead dad if he was still alive, mainly because I miss him around. My latest dream, for some reason, I had a pillow that was like a balloon, so I brought it with me, and I didn't really have a good grip on it, so I lost it flying away as I went outside.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  10. #10
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    I had a dream where I woke up in my bed, only to be injected with some sort of fluid by a man dressed in black clothes/black mask. After he injected me I couldn't move or speak. Then I was dragged out of my house.

    Then I woke up again! And it all happened again. I woke up 4 or 5 times in a dream before ACTUALLY waking up.

    It was damn scary.

  11. #11
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    I dreamt I was on a hotel with Sheva from Resident Evil 5, but then she turned into a werewolf during the night so I had to tie her up and burn her alive. It was the only way! I played way too much RE5 last spring.

  12. #12
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    I often have dreams that I'm starting a fire at work and I always get fired.

    They always fire me when I'm trying to put the fire out, too!

    EVEN THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T JUST CATCH FIRE CATCH FIRE. Like the sink. It just starts burning.
    I have dreams sort of like that. Like if I need to run my legs are moving super fast and I'm sweating like a madman but I'm not really getting anywhere.

    I also had this weird night terror once after a night of playing Red Dead Revolver. My brother and mom heard me yelling and opened my door to see what was up. All I saw were two rough looking cowboys illuminated in my dorrway doing that quick-draw thing and there I was without a weapon. I got into a crouching position and tackled my brother. I woke up with a headache and a cut along my hip.

  13. #13
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    I woke up suddenly after having a very bizarre dream about an EoFFer. I'll spare you (and that person) from the details but I am quite perplexed I would think that, even subconsciously.


    Dreams about people are creepy.

  14. #14
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    I had a dream about a few Eoffers. We were all going to get together at a hotel in some city for another EoFF meet up. Instead we ended up in a quiet, podunk town where the super mall was the center of everything. Psychotic was the driver of a van full of EoFFers -- most of which I can't remember at the moment. Rye asked him stop for directions but he was like, "No bish."

    Then we ended up running out of gas. We were forced to walk to the mall from the van. Once we got in there we met up with Zorander (I dunno either) who had said the mall had been overtaken by zombies. And sure enough he was right. Pretty soon, a whole horde of zombies came out from no where and started devouring him and some poor random member whose picture I saw in the album one time. They used Zorander's arm to play keep it up with. This is a terrible dream. xD

    Afterwards, Psychotic just went ape and started throwing things that wouldn't be physically possible to throw; including throwing other EoFF members at the zombies. And I just ran like the wind until I ended up in an A&P. The dream stopped there thankfully. It was very reminiscent of Dead Rising though.

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