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Thread: Boat driver

  1. #76


    You can tell a blur looks like a cyborg?
    How can you tell, visually, the difference between robot and cyborg?

  2. #77
    Conservative Darth Cid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cid View Post
    That's a robot in the boat, that's not greek text, and if 1572 had anything to do with anything it would have more clearly said so; therefore, the 1572, the greek text, Jenova, and the MGS codec are not a part of the game; therefore, they are what the game is all about.
    If you look at the robot hard, it'll look like a Cyborg. Trust me.
    Actually, upon my research, the boat driver prefers the term "Cybernetic organism."

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryushikaze View Post
    You can tell a blur looks like a cyborg?
    How can you tell, visually, the difference between robot and cyborg?
    Your parents will have the talk with you when you're mature enough to handle it.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by arcanedude34 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryushikaze View Post
    You can tell a blur looks like a cyborg?
    How can you tell, visually, the difference between robot and cyborg?
    Your parents will have the talk with you when you're mature enough to handle it.
    Shh, AD, I'm trying to see if Serapy is old enough.

  5. #80
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    I still tell you there's apparently a difference between cyborg and cybernetic organism because the boat driver insists on being known as a cybernetic organism.

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryushikaze View Post
    You can tell a blur looks like a cyborg?
    How can you tell, visually, the difference between robot and cyborg?
    It's not the blur that makes it look like a cyborg. The model looks like it's unfinished. Any unfinished model automatically have that robotic look.

    This reminds me of Missingno from Pokemon ...

  7. #82
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Except the developers didn't expect anyone to examine the fmv frame by frame and they didn't spend much time on that part of the video, choosing not to put much detail in the human driver. But it's still a human driver.
    Figaro Castle

  8. #83
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Theres a million and one things it could be however:

    There is no evidence that whilst Esthar has extremely developed technologies that they have robotic technology. No more so than the Gabaldians (and before anyone says it, the black widow is not a robot it's a tank unit the red targetting sensor displays a heads up to the pilot when chasing down the party prior to being bitched out by Quistis you'd be looking through the pilots view)

    In fact there is no evidence whatsoever to support anyones claims of it being Jenova or a cybernetic organism be it cyborg or robot. There is a perfectly viable explanation however. The pilot is a person, the image was created to be played at full speed and therefore there would be little need to put a maximum detail in to the pilot because unless you're Serapy you're not going to slow it down to frame by frame, thats just crazy acting.

    What is far more likely is that it is a member of SeeD. SeeD seemingly deploys in squad sizes of 3, the briefing of the mission states that there will be SeeD squads in reserve, should it get too dangerous for the cadets or should it be beyond the cadets abilities to do the mission then the SeeD squads will take over and ensure that the mission is completed. Now forgive me if I'm being ignorant but during the landing scene and in every in game scene we see from the moment we step aboard to the moment we retreat back on to it. The only 2 SeeDs I saw were Quistis and Xu thats 1 SeeD short of a squad. Now there was 7 squads of cadets and you can assume it takes 7 squads for the mission to be accomplished therefore 7 SeeD squads also got dispatched to accomplish the mission. The third SeeD in each squad must therefore logically be the driver of the boat.

    Now as for the odd shape to the pilot of the boat...

    The pilot is in charge of an naval assault veichle that is moving at extreme speeds, most boats when they hit a sea wall will crumple, sink and probably explode, even the millitary variants. However when the SeeD ship hits the wall it goes up, leaps the wall taking half of it down with it. I would assume that due to low lighting levels for they sail overnight through to Dollet to strike in the morning that is unquestionable imho (you take the Ifrit Fire Cavern test and report back, you might have taken around 30 mins to do the actual test but the game encourages you to prepare for it first by stocking magic. Therefore it is logical to assume it is a part of the story that Squall prepares for the the exam, it is also logical to assume this takes several hours and that once he has reported back to Garden there would have been time to shower, change and re-style his hair which face it I have short hair and it takes me about an hour to get that done. Therefore the idea that the voyage to Dollet is short is not logical. Not to mention the train from Balamb to Timber takes several hours minimum because you have time to dream and experience a laguna segment it does not flash by in an instant unlike a real dream because you are essentially re-living the past you are watching it in real time. Timber is the closest country in the Gabaldiian Continent to Balamb geographical fact, therefore departing in the afternoon, I would say an overnight voyage is more logical than illogical) speed of the boat and the fact that you've gotta pick a very small landing space out of a very big coast line that the pilot is wearing some kind of helmet much like the ones worn by fighter pilots where there is a HUD and communications kit worked in. Hence the distortion of the pilots features.

    As for the colour green and it's import...

    Ok So Green tint to the sea water... plankton and algae often release light when they are disturbed by the passage of ships it's a natural feature of the earth and if you wish to see how green the ocean can be especally in tropical climes then google earth is your friend here. As is wikipedia.

    Green tint to the power output of Balamb Garden... Gabaldia Garden actually emits blue light not green, therefore we can assume it might have something to do with the individual construction materials, or that it is to do with the light bending due to the difference in shape of their "levitation ring" the bending of light seems much more efficient in describing this not to mention Gabaldia Garden has a ring of much darker and silver colours whilst Balamb has one of gold.

    Green tint in Ultimecia's castle and the end sequence to the game... Dear god haven't I shot down enough of your theories and other theories posted by people in the forum here that you know I'm going to come out with a suitable explanation to this? Must I go on? Actually I better you never know you might get crazy ideas that I'll give up on correcting you.

    Ok well in all kinds of movies you see they use light to affect an atmospheric change, if they want something to appear terrifying there is a lot of use of dark lights of various colours to affect the atmosphere the main colours used are:

    Red lights, from emergency lighting to fire balls burning up the sky or just a red sky because of the dust and flames of a burning city. Red light causes the scene to look more violent more bloody and frankly more threatening it also makes all but the brightest colours black.

    Blue on occassion is also used though blue is often used for scenes of a sexual nature (watch Top Gun for a key example of this) since blue lighting makes shadows directly darker and therefore makes getting a good shillouette easier.

    Green is also used often in the place of blue lighting, blue makes everything look black however when you need dark light but still wish to get a good colour shot you use green. The reason for this is that green light blocks out less of the other colours whilst remaining very ominous when you think green you tend to associate it with poison, toxic substances, radioactive waste when asked to think of "evil" green things. The idea of this is not without merit, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world is the Green Mamba and it's cousin, the black mamba is the most poisonous in the world, the adder is the most venomous snake in europe it is also green and black, the rattle snake is brown and green and is one of the most poisonous snakes of north america. Now add in poisonous frogs, theres plenty of those out there. Now add in toxic substances, Radioactive waste all are portrayed as green in countless situations. Green is not always a sign of good, go and ok it is also used for evil, for ominous scenes. Therefore to create an atmosphere what is not overtly threatening but is ominous you utilize green lighting to generate the affect that there is something not right in this but also not something you could overtly put a finger on, how many people would actually notice immediately if they woke up tomorrow and instead of being blue the sky was a slightly green colour? I don't think many would and if I remember rightly it's something like a 1% difference in the mixture of noble gases such as xenon in the atmosphere would change how light refracted through.

    Therefore the green tint at the end of the game, it is purely for atmospherics if you wish to have an entire essay on this I will ask my friend who studied how to be a professional camera man for movie sets and so on to e-mail me the dissertation he wrote on this subject and I'll be sure to post it in it's full 4000+ word glory for your benefit.

    PS, Pupu is blue Pupu is as blue as the iceberg in my signature, wanna try telling me my signature is green because I can guarantee there will be a thread in GC asking every member of the entire forum to vote on a poll with this.

  9. #84


    So...basically this theory was brought up from no where with no real

  10. #85
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickenHeart View Post
    So...basically this theory was brought up from no where with no real
    You revived an old post for that?

    And it didn't come from nowhere - check the first post again.

  11. #86
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    I still really don't understand this idea. Even freeze-framed, the image is blurry, and it is onscreen for less than a second. That is not the basis for world changing information.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by MJN SEIFER View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ChickenHeart View Post
    So...basically this theory was brought up from no where with no real
    You revived an old post for that?

    And it didn't come from nowhere - check the first post again.
    Woops didn't see the date xxx
    Also, it looks nothing like JENOVA (lmfao what?) it looks more like a dollet soldier. Plus, why would they make a whole new JENOVA model for something that would only appear for a second...? They woulden't? And the moon reflecting on the sea, i can slightly see that, but again, bogus. Basically no hard evidence.

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickenHeart View Post

    Woops didn't see the date xxx
    Also, it looks nothing like JENOVA (lmfao what?) it looks more like a dollet soldier. Plus, why would they make a whole new JENOVA model for something that would only appear for a second...? They woulden't? And the moon reflecting on the sea, i can slightly see that, but again, bogus. Basically no hard evidence.
    I apologize for the date.

    But you can see it didn't come from nowhere. I personally don't think it looks enough like Jenova to actually be her, nor do I believe that Square would do this for (probably) no reason, but I can see how one could believe it was Jenova from an angle.

    Like I say, I'm skeptical, but I can see where Serapy's coming from.

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    Me? Why, I'd like to know what I did to you.

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