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Thread: The Sims 3: Eyeson (Episode 5 ~ in post 450)

  1. #61
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Play that funky music, white girl.

  2. #62
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    This was ready to post like Tuesday night but I was watching Heroes and playing Rock Band. And I'm still a little drink and listening to Lady Gaga so maybe this will be slightly better. lawl

    Also, I did my best to fulfill requests as stated on the surveys, but suck my balls m'kay. Also also, you can't pick conflicting personality traits; the game isn't that smart.

    Also also also, everyone who expressed interested in being in the town is in the town. If you do not see your Sim, it's because he's a lazy smurf and stayed home for some reason.

    One last also, about who is houses with whom...I first filled roommate requests and then placed everyone else using, first, a random number generator to determine how many Sims would be in the house (no more than five, to allow for breeding), and, second, The Hat to determine names.

    Housemates are as follows:
    1) Psy/DK/Iceglow

    2) Jess/Mogi

    3) Monda/Jeremy/Rye/Vivi22

    4) Laddy/VexNet/Shiny

    5) Fonz/DP/rubah/Lynx

    6) Lekana/Sir Lancealot/Dreamer/Quin

    7) Jiro/demondude55

    8) The Abominatrix/ShlupQuack

    9) Hux

    10) Loony BoB/smittenkitten/Levian

    11) scumpleberry

    12) Old Man Mullet

    13) Celes

    14) Momiji

    And so...

    Eyeson: Episode 1

    As I said, I will play each sitting as a random Sim as picked from The Hat, and the first Sim picked is....


    So Jess and Mogi get to their new home and the first thing that happens is that Mogi goes and gets a boner over the house having paper towels.
    I don't know what kind of third world country this guy comes from, but I'm happy to have helped.

    When I was trying to get my game to stop being an ass, I deleted a bunch of stuff, and I apparently deleted Jesswee's shirt, so, like, she needed a new shirt, right?

    She found this difficult, unfortunately. Hi Jessweeee!

    Being that I'm playing as Jessweeee, she immediately wished (Sims in TS3 do not have wants they have wishes) to be a criminal, and who the smurf am I to deny a girl her very first wish?

    She randomly saw Psy but he was being an ass and refused to talk to her. Like she started running towards him and he just walked away. wtf

    I then told her to drive her butt to Central Park and have Mogi meet her.
    Central park is right there behind the car and, you see, being that it is central it is a great place to meet some peeps.
    P.S. That's Iceglow driving right there. He's a busy dude.

    See? Just got there and there's already a Jiro to play with.

    I told Jess to play chess with him, but she was very confused by this request. And I didn't even make her stupid! C'mon, Jess!

    I decided Jess should stick with something more her speed, so she's all like "Hey, sea monster, let's play tag!" She thinks Mogi is a sea monster. That is, like, so rude.

    Mogi sucks at tag. You're not supposed to stop and stand there, durrrp!

    Jessweeee sucks at tag too. You're supposed to tag him, dammit! I know I made him pretty foxy but stop admiring him and tag him!

    Dammit, Jiro, how are you winded when you were across the park hiding behind a tree while she chases Mogi? Run dammit!

    So I'm like these guys are 'special,' what else is happening? and zoom out thusly. If you are smart you will spot in this picture Jess, Mogi, Jiro, The Abominatrix, Shattered Dreamer, and Scrumpleberry.

    So I'm like sup guys but Shattered Dreamer is way too into his air guitar to care.

    Scrumpleberry is less than impressed. Yes, I know, she is a masterpiece.

    Jessweeee yells for Scrumpleberry to come play tag with them and she's like "wooooo!"

    You know who does like Shattered Dreamer's air guitar skills though?

    This guy. Smells like DK.

    But then he's like "Tag?? smurf yeah!!!!!!1"

    And then I'm like sweet, Marshall Banana showed up her her Pikachu-ish suit. Now it's a party.

    But then my game totally crashed. Like, BAM, I'm staring at my desktop. And it's like none of that ever happened. Asshole.

    So, anyway, Jessweeee and Mogi are at their brand new house that they've never seen before.

    She still greatly desired to be a criminal, so this time I had Mogi go with her.

    Second verse same as the first, back to Central Park. New people showed up!

    Shattered Dreamer, having forgotten his love of air guitar, has brought his housemates with him: Lekana, Sir Lancealot, and Quin.

    Jessweeee was especially excited to talk to Sir Lancealot.

    He doesn't know why either. And, yay, I showed up!

    Mogi is... pleased? Maybe.

    Well he liked my joke, so that's good enough for me.

    They talked for awhile and then I see, in the background, Marshall Banana, Necro, and Vivi22 heading into the library.

    On the way I catch this. Lekana saw food sitting unattended at the park and was just like "These are my food now, om nom nom." Nice.

    So then I'm like hey guys whaaaaat'cha doin'? and they're just going into the library because that is fun for them somehow.

    If there was any doubt I made Necro accurately, look at the way he's looking at Marshall go up those stairs in that little skirt. Tsk.

    Based on the way Marshall's looking at him for stealing her seat, I'm not sure Vivi22 will live long. Too scary!

    Back at the park, Lekana is trying to talk up Shattered Dreamer, but his eyes are all over Jessweeee. Or Lancealot. It could go either way.

    I kind of wish this is what I was really doing right now.

    Oh, hey, thanks buddy. Note that I did not tell her to do this.

    I think she's enjoying a face full of my butt a little too much though. No biting!

    And then Jessweeee was done and I'm like okay, now what? But then look in the back!

    SURPRIZE BUTTSECKS!! That didn't take long. Not cool, SD, not cool. Look how upset Mogi is. P.S. Say hi to Laddy and VexNet. And bye because they did not entertain me today.

    So then I'm like hey, Jess, go to the library and get your book on but Marshall Banana is there being all like yettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. WTF.

    Everyone else there is reading books and increasing their knowledge base and crap, but Jess immediately goes and gets on #eoff.

    Apparently she is chatting with Momiji. This continues for like... I think it was nine hours.

    Rubah shows up sometime during this. Heeeeeeey there, sexy.

    Finally she gets her ass up. It's late, she's starving, and she has to pee... so she picks up a book. Makes sense.

    I should also mention that I have the game set up to give me a pop-up whenever something interesting happens to another Sim, so at this time I got this pop-up:

    Hahaha, Fonz hasn't even showed up yet and he's already made of fail.
    And, yes, his last name is Stinks. Most of you have very unflattering last names, so there.

    Vivi is trying to chat up Rubah but she is not interested in hearing about his plan to harvest Saturn's rings for their crunchy goodness.

    She did not even attempt to hide her boredom, and I felt super sad for him.
    Notice she's totally making a Bella Swan face. kekeke

    She straight up walked away to read and he's just standing there like "Preeeeeetty girl..."

    Jess finally peed at least and is starving, but, whoa!, there are video games to be played. Get yo GTA on grrrrl. Or something. *cough*

    Meanwhile, Mogi has made more acquaintances, gained two skill points (logic and painting), managed to feed and care for himself, and even went home all by himself even though Jessweeee has the car.

    And he stopped painting and put himself to bed. Good boy.

    Jess did manage to go home (I was just gonna let her die at the library if she couldn't handle it) but went straight to bed, nearly starving. Goodnight, Jessweeee.

    Goodnight to me too. I'm sobered up and I can already feel this hangover starting. BAAWWWW!!!


    View the entire Episode 1 gallery, which includes 17 pics not posted in this episode, here.

  3. #63
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Monda's is SOOOOOOOOO CUTE.

    Ronnie's little thonged ass is beloved too.

  4. #64
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    That's the outfit I wore to Little Tokyo! Cool!

  5. #65
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I have a mohawk? Sweet!

  6. #66
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    I think Scrumpleberry is my favourite ahhaahah

    but yes the thong is glorious you have done the sim world a great service

    edit: you aren't so sly
    Last edited by DK; 11-13-2009 at 02:36 PM.

  7. #67
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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  8. #68
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    I love how realistic so many of the sims are. Good job!
    Figaro Castle

  9. #69
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Nice work!
    She randomly saw Psy but he was being an ass and refused to talk to her. Like she started running towards him and he just walked away. wtf
    It begins.

  10. #70
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Hehe, I love how you got a shot of RonnieDK's backside.

  11. #71
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    lol, this is win. Me and Jiro will be an interesting couple.

  12. #72
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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  13. #73
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Hahahahaha this is great xD

  14. #74
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I love how rubah just gets bored with vivi22 and walks off. Poor guy

  15. #75
    VICIOUS GEEK SOOT~ヽ(`Д´)ノ scrumpleberry's Avatar
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    OMG LOEV LOEV LOEV LOEV shluppers you are so the best <3333

    And my sim might just be the best sim ever goddamn, i kind of want her in my game <3

    Are you using the indie stone to do those pop ups? I can't get mine to work because i'm patched to 1.4 and i dont know how i can only make it patch to 1.2.7 :/

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