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Thread: This game is hard D:

  1. #31
    Truth Beauty Freedom Love Logie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    You guys are making it seem blah. I don't want to waste my time doing mindless crap. I want to experience the game not take forever trying to "beat the system". :/
    Please don't be discouraged! It's really a lot of fun once you've mastered junctioning and the like. In saying that, I completely agree with the person who said earlier in the thread that the player should be more focused on the story, etc. The first time I finished it, I barely digressed at all.. so you should be fine.

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  2. #32


    The thing is,how do you intend to get to the end of the game and defeating Ultimecia without junctioning?

  3. #33
    tech spirit
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    Oh, plenty of people have done that :p
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  4. #34
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Luck. I managed to get to the start of disk 4 no problem my first playthrough and I barely used any of the strategies mentioned in this thread. You just have to do little bursts of drawing or card gaming to slowly build up your stats. Keeps the fun that way.

    Though to be honest I'm now the type to power-draw 300 of each new spell I encounter.

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  5. #35
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Stopping and taking some time off for either drawing lots of magic from enemies or playing cards and modding them into magic can be less waste of a time than having to summon GF's constantly for the rest of the game. It's so annoying to see Shiva headbutt an ice crystal for the 120th time. D:

    You don't really have to learn which magics are good for what attribute either really, just get lots of magic and let the auto-junction do the job.

  6. #36
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Drawing magic repeatedly is no more mindless than killing the same bunch of enemies 50 times, to be quite honest.

    I didn't draw a lot of magic really, but I didn't find it very hard. If you hate spending time drawing magic, use magic refinement from items instead, it's super effective!
    This. In fact, Drawing 100 of a spell generally takes less time than leveling in previous games, and as Levian said, it's a lot shorter than watching summon animations repeatedly.

    And of course, once you can refine magic from cars and items you don't really have to draw again for the rest of the game. Seriously, if it were that hard or time consuming to become real powerful in this game I might actually like the battle system. But as I've said plenty of times in the past, this game has the easiest battle system to exploit and it can be done in such a short amount of time it's not even funny.

  7. #37
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    This is probably the first time I've heared anyone call this game hard. As soon as you learn the junctioning system, it becomes the easiest out of all the FFs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    You guys are making it seem blah. I don't want to waste my time doing mindless crap. I want to experience the game not take forever trying to "beat the system". :/
    Drawing magic 3 times from an enemy in FFVIII = Leveling Up once or twice in another FF. You really don't need to spend much time at all, unless you want to become so powerful the game becomes boring. All you have to do is draw a couple of spells in every other battle or so, and it will still not be harder than most other FFs. Finally, turning items into spells is another great (and actually even better) way to do it. Keeping your level low actually makes the game easier, by the way. So if you think it's too hard, power-leveling will not be the answere. Juntioning and limit-break spamming is what this game is all about.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Oh, plenty of people have done that

    Must have been a pain in the ass.

  9. #39
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    You don't have to go out of your way to take the time to do most of the strategies people have suggested. GFs just learn things as you go on, just like how you level up as you go on. By the way, leveling up just makes the enemies tougher, so I wouldn't recommend level grinding.

  10. #40
    tech spirit
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    Quote Originally Posted by line_genrou View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Oh, plenty of people have done that :p

    Must have been a pain in the ass.:eep:
    I think they actually called it a challenge, but I agree with you :p
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  11. #41
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    The thing is,how do you intend to get to the end of the game and defeating Ultimecia without junctioning?
    No you don't understand. I don't want to take a lot of time drawing magic from monsters when I can just progress through the story. Not that I'm not going to junction at all. Sorry that I have to explain myself.

  12. #42
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    You don't really have to draw a lot if you don't want to. If you play the card game for instance, you can get lots of magic from items refined from cards. You can also turn monster drops into magic, and turn bought items into magic.

    With 10k gil you can buy 10 tents and refine them into 100 curaga spells. Junction that to HP and you've got a *ton* of HP. If you get an abyss worm card, you can turn that into windmills that refine into tornado magic (I think it's 20 tornados per windmill), if you get a mesmerize card you can turn it into a mesmerize blade (also dropped from the actual enemy) which refines into regen :p. These are just a few examples.

    I always found the card game really enjoyable so I got most of my magic through that :p.
    Last edited by Mirage; 12-02-2009 at 07:22 PM.
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  13. #43


    ^ 1 mesmerize blade = 20 regens, crazy overpowered and easy to get for junctioning, regen > curaga btw :P

  14. #44
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    No you don't understand. I don't want to take a lot of time drawing magic from monsters when I can just progress through the story. Not that I'm not going to junction at all. Sorry that I have to explain myself.
    It's already been stated that it doesn't take very long. If you're finding yourself underpowered where you're at and you don't have the ability to refine magic from items yet then get in a battle and draw one spell until you have a hundred of it. It helps to turn the battle speed up as high as it will go and set the cursor to memory.

    Because I was curious about how long it would take, I actually started a new game today and saw how long it took to get 100 of every spell for Squall and Quistis that is available before you go to the cavern to get Ifrit. It took me under half an hour. If you only do one or two spells it might take 5-10 minutes tops. Once you're done you can junction the spell and move on. Drawing as you play through the game will still give you easy access to every spell you need or could ever want, and it won't take you long if you have everyone draw once or twice every battle. I really don't get why you're so concerned about it taking forever, when you'd easily spend more than half an hour leveling up if you were under leveled at any point in another FF.

    And just so we're clear, in the new game I started, by the time I had finished the Dollet mission I had Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF which meant I could easily refine low level magic like Cure into Cura, essentially meaning that even if I never refined an item or a card into magic I would be set for quite a while, and it was all done with no more than half an hour spent not pursuing the story. This game is ridiculously easy to exploit even when all you do is try to get through the main story as fast as possible.

  15. #45
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm the odd man out here cause I didn't use summons much at all in my first playthrough but I was burnt out on long summons after VII anyway and VIII just put the idea of cinematic summon sequences to the grave with me.

    I actually found in my recent playthrough (cut short due to a scratch on Disc 3) that the magic you Junction alone isn't what really makes the game broken its the stat % abilites... Seriously, My Squall with 100 Flares junctioned to strength does 3x more damage with the Str+40% ability. He literally went from doing 2000-2500 to suddenly doing 5500+.
    I kept finding myself having more fun this time by actually ignoring the statistical increase abilites and just sticking to special moves like Darkside and Devour.

    The other thing I would like to point out is that early in the game having a Mag-J ability is really useful cause your draw rate is based on the Magic stat. Once you start getting the Refine abilities and Mug, you should no longer have a terribly difficult time getting magic. Only spells like Holy (which is surprisingly not as useful as you would think), Meteor, and Ultima are hard to come by but you seriously don't need them. Just use the auto junction feature to sort out the stats and just remember to occasionally use draw. Hell, it becomes even less stressful later when you can start draw/cast defensive spells from the enemies themselves and not have to worry about carrying them around. Just try to enjoy yourself and ignore power grinding.

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