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Thread: The Worst World To Live In

  1. #1

    Default Rank the FF Worlds From Best to Worst

    Which FF world would be the best to live in?
    Second best?
    Which would be he absolute wrost to live in?

    Basically which planet could you live a nice, long happy life on. And then just keep going down from there to the place where you'd be totally f**ked since everything be destroyed or just plain depressing.
    Last edited by Forsaken Lover; 11-18-2009 at 05:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Going from best to worst.


    Spira (FFX) - So if I die, I either get sent to a paradise world in the Farplane, reincarnate into a snazzy monster that can eat people, or transform into snazzy Jedi Zombie that can't be killed and is 10x more powerful than when I was alive? Seriously, why are people fearing death in this title again? When you kinda have a guarantee how the afterlife works, I can't imagine why death is considered a big deal anymore. Despite the rampant death, its trauma is negated by the afterlife system being more cool than terrible.

    FFVIII - Except for the proxy wars and the Lunar Cry, VIII probably has the most peaceful world in the series. Even when cities are taken over it doesn't feel like a big deal like it does in other worlds.

    FFV - Ignoring the global Crystal crisis and that one tiny moment when most of the world got swallowed by the Void, V has a pretty damn happy and friendly world. Even the places that got destroyed come back the same as before and except for having to relearn where everything is, its a pretty big and epic world.

    Blue Planet (FFIV) - One Imperial power causing problems and another crystal conspiracy but only three locations get wiped off the map and at least two can be recovered. Half the cities get smacked around but nothing as bad as other titles.

    FFIII - Most of the world is frozen in time and pretty much every city has some asshole servant of Xande stirring crap up but half of them are laughable while the other is actually pretty serious. Most of the monsters are just causing havoc and there is very little actual bloodshed to speak of except for a few locations. More annoying than terrible in my opinion.

    FFXII - Wars, monsters that want to eat you and others that want to transform you into undying servants... It has a lot of potential for greatness but also has some pretty terrible scenarios as well. Though the afterlife is kinda known, it seems more like a bleak existence to me...

    FFII - Evil empire that brutally conquers its territories, lets monster loose around the world and kidnaps and brainwashes war victims to become their soldiers. Not a very happy game until Emperor Mateus is gone.

    FFVII - Another brutal regime that uses brutal methods to conquer and keep secrets. Half the world is already in bad shape thanks to Shin-Ra and even death isn't much of a comfort cause they use the souls of the dead to power people's electric toothbrushes. Meteor and the WEAPONS are pretty nasty diversions but I feel Shin-Ra has done more to make VII a bleak world. Even their destruction probably caused more harm than good.

    FFIX - Wars, Mist powered monsters, Civilization is kinda small and holding onto a thread by the end thanks to ever major city being destroyed. Most of the planet is uninhabitable and you've got aliens killing you and then screwing you out of the cycle of life and your chances of reincarnation... IX's world sucks. There are still a few untouched and peaceful places but most of the world is in pretty bad shape when its all over and once the Ilfa Tree gets destroyed most of the world's Mist powered technology goes with it.

    Worst -

    FFVI - Oppressive Imperial empire with a psycho clown brutally destroying crap as well as performing unethical genetic experiments. Release of ultra powerful Espers and monsters that wreck havoc on the entire planet. Entire planet gets destroyed, monsters mutate into super monsters, mad man playing god and destroying towns, huge population lost and mass extinction. Even with Kefka gone and his will no longer hampering the planet from recovery, it doesn't change the fact that most of the planet got destroyed and turned into a bleak 80's post apocalyptic world. Its the War of the Magi on repeat.

  3. #3
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    FF VII ---> Honey Bee Inn FTW~~~

  4. #4
    tech spirit
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    Idk, FF8's world is pretty neat

    FF9's would be pretty annoying
    everything is wrapped in gray
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  5. #5


    Spira (FFX) - So if I die, I either get sent to a paradise world in the Farplane, reincarnate into a snazzy monster that can eat people, or transform into snazzy Jedi Zombie that can't be killed and is 10x more powerful than when I was alive? Seriously, why are people fearing death in this title again? When you kinda have a guarantee how the afterlife works, I can't imagine why death is considered a big deal anymore. Despite the rampant death, its trauma is negated by the afterlife system being more cool than terrible.
    Your FFX hate is showing. >>

    People probably fear death in Spira for the same reason they fear death in real life; it's human. It doesn't matter if you kow, or think you know, there's Heaven after you die. You still don't want to die.

    And thinking about it more unselfishly, I'm sure the possibility of starting a family and then having your kids killed by the giant unstoppable monster is a source of great fear.

    Honestly Spira as of FFX is the most depressing and grim place to be in any FF game short of the World of Ruin.

  6. #6
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFX seems pretty crap to me, too. I mean, you could turn into a monster that can be killed if you aren't "sent", right? Something like that. I forget.

    FFVII's world was okay but nothing special, it was the story that made it great. FFVIII's world seemed nice, I gotta say. I'd probably go with that, off the top of my head.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #7
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    FFI would be pretty bad (though maybe not FFIX bad). How many random encounter enemies have insta-kill attacks in that game?

    I agree with WK that FFVIII's world would be pretty nice, despite being FFVIII.

  8. #8
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    IX and X go up for the worst places to live. There are no care to get around and in X during the events of X you had to live in fear every ten years when a demonic whale that's the size of a football stadium ressurrects itself.

    I agree with out of the ones I've played VIII's probably isn't the worst. I'd have to go with VI though man. man would I hate to have been Cid on that deserted island with Celes.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Your FFX hate is showing. >>

    People probably fear death in Spira for the same reason they fear death in real life; it's human. It doesn't matter if you know, or think you know, there's Heaven after you die. You still don't want to die.

    And thinking about it more unselfishly, I'm sure the possibility of starting a family and then having your kids killed by the giant unstoppable monster is a source of great fear.

    Honestly Spira as of FFX is the most depressing and grim place to be in any FF game short of the World of Ruin.
    Like I was going to miss a chance to slam the game?

    In all seriousness though, I can't really buy into this.You have an incredibly well documented idea of how the afterlife works (and for the sake of not complicating this any further, we won't mention X-2 and how it basically says the Farplane is like the Lifestream) the worst case scenario is you turn into a monster and even then, you just get killed again and either become a new fiend or finally pass on.

    The problem with fearing death in X is that Spira's been doing it for 1000 years and culturally, I can't buy into them not being jaded by this point, especially since the afterlife is physically happening around you. Your animalistic need to survive still justifies a sense of fear but we've got people moping around as though death in the world of Spira is becoming non-existent. Seriously, the afterlife sounds more interesting than actually being alive in this world, where I huddle in a small building praying someone else will die for me so I don't have to, when in reality, death in that world is actually the true freedom.

    Despite utterly hating Seymour, I hate to admit he's the only character in the world who actually makes any sense. The culture of Spira still acts like Sin is a new phenomena but really? After a thousand years of putting up with this stuff, you would think the culture would have been far more emotionally disconnected and have a rich philosophy around the perfection of death as opposed to staying in fear of it.

    I can't say a world really sucks to live in when the consequences of death are hardly bad. You know what's going to happen, you've already seen the afterlife and know its a pretty snazzy place, you can still interact with the world and if your will is strong enough you can actually continue on with your life as though nothing has happened. Where is the bad deal here?

    The only reason VII and IX are ranked lower despite also having definitive afterlife's is because a big part of the plot involves the bad guys screwing with the afterlife. Being undead, turning into a monster until you get killed and sent, or even going to Farplane does not sound as bad to me as being brutally killed and then getting screwed out of the cycle of reincarnation cause one company wants to use your soul to power the lights on at a strip club and the other world has your souls being ejected out of the planet to make room for alien souls and has you also turned into a mutagen power source that is more bane than good.

    To me, dying in the X world is the least of your problems in that game. The whole afterlife system really took the drama out of the whole Sin deal for me cause dying was not a bad thing in X. To be fair, I am an individual who doesn't really fear dying as I feel there are worst fates that can happen to you.

  10. #10


    Yunalesca's speech explains quite clearly why the people of Spira haven't become cold, detached psychopaths. They always had hope. For a thousand years Sin has been killing them all and for a thousand years they were promised it wold end someday. They believed this promise so to them, Sin wasn't "an inevitable part of Spira's destiny." It was something that could be fought and conquered. They truly believed this.

    ...only it couldn't. At leas tnot the way they were told. So with every destruction of Sin they gained about ten years of hope that this time it would be gone. Only of course it wasn't.

    Most people don't want to die and even more people don't want their families to die. Living under the constant threat that you and everything you lov ewill be destroyed is utterly depressing. And the people of Spira had to endure that for far longer than any other world in an FF game.

    I believe my relatives went to Heaven. It doesn't mean I'm okay with them dying. It doesn't matter what afterlife awaits you. Seeing someone you love die is always going to be heartbreaking.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Yunalesca's speech explains quite clearly why the people of Spira haven't become cold, detached psychopaths. They always had hope. For a thousand years Sin has been killing them all and for a thousand years they were promised it wold end someday,
    ...Thats like believing if you keep stabbing yourself in the leg once a day, it will eventually no longer bleed.

  12. #12
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    FFVIII. Balamb is such a nice place n.n

  13. #13


    ...Thats like believing if you keep stabbing yourself in the leg once a day, it will eventually no longer bleed.
    We're talking religion here. The faithful in some religions, mainly Christianity though, are supposed to be tested. You are not to lose your faith but have it strenghtened.

    Same with Spira. They believed because they were positive their belief would eventually stop Sin form returning.

    It also doesn't help that their belief was all that kept them going. If they didn't have Yevon most would, as Yunalesca said, fall to complete despair.

    When you have really nothing else to believe in you'll cling to what you have with all your might.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    ...Thats like believing if you keep stabbing yourself in the leg once a day, it will eventually no longer bleed.
    We're talking religion here. The faithful in some religions, mainly Christianity though, are supposed to be tested. You are not to lose your faith but have it strenghtened.

    Same with Spira. They believed because they were positive their belief would eventually stop Sin form returning.

    It also doesn't help that their belief wad all that kept them going. If they didn't have Yevon most would, as Yunalesca said, fall to complete despair.

    When you have really nothing else to believe in you'll cling to what you have with all your might.
    Actually, I'm sure if a giant whale appeared in the real world and terrorized the world, the moment the church cried 'It is simply a test from God' they'd lose a chunk of followers as people turn to the people who have really big guns to solve the problem.

    And if those guns don't work, you'd have people developing bigger, and more explosive weapons to fight, not sit idealy by as some old decrepid man says, "Just suck it up and it will eventually go away if you leave it to us' for thousands of years.

  15. #15


    And if those guns don't work, you'd have people developing bigger, and more explosive weapons to fight, not sit idealy by as some old decrepid man says, "Just suck it up and it will eventually go away if you leave it to us' for thousands of years.
    I'm afraid you overestimate the intelligence or fortitude of our species. If all those people with guns were killed and all the biggest cities in the world were leveled, most people would be convinced the only thing left to do was pray. Appeasement was a big deal only last century and that was just to avoid a war with Hitler. To appease the unstoppablE killing machine? I can see the whole population bending over backwards to do it

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