View Poll Results: Who is Cloud's love interest?

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  • Tifa

    55 59.78%
  • Aerith

    25 27.17%
  • I'm undecided

    12 13.04%
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Thread: Let's discuss Cloud's main love interest: Aerith or Tifa

  1. #1

    Default Let's discuss Cloud's main love interest: Aerith or Tifa

    Okay I think I threw too much info into this post at once and people are like OMG WTF
    Let me start over

    I'm Shishikabob and I think that Cloud loves Tifa for many reasons. I won't post them all right away, but I would like to point out the one I think is most important.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tifa profile CC ult
    In FF7, Tifa is the only one who knows Cloud’s childhood, and furthermore, she holds the key to people involved in the story of Nibelheim’s burning down, which is also depicted in CC. She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.
    This is probably the most important quote because it's one that can stand on it's own. Now I've heard arguments to the effect of, "It doesn't say what feelings, it could be feelings of friendship." but that doesn't make sense for a few reasons. One of which is that Cloud and Tifa were already friends at that point. So they could not be realizing a feeling they already had. Second of all, have you ever in your entire life known the phrase "feelings for each other" to mean anything except romantic feelings?

    Now I want to hear from you. Who do you think Cloud loves and why?

    My original TL DR PostHello, I think it's time we discuss who Cloud's main love interest is. I'm Shishikabob and I'll be your host this evening.

    Now when I talk about the love triangle of FFVII, I believe there IS an answer. A definite answer. This isn't me saying, "Well my opinion is the answer is Tifa but it's up in the air." This is me saying, "It's Tifa, she is the answer. Always was always will be." BUT I know people disagree and I'd like to hear and discuss your thoughts on it. I do believe that Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith at the start of the game, but after the Lifestream event, it was all about Tifa.

    Here are some reasons why I think so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tifa profile CC ult
    In FF7, Tifa is the only one who knows Cloud’s childhood, and furthermore, she holds the key to people involved in the story of Nibelheim’s burning down, which is also depicted in CC. She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.
    This is probably the most important quote because it's one that can stand on it's own. Now I've heard arguments to the effect of, "It doesn't say what feelings, it could be feelings of friendship." but that doesn't make sense for a few reasons. One of which is that Cloud and Tifa were already friends at that point. So they could not be realizing a feeling they already had. Second of all, have you ever in your entire life known the phrase "feelings for each other" to mean anything except romantic feelings?

    Here's a few quotes from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania.
    Quote Originally Posted by 10th Anniversary Ultimania
    In Advent Children
    The happier he is now,
    The more Cloud is tormented by painful “memories” of the past.

    Now running a delivery business while helping out Tifa with the newly opened “Seventh Heaven” bar, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel lived together like a family.
    The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…
    With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward.
    Cloud is happy with Tifa and forming a family with her and they're raising children. This isn't something you do with a college room mate. I've heard arguments to counter this to say that Avalanche was once staying at the 7th heaven long before Cloud came there and they were also all raising Marlene, but Tifa never referred to Marlene as her daughter back then. Plus that unit is never referred to as a family where as Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel have been MANY times.

    I've also heard some say that Barret is part of the family and the father figure and Cloud is more like a big kid. The claim of Cloud being a "big kid" comes from a statement in the Reunion Files that says:

    Nomura "Tifa was a very difficult character to create. Like Aerith, she has a maternal side to her, but in a different sense. Not only was she looking after Marlene and Denzel, but she also felt a certain maternal bond to Cloud, who is a 'big kid' himself in some respects. Yet despite this, she continues working as the manager of Seventh Heaven without a complaint." ~Nomura; Reunion Files
    While it's true Cloud's stated here to be a big kid there's a couple things we need to take into consideration. First of all, that “Maternal bond” line isn't in the original Japanese text. It simply states that Tifa took care of Cloud and the kids. Second of all, so what if Cloud is like a big kid? I'm like a big kid myself. I still watch cartoons, I love action figures and plushies and I love video games and things like that. Plus there have been times when I felt a “maternal bond” to my BF whom I've taken care of when he's been sick. Feeling motherly toward someone at times doesn't mean you can't love them romantically.

    As for the other argument, there are absolutely 0 claims to support Barret is part of the family. I'd like to also point out that the family is in fact Cloud's.

    Here are a few more quotes to support my claim:

    · After traveling to several places with Cloud and Barret, Tifa opens the bar Seventh Heaven in Edge on the advice of those around her. She was given custody of Marlene from Barret, who had left on a journey to find a new energy source. Together with Cloud, the 3 of them began living together as a family.
    Notice the part I bolded. It specifically states the three of them are a family. Just the three of them.

    Also from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania:
    Cloud brings Denzel back from the slum’s church and Denzel joins Cloud’s family.
    Right there it states that the family is Cloud's.

    Also in FFVII AC Cloud calls the family his.
    "Tifa I don't think I'm fit to help anyone. Not my family, not my friends, nobody."

    Lastly there's the ACC playback. This guide also specifically states who's in the family:

    When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma– his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself.
    In order we have
    1. His friends.
    2. The children
    3. Tifa, Marlene and Denzel... his family! No mention of Barret or anyone else being in the family. Tifa, Marlene and Denzel are separated from the rest.

    Now I know some people say that Marlene had to put Cloud in the family herself, but that doesn't mean the family isn't his. If I suggested you and your SO get married and you guys start a family, is the family not yours then?

    Also yes Barret is still Marlene's adoptive father and she still calls him Daddy. He will always be her adoptive family, but part of Cloud's family he is not. So we have, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel as a family unit. This isn't something you do with a good friend.

    That ends the family point of my debate so let me point out some more quotes that put Cloud and Tifa together:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nojima in the Reunion Files
    Inside, I felt one thing was for sure: Cloud and Tifa would be together. Everybody would be back home where they belonged.
    That's self explanatory and no it is not talking about locations.

    Quote Originally Posted by AC Playback
    Tifa, who from 2 years ago has been the only one Cloud opened his heart to. Now he has closed off his heart even from her.
    Okay I know that opening your heart to someone doesn't mean confessing your love, but that's not the part you should pay attention to. The point is this statement says the only person Cloud ever opened his heart to was Tifa. Not Aerith or anyone else, but Tifa. He must trust Tifa on a level that no one else can compare to. Would Cloud have opened his hear to Aerith had she lived? It's possible, but he certainly never had time to in the two weeks that he knew her.

    Tifa is also said to be an important woman to Cloud:
    Quote Originally Posted by 10th Anniversary Ultimania
    With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward.
    Again we have Tifa listed as important and we again, have the family being referred to as Cloud's. Now Some like to say Aerith was important to Cloud but let's look at those quotes really quick:

    Quote Originally Posted by 10th Anniversary Ultimania
    Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality.
    Here we have his failure to protect “PEOPLE” who were important to him. It doesn't just say Aerith, thus Aerith and Zack are both important to him.
    Quote Originally Posted by 10th Anniversary Ultimania
    Two years after returning to the planet, Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who saved the planet. And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to having being unable protect those dear to him, she was a major factor in causing him to close himself off.
    What is Aerith here? Not a girlfriend or a love interest or a member of his family but a symbol of his failures. And uhm... DUH Aerith was one of the reasons he closed off his heart! And it's the guilt that Cloud feels about her death that's causing him to get depressed etc etc...

    Also in the AC playback book from this quote:
    "The place where he awakens-
    That is Cloud's Promised Land

    As he sleeps, Cloud hears two voices. The voices of two people very dear to him, who are no longer with him. Playfully and kindly, they give him a message: he doesn't belong here yet.

    When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma- his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself.

    And when he turns around- 'she' is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness... And so they too go back to where they belong.

    Back to the current of life flowing around the planet-."
    Aerith is put on the same level as Zack emotionally. Two people "very dear to him," not "his true love and his buddy Zack" or anything like that. If Aerith really was more important to Cloud than anyone, it would not put her on the same level as Zack.

    For the final nail in the Clerith coffin, or the way I see it anyway is this quote by Nojima when being interviewed about OTWTAS:
    "First, there’s the premise that things aren’t going well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without Geostigma and Sephiroth, it would still be the same. I don’t mean to get into my views on romantic love, marriage and family. (laughs) After ACC, maybe Denzel and Marlene can get them to work it out. Perhaps things would have gone well with Aerith, but Aerith’s responsibility is big, I think." ~Nojima, interview about On the Way to a Smile
    Simple question: Why would Nojima bring up love, marriage and family in the context of Tifa and Cloud and Case of Tifa, and then mention Aerith as a hypothetical love interest if Tifa was not a current love interest? Put it in perspective, imagine you and your friend, I don't know, Steve had a fight. And I said to you, "Hey things between you and Steve aren't going so well.. not that I intend to go into my views on love, marriage and family." You'd be very confused wouldn't you?

    There are many more reasons I feel that Cloud and Tifa are canon couple and THE canon couple of FFVII, but I won't go into them all here, I'll let other people talk first. Sorry if I typed too much. I'd like to hear any and all opinions on this and look forward to discussing this with you guys.
    Last edited by Shishikabob; 11-18-2009 at 09:58 PM.
    "In FFVII fandom, love triangle debates are considered especially heinous. In this fandom, the dedicated Clotis and Cleriths who engage in these vicious debates are members of an elite forum known as the The Forgotten City.
    These are their stories."

  2. #2
    Conservative Darth Cid's Avatar
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    I say neither one. That's all I got though, it would take too long to explain.

  3. #3


    Did you... happen to read any of my post? Heck just read the first quote, that might change you rmind

    I mean you're entitled to your opinion but I'd at least like it if you heard WHY I consider CxT canon. Also please do type out why you think so, I'd love to hear it even if it takes a while.
    "In FFVII fandom, love triangle debates are considered especially heinous. In this fandom, the dedicated Clotis and Cleriths who engage in these vicious debates are members of an elite forum known as the The Forgotten City.
    These are their stories."

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I sometimes have issues regarding Tifa's romance with Cloud. Cloud always had a crush on her but I feel Tifa only invented her romantic feeling for him in the beginning and it wasn't til the full events of VII that Tifa actually grew to truly love Cloud.

    Yet on the flipside, I feel that Cloud's own feelings regarding Tifa have changed when you compare them to his boyhood self. He was utterly infatuated with her but now it seems he can easily find ways to stray from her and close his heart off to her. Even Nojima in the interview seems to imply that Cloud's feelings for Tifa are different. This is not to say that Cloud doesn't care for her or does not have romantic feelings for her but its seems pretty obvious from AC that Tifa is the one actually doing all the work in regards to their relationship. Cloud spends most of it in a daze of guilt and angst.

    In regards to Aerith, I also feel the relationship is far more ambiguous than fans of the paring would like you to think. Playing through the game I feel that Aerith is mostly attracted to Cloud due to his similarities to Zack, likewise, Cloud undergoes a personality change once he meets Aerith. Before he met her, he was cold and selfish, being even temperamental and moody with Tifa. Once Aerith appears we finally see Cloud actually relax and joke around a bit and he becomes much more heroic and utilitarian in his thoughts and actions. Where I'm going with this is that I feel Cloud's sudden mood change is a result of the influence of Zack in his personality.

    By this notion, I feel that Cloud's original feelings for Aerith are a direct result of the Sephy Clone experiments. Cloud is drawn to Aerith because of the part of him that is Zack just as Aerith is originally drawn to him cause of the part of him that is Zack. Course Cloud's feeling also change as he comes to realize the truth of himself and if you read the dialogue of the date with Aerith, it seems that Aerith figured out the truth behind Cloud as she says "I want to meet you". So I feel Aerith does grow into looking to Cloud as something different from a love interest, a lot of the dialogue she has on the date always gave me the impression that she realized her feelings for Cloud were not true.

    Her death does affect Cloud in the long run and I feel it elevates Aerith to something higher in Cloud's mind. She is a person who radically changed his life and a person he failed to save (despite there being no way to save her). Part of it might be from the part of him that is Zack's memories but I feel Aerith had a profound affect on his life and though Cloud may love Tifa, I feel Aerith may be more important to him as she served as a mentor and a figure who dramatically influenced him. This is always how I interpret the problems between Cloud and Tifa, its not that Cloud is hung up on a lost love but rather someone who was dearly important to him.

    While Tifa my have finally grown to love Cloud, I feel that Cloud's feelings towards her have changed due to the events of the original game. He's happy to be with someone he cares about but it doesn't stop his sense of loss for Aerith and to a lesser degree Zack. This hinders their relationship, so technically I would say Cloud's relationship with Tifa is hindered by his feelings for Aerith, I just don't believe those feelings are necessarily love.

  5. #5


    I sometimes have issues regarding Tifa's romance with Cloud. Cloud always had a crush on her but I feel Tifa only invented her romantic feeling for him in the beginning and it wasn't til the full events of VII that Tifa actually grew to truly love Cloud.
    Yet if we take a look at the Crisis Core Ultimania is states:
    Believing in Cloud’s promise, Tifa’s waiting to see Cloud become a SOLDIER like Sephiroth. Tifa dresses herself in a pretty and sexy look. Does she do that to spirit up herself in preparing for a touching reunion?
    Why would Tifa dress herself up sexily if she didn't already have feelings for him or begun to have feelings at least. For that matter she asked Cloud to make a promise she then believed in. It's also stated in the lifestream event of FFVII that she began to read the newspapers looking for information about him. So to me it doesn't sound like she invented those feelings later on, she was feeling them after their night at the watertower.

    Yet on the flipside, I feel that Cloud's own feelings regarding Tifa have changed when you compare them to his boyhood self. He was utterly infatuated with her but now it seems he can easily find ways to stray from her and close his heart off to her.
    In the lifestream event after Tifa says to the younger Cloud that she began looking for information about him in the newspapers he says something along the lines of, "Be sure to tell him that, he'll be happy to hear it." If Cloud's feelings really changed that much, he wouldn't care so much about this. Also I'm sure Cloud wouldn't care so much about just a "friend" reading about him in the newspaper.

    Plus the Ultimanias state that the promise he made to Tifa is etched in his heart forever. That sounds pretty important to me :P

    And it's been stated that the reason Cloud closed his heart off was because of his guilt. He began to grow happy with Tifa and his family, but he started to become scared that he'd lose that happiness. This is why he began to close himself off to everyone. It was his guilt, not his unhappiness with Tifa or anything of the sort.

    Further more this is what FFVII AC/C was about, Cloud healing his guilt so he could live on with his family in a guilt free world. Clearly his heart has reopened to Tifa by the end of the movie and he realizes he's meant to live with her.

    Even Nojima in the interview seems to imply that Cloud's feelings for Tifa are different.
    How so?

    This is not to say that Cloud doesn't care for her or does not have romantic feelings for her but its seems pretty obvious from AC that Tifa is the one actually doing all the work in regards to their relationship. Cloud spends most of it in a daze of guilt and angst.
    This isn't true, it wasn't until about 3/4ths of the way through Case of Tifa that Cloud started to feel guilty and close himself off. up until that moment he was truly happy. The creators have stated this on at least 3 occasions. When he found Denzel, he thought this was his chance for redemption and he began to open himself up again. This is stated in the novel... it wasn't until he got geostigma that he thought he was really worthless and shut himself off completely.

    Think about this too, Cloud feels responsible for the death of two of his closest friends. That's not exactly something you forget when you get yourself a girlfriend and begin raising a family with her. Plus he goes out looking for a cure for a disease his son has and then contacts the same fatal disease. This means he can't live out Zack's promise so he failed him as well. Their love for one another isn't going to magically just cure all the guilt he feels. I don't even think Disney would go with a story like that.

    Plus, Square actually stated Aerith was the only one who could heal his guilt. He needed to hear from her that he was forgiven. That's what happened in AC/C and in the end, Cloud has opened himself once again. This is confirmed by his "I'm not alone, not anymore" line.

    In regards to Aerith, I also feel the relationship is far more ambiguous than fans of the paring would like you to think. Playing through the game I feel that Aerith is mostly attracted to Cloud due to his similarities to Zack,
    I feel their feelings for one another were genuine at the time. But yes Aerith did overlap Cloud with Zack.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nojima
    However, Zack did not appear only for the reason as a key to the puzzle. The setting of “Aerith overlaps Cloud with her first love” and Zack as the key character are settled before I joined the team of development.
    likewise, Cloud undergoes a personality change once he meets Aerith. Before he met her, he was cold and selfish, being even temperamental and moody with Tifa. Once Aerith appears we finally see Cloud actually relax and joke around a bit and he becomes much more heroic and utilitarian in his thoughts and actions. Where I'm going with this is that I feel Cloud's sudden mood change is a result of the influence of Zack in his personality.
    Close but not quite, it was actually a result of Jenova's influence. She wanted Cloud to get close to Aerith so she could eventually kill her.... erm.. I know I've read this somewhere but give me a bit and I'll find a source on that. :P

    By this notion, I feel that Cloud's original feelings for Aerith are a direct result of the Sephy Clone experiments. Cloud is drawn to Aerith because of the part of him that is Zack just as Aerith is originally drawn to him cause of the part of him that is Zack. Course Cloud's feeling also change as he comes to realize the truth of himself and if you read the dialogue of the date with Aerith, it seems that Aerith figured out the truth behind Cloud as she says "I want to meet you". So I feel Aerith does grow into looking to Cloud as something different from a love interest, a lot of the dialogue she has on the date always gave me the impression that she realized her feelings for Cloud were not true.
    I agree with all of this. But Cloud is drawn to Aerith mostly because of the Jenova inside of him.
    Aerith does want to meet the real Cloud, and honestly I think Cloud did love her, not as deeply as he does Tifa though. My interpretation always was that Cloud loved Aerith, but after the lifestream event, he realized who he was meant to be with, who he sought out to be with, and who he's ultimately with.

    Her death does affect Cloud in the long run and I feel it elevates Aerith to something higher in Cloud's mind.
    I disagree, any time Aerith gets singled out to Cloud it's in relation to the guilt he feels. The only one who's ever been singled out of "mutual feelings" is Tifa.

    She is a person who radically changed his life and a person he failed to save (despite there being no way to save her). Part of it might be from the part of him that is Zack's memories but I feel Aerith had a profound affect on his life and though Cloud may love Tifa, I feel Aerith may be more important to him as she served as a mentor and a figure who dramatically influenced him.
    And what did Aerith do that was so important? Tifa was the one who literally went inside Cloud's mind to piece his past together so he could find out who he was. They shared their feelings for one another under the highwind and live together.

    Not only that but on the subject of the lifestream event, they are in the center of Cloud's brain and, as messed up as it is, the one thing is always constant is that Tifa is always the main focus.

    This is always how I interpret the problems between Cloud and Tifa, its not that Cloud is hung up on a lost love but rather someone who was dearly important to him.
    I won't deny that Aerith is important, but a love interest she is not. Look at the quote by Nojima I posted, "Maybe things would have gone well with Aerith." To me this indicates they never really had that much of a romance going. Nothing serious anyway, I do think there was love between the two, but their relationship didn't go much beyond that.

    While Tifa my have finally grown to love Cloud, I feel that Cloud's feelings towards her have changed due to the events of the original game.
    Yep, they're stronger now than ever
    He's happy to be with someone he cares about but it doesn't stop his sense of loss for Aerith and to a lesser degree Zack.
    Yet they were put on the same level emotionally in the AC playback book.
    This hinders their relationship, so technically I would say Cloud's relationship with Tifa is hindered by his feelings for Aerith, I just don't believe those feelings are necessarily love.
    Then permit me to ask what you think the feelings are when they revealed their feelings for each other? Which BTW, is something stated by the creators that they did at least 3 times in the Ultimanias.

    and I'm not being offensive am I
    Just let me know

    BTW whoever voted for Aerith, please post why :P
    Last edited by Shishikabob; 11-16-2009 at 09:11 AM.
    "In FFVII fandom, love triangle debates are considered especially heinous. In this fandom, the dedicated Clotis and Cleriths who engage in these vicious debates are members of an elite forum known as the The Forgotten City.
    These are their stories."

  6. #6


    You make some really great points and as much of a fan as I am n Cloud x Tifa, I still have to say that his love interest was Aeris. I only got the vibe that Tifa was his friend, and even in Advent Children when they were "living" together in the bar, Cloud wasn't there most of the time. And yes he does say something about family in the movie but I don't think he meant it like him and Tifa being romantically involved. Even after all that happened, through-out their child hood, and through Nibelhiem burning, and the game of Final Fantasy 7 itself, Tifa was never more that his one true and closest friend.

    I don't really think Cloud was in love either, but I think he had more of a romantic relationship with Aeris than he ever did with Tifa. But Cloud also was the type to not show his true feelings that much. Making this argument really pains me though, cause I was never to fond of AeriaxCloud shizz.

  7. #7
    Oh hello there! silentenigma's Avatar
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    Lulz everyone's going to start arguing this again. It's been awhile.
    In the original 1997 game, it appeared that Cloud's love interest was somewhere between "completely ambiguous" and "kinda leaning toward Aeris." However, there really was no definitive pairing and it was meant to be able to go either way. But since 2005 or whatever with the coming of the FFVII: Retcon Edition series, there have been major, if not overwhelming implications towards Tifa being Cloud's love interest.

    I still voted Aerith though; mainly due to my love of the original game and my disdain for the compilation, but that's a different story.
    So I would suggest reading Squall of Seed's article on the whole subject, then form your own opinion.
    Last edited by silentenigma; 11-16-2009 at 06:07 AM.

  8. #8


    You make some really great points and as much of a fan as I am n Cloud x Tifa, I still have to say that his love interest was Aeris.
    Based on what exactly?

    I only got the vibe that Tifa was his friend, and even in Advent Children when they were "living" together in the bar, Cloud wasn't there most of the time.
    Cloud wasn't there in AC/C because he had left due to his guilt. Look at the quotes I posted. This will give you a better understanding of where Cloud's head was at. I'd also advice you to read Case of Tifa as it explains when Cloud left.

    Also in the beginning of CoT it's clear that Cloud wants Tifa by his side and it's "different from before."
    Quote Originally Posted by Case of Tifa
    “Cloud, you’re smiling.”

    “I am?”


    “It all starts now. A new…”

    Cloud looked for the right words.

    “A new life.”

    “I’m going to live. I think that’s the only way I can be forgiven. All sorts of things… happened.”

    “That’s right…”

    “But when I think about how many times I’ve thought about how I was going to start a new life, it’s funny.”


    “Because I’ve always failed everything.”

    “That’s not funny.”

    “After this … I think I’ll be okay.”

    Cloud was silent for a long time before he spoke again.

    “Because I have you this time.”

    “You’ve always had me.”

    “What I mean is kind of different,” Cloud answered with another smile.
    Cloud is talking about having Tifa by his side in a way that's different than before. Keep in mind they shared their mutual feelings for one another under the highwind and it wouldn't make sense for them to be establishing a friendship they already had...

    As for him being gone in Advent Children... well yeah... we established that he had left at that point. He ran away so to speak, and it wasn't because of Aerith, it was because of Geostigma as stated more than once in the 10th Anniversary Ultimania:
    Quote Originally Posted by 10th Anniversary Ultimania
    · AC – Midgar
    Because he contracted Geostigma, he left Tifa and the children, and began living in the Slum church.
    Now running a delivery business while helping out Tifa with the newly opened “Seventh Heaven” bar, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel lived together like a family. However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears.
    Not only that but Cloud specifically states in Advent Children complete that the reason he left was because he felt he couldn't care for anyone let alone himself. So that's why Cloud wasn't in the 7th heaven very often in AC/C. Geostigma.

    Even after all that happened, through-out their child hood, and through Nibelhiem burning, and the game of Final Fantasy 7 itself, Tifa was never more that his one true and closest friend.
    I disagree and if you look at the texts I think you would too.

    You have her and Cloud having memories together related to their future, Cloud and Tifa belonging together (see above), their hearts calling out to each other (in the lifestream), his opening his heart only to her, her being the important woman to him and mother of the family they were forming (See above), him being the father in Tifa's eyes (case of Tifa), Cloud being Tifa's lover interest (Ultmania Omega), the risque implication of the night under the highwind, and most important them sharing their feelings for each other. Have you ever known that statement to be non romantic?

    I don't really think Cloud was in love either, but I think he had more of a romantic relationship with Aeris than he ever did with Tifa.
    Again, what are you basing this on? I'd like to hear it.

    But Cloud also was the type to not show his true feelings that much. Making this argument really pains me though, cause I was never to fond of AeriaxCloud shizz.
    I like the pairing as fanon but when you have all the information I listed above plus Nojima speaking of love, marriage and family in the context of Cloud and Tifa, I think it's obvious who the canon couple is.

    In the original 1997 game, it appeared that Cloud's love interest was somewhere between "completely ambiguous" and "kinda leaning toward Aeris."
    Is anyone going to tell me why they say this XD

    And could you please tell me what retcons you're referring to? I did not see any, but yes I agree SoS's essay on the subject was excellent. He really knows his stuff.

    But since 2005 or whatever with the coming of the FFVII: Retcon Edition series, there have been major, if not overwhelming implications towards Tifa being Cloud's love interest.
    I concur.
    I look forward to hearing back from you and Melissaur.
    "In FFVII fandom, love triangle debates are considered especially heinous. In this fandom, the dedicated Clotis and Cleriths who engage in these vicious debates are members of an elite forum known as the The Forgotten City.
    These are their stories."

  9. #9
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I say Tifa... just because I don't like Aerith. Any feelings between Tifa and Cloud are ambiguous, certainly, but I felt Tifa's was far more genuine than Aerith's.

    Then again, I'm not too fond of Cloud either, so maybe they deserve each other.

  10. #10
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    I don't see Mukki in that poll!
    Figaro Castle

  11. #11


    Who not give all the women to Cid? That awesome bastard deserves a few rolls in the hay with multiple women.

    It may not be love, but who the hell would love the FF VII women?

  12. #12


    !win You make a very good point. I'd much rather have Cid than Cloud any day of the week!

  13. #13


    he loved Aeris but she died, Tifa is a great friend to him and they have a chance at a happy relationship together. It's simple, a person can often love more than one person
    ...It is because there is a limit to time that we wish for nights that never dawn.
    Eternity is just an empty illusion and is why feelings of being able to believe in one another are born...
    Remember that well.

  14. #14
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    PeneloRatsbane has it.

  15. #15
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Cloud's just a typical dude. The chick he's into dies and then he's chasing the next girl that's available.
    Figaro Castle

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