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Thread: A Dissidia 2 Wish List...

  1. #16


    They should add, a Villain representing FF XI, a Hero representing FF XII, a Hero and Villain representing FF XIII, and a Hero and Villain representing Kingdom Hearts.

  2. #17


    And a Hero and Villain representing Tactics!
    Kuja, Please, Rest In Peace...
    Dissidia Killed You
    Yeah... the whole game...

  3. #18
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> Character customization/creation section like Soul Calibur 3 and 4..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  4. #19


    Realistically I can see them adding one character from each game at best therefore I don't care good or evil, depends on the game. Having a better mix here, maybe some nuetral characters may make a better story. (I don't care about having a story, but realistically we are going to get one whether we want it or not). Character in Dissidia I think are slightly unbalanced, mostly Exdeath/Golbez, but for the most parts tier lists will succumb to the players preference which I think is great. I out of rebellion have been using what tiers consider bottom tier recently (kefka, sephiroth, emperor). Wolf Kanno had good balance ideas, but neglected Zidane and a few others, most of his suggestions beefed up characters though so that may bring them to the same level as current Zidane, but if not, Zidane needs to be slowed, too many hp connect combos. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE THAT STUPID WINK OUT OF HIS EX BURST! The character is gay enough as is especially with having King kuja manthong as a counterpart. (thats sorta personal, I liked IX, just get rid of the wink and maybe another voice actor for kuja) These are a lot because there are hard-core dissidia fans like most of us that are seeing our favorite character come to life and die before our eyes. There were a lot of fan-services and I am not complaining, but more! I would want an expansion in music for sure, as stated adding black mages would be cool and I need kefka's theme to satisfy the fanboy in me, don't care if it's not real battle music...i want it...After closer looks, I think everyone's character stays true to their origins so I want this to stay. Make it easier to play online as well, I literally ask random people at conventions looking for battles. I think this next is wishful thinking, but the game coming a data disc or something that is put on a ps3, when connected to the ps3, story mode/cutscenes/other memory sponge items will be accessible giving the actual psp game disc space for characters/items/everything that u need for battling people on the go.

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