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Thread: New Avatar trailer is the real deal

  1. #91
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    I'm surprised no-one has mentioned that Avatar is already the second highest grossing movie of all time. With only Titanic beating it. That means that James Cameron has both the highest and second highest grossing movie under his belt. This guy is a beast as far as commercial film-making goes.
    This won't do his ego any good. Shame one of those is his worst film by a mile. Well, except for Piranha 2 maybe
    "Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"

  2. #92


    Titanic is awesome. At least the last hour anyway. And as far as I'm concerned Cameron deserves to have a big ego. Its not like his movies are bad. Now I just hope he goes on and makes Battle Angel next.

  3. #93
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Titanic would be great if it was a silent film and Billy Zane wasn't in it. Alas it's not and he is.

    Cameron might be up against his ex-wife for Best Director at the Oscars, that should be fun.
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  4. #94
    AntRid's Avatar
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    Imagine the bragging rights you get when the two highest grossing films of all time are both yours!

  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    Cameron might be up against his ex-wife for Best Director at the Oscars, that should be fun.
    Cameron deserves the best director Oscar. You have to give credit to a guy who creates new technology to make his film. Plus The Hurt Locker is such an overrated film anyway. Kathryn Bigelow should cut the crap and make a Point Break sequel already.

  6. #96
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    Cameron might be up against his ex-wife for Best Director at the Oscars, that should be fun.
    Cameron deserves the best director Oscar. You have to give credit to a guy who creates new technology to make his film. Plus The Hurt Locker is such an overrated film anyway. Kathryn Bigelow should cut the crap and make a Point Break sequel already.
    I'd rather give credit to someone who made a really good film (mind you, this IS the Oscars) - and The Hurt Locker overrated?! It's fantastic. I've not seen many films as nerve-shredding, and it's ironic that whilst Avatar is let down a bit by oh-so-obvious references to stuff like Iraq ('Unobtanium' - ha!), The Hurt Locker which is set in Iraq takes pains to avoid any political statements, and is all the better for it.

    Mind you in a perfect world Moon and Let the Right One In would trounce all anyway.
    Last edited by charliepanayi; 01-13-2010 at 11:07 PM.
    "Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"

  7. #97
    tech spirit
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    Well he shouldn't have much trouble funding some of his other projects now :p
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  8. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    I'd rather give credit to someone who made a really good film (mind you, this IS the Oscars) - and The Hurt Locker overrated?! It's fantastic.
    I'd rather credit the best film by giving it the best picture Oscar. I think you need to factor in a few more things with the best director Oscar or else there would be no point in having the two seperate Oscars.

    And The Hurt Locker is ok. Just didn't change my world. I have no real qualms with the movie.

  9. #99
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dignified Pauper View Post
    I just saw this in 3D IMAX and LOVED it.

    That said, I don't really see why so many people hark over the story. Stories are constantly rehashed, that is something true in books, movies, shows, etc. Everything is just rehashed. I actually really enjoyed the story, although, I felt it jumped around a bit.

    I think the film was an amazing display of cinematography as well as an interesting depiction into a fully realized world that you only see a part of. Everything has its own ecology and vigor, and the plants were amazingly pretty. And for some reason, the entire culture and beliefs of the Na'vi were very believable (although, it reminded me too much of that stupid fairy in LoZ:OoT.)

    I dunno, I think people dwell too much on what makes a movie bad and gloss over what make it so good. Who cares if the story is rehashed. You're not going to find much originality in films anymore. It's hard to be original and have it be good, and believable, so make an adaption on what is already proven to work.
    I'd probably be less inclined to criticize this drivel if it wasn't being heralded akin to the second coming of Christ.

    It was pretty and entertaining, but good graphics does not a good movie make.

  10. #100
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    I dont know why people were expecting a brilliant story.
    I just saw it yesterday going in expecting to be meh'd
    But the 3d effects and very good set pieces were enough to completely suck me in and so I really enjoyed it!

    The story itself wasnt original, but I thought the world and creatures were VERY imaginative and helped to draw me in.

    People putting the film on a pedestal will always ruin the experience for others, why not just ignore it and make up your own mind?

    If I would rate the film purely on how much enjoyment I had, I would probably give it a 9/10.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeargdribble View Post
    Is any story really new? Why is this what everyone's so obsessed about? Is it some sort of reactionary anti-hype? Probably every movie that any person can claim to be one of their favorites has a literary of film precursor.

    Just because the story (like most) is lightly recycled doesn't mean that it's not a fantastic cinematic experience. Everyone is entitled to not enjoy it, but if your dislike of it is predicated on one these reasons then I feel like you're just being snobby.

    Just to admit I'm Mr. Pot talking to Mr. Kettle, I can sometimes be a music snob based on the over simplicity of something musical, but I'm also the first to praise something that is not necessarily unique, but is still amazing despite the fact that it only uses 2-3 chords.
    I concur
    Last edited by Croyles; 01-16-2010 at 08:19 AM.

  11. #101
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    IMAX'd it yesterday, though I think i was sitting too close to the screen (2nd row). Still looked good. About what I expected as far as content.

  12. #102


    I've not seen many films as nerve-shredding, and it's ironic that whilst Avatar is let down a bit by oh-so-obvious references to stuff like Iraq ('Unobtanium' - ha!),
    That isn't necessarily a shot at Iraq considering he didn't make it up and the term has existed far longer Cameron has been making movies or the Iraq war(s).

  13. #103
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    Last Samurai (a god awful film)
    I love that movie, especially Ujio.


  14. #104
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Saw this over a week ago. Visuals were great though the 3-D glasses combined with a movie close to three hours gave me a serious headache.

    I didn't care for the plot cause most of the plot is spelled out to you in the five minute trailers, which gets annoying cause the movie takes over two hours to tell you what the trailer accomplished in a few minutes. This being Hollywood allowed me to guess most of the ending, cause heaven forbid we do something that makes audiences think. The one little "twist" in the ending came across more sappy and stupid than creative. Not to mention the predictable Deus Ex Machina for the final battle. The really sad thing is that it would have been so easy to make a better story from what they had but its all copy and paste from other films. The ending is also unrealistic, (SPOILER)we all know damn well the greedy humans are just going to come back and fire blast the whole surface of the planet until its a scorched crater, making the planet close to uninhabitable and then start digging.

    Overall, it was nice for the world design and a few creative elements. I never cared for the tribe but the other inhabitants of Pandora as well as the world brought back memories of some of my favorite world design elements from FFIX and X. Beyond the special effects it was a mediocre Hollywood film. I doubt I'll ever feel the need to watch it ever again.

  15. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    Plus The Hurt Locker is such an overrated film anyway.
    Wait, Avatar isn't?

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