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Thread: Mini Mafia - Game Over: The Mafia sure whooped y'all'z butts

  1. #556
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~*~Celes~*~ View Post

    so far, from what I've read, Sir Lancealot is the only one that i'm like about cause, as has already been mentioned, he seems to be attempting to cling to Del. Possible that he's either a townie desperate to stay alive and thus, clinging to one of the more experienced/tactful players that he assumes is town as well, a mafia goon clinging to his godfather, a survivor trying to stay alive by following the path of least resistance by agreeing with one of the players who manages to say a lot in so few posts, or that's just how his playing style is. Having played with him before in the past (retro games mafia), I can honestly say this is how he plays, but then again, what if this whole style of his is simply...his mafia tactic? *cue dramatic music* But I'm not ready to point the finger of accusation just yet. Simply highlighting all of that for now.
    As we have already seen pointed out in the day one, Celes makes an accusation against sir lancealot. Saying he's suspicious and the like, You can see this from this post right above me. Then...

    Quote Originally Posted by ~*~Celes~*~ View Post

    Someone has to give him hell for his transgressions

    Also cause I don't have enough evidence otherwise.
    Then we have this, she points out sir lancealot and then votes for sagensyg. With no rhyme or reason. Just does. When del asks her about it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ~*~Celes~*~ View Post
    As for my vote choice, I chose Saglet because had I chosen any of the people with several votes, that would have looked like a bandwagon attempt and thus, would have made me look suspicious.
    So you basically voted for him so as make a vote that would not draw suspicion to yourself? That's a pretty dumb reason.
    Yeah del, that was a pretty dumb reason wasn't it. If at the time she made the case against lancealot the highest person with votes was qwerty, and when she voted saggy which was right after the vote count with scott having the lead, she votes saggy. Then goes back and mentions sir lancealot again...

    Quote Originally Posted by ~*~Celes~*~ View Post
    Also, I find it a little odd that Sir Lancealot likes to post 1-2 word posts a lot. MAFIA THREAD SPAM
    Quote Originally Posted by ~*~Celes~*~ View Post
    but once again, that could just be his stellar posting style shining through...Hrmm.
    But her vote was on saggy, she didn't give a reason why it was she just put it there. Then del asks and she says "well i didn't want to bandwagon. But who was there to bandwagon on really? Lancealot didn't even have a vote.


    Day two as I posted

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Looking back i'ma have to go with celes. I'm too lazy atm to see who pulled the quotes out but i'm betting it was GB cause he does that. And I think del pointed it out too. BUT Yeah she seems suspicious.

    Her "well this guy is suspicious but.... yeah i'll vote this other guy! no reason "


    "Well it was in jest and so there wouldn't be a bandwagon!" It seems like that was to cover her behind!

    paraphrased of course

    It was the first day and she could have been just doing it all in jest but then again it seemed like she was going ahead and calling a name out. The name of the person who died! Someone could be setting her up or she just got her kill. So i'm reserving my guilty verdict on her right now. It could be a scum tactic to both draw attention to her or away from her by using the whole... draw attention to her! Ok that even confused me xD

    They can
    a)be using it to point the finger at her
    b)Be using it to point the finger at her and hope we think that's what it is so then we disregard it.
    c) They just killed him to kill him. :/
    I was being lazy. I could have pulled everything out like I did just now but it takes a lot of work and I really don't feel up to it.

    I digress, So I make this post against her. then later vote for her and she doesn't even give a peep about it? Hell she voted saggy after he voted her. She didn't even mention it. Instead she put a case together for laddy. Who while acting erratically he wasn't up to the omg crazy until after he had the finger pointed at him again.

    the way she picked apart his posts was, well as I said later int he thread I didn't think it earned merit for anything scummy. He made a good point about if qwerty was the jester the way he was acting was best to get it out of the way instead of distracting the town. but that was scummy too.

    She says

    He says this, indicating that maybe he doesn't really believe Qwert is the jester after all, but doesn't change his vote. Like he knows something we don't. Like a scum that wants a townie to die.
    So not changing your vote is a scummy thing, but then changing your vote is a scummy thing too. o.O you lot confuse me sometimes.

    Besides, using your "recycled ideas" argument is pointless, if that were the case, what anyone else said would be pointless and someone's logical skills would be disregarded, and voting for reasons someone else made clear is a hell lot better than voting for a dumb reason you made up yourself. It looks scummy too.
    Actually Laddy, having new ideas incorporated is better because it gives us more to think about that we may have missed/may not have thought of originally. Recycling is basically the same as "yeah, what HE said!", which can be taken as bandwagonning, in a way.
    Laddy wasn't the one to really come up with too many new ideas anyway. but he was right too. Voting for a reason that was dumb and well obviously wrong would put you down as labeled mafia too. yes he should of incorporated things too into his vote but it's not completely horrible that he agreed with a well thought out reasoning. Like qwerty going insane.

    It wasn't until after she made a case for laddy that she adressed me.

    @Lekana: all I did was provide quotes and my theory as to what Laddy was talking about/why he did what he did. Just like any good townie should do.
    hell she knows that anyone would do that, mafia or town. Actually more often than not it's the loud ones that ARE mafia.

    and because I already said all I had to say earlier that hasn't already been said. This roleclaim of yours...on one hand i wouldn't be surprised to find out that it really is a legit role that Paul and DD came up with xD On the other hand...I just don't know if I believe it or not. I need to think about it a little more before I can decide how I feel about it.
    She had everything she had to say but then vaguely talks about his antics else where when he was making a whole heaping mess of stuff she could have addressed. by this point laddy had made himself a pretty lil mess. Anyone who really comes in would see that and most likely vote for him. Easy target is what it seemed like to me. Which the first two would be gobo and celes really to point a finger and our lovely qwerty as well.

    Day 3

    Saggy dies, poor saglet anywho, first to vote celes, saggy. That could just be coincidence though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Well, I told you so I said he wasn't acting so scummy. An idiot yes but not scummy.

    Finger pointing went straight to laddy before he went pretty much crazy. And the person to make a case about him pulling at straws early on for a not-so-good player, Celes. Sorry baby cakes but you's lookin' mighty guilty Going with the same vote I had yesterday.

    ##Vote: ~*~Celes~*~
    My vote for the next day against her.

    Lekana/Freya: Suspicious. Not due to butthurt because of her campaigning against me but the fact that not only is she NOT paying attention to anyone else (except for arguing with qwert all the time), but she kept insisting Laddy wasn't scum. If she's mafia, she knows who her teammates are and thus, will know who to vote for and who not to vote for. She's not going to vote for town because then she'll be under the microscope.
    Or the fact that I knew he wasn't acting overly scummy.

    All in all it just seems to me that celes has been leading us around to hit the easy players. Plus day one really set a flare off for me to think she's guilty. And of course those who have been agreeing with her or her agreeing with them has been gobo and qwerty but i'm far too lazy right now to go a pick apart quotes and about them too.

    Anywho, I've been TRYING to be lazy this game. I hate spending my time going through all these posts when these things are so bleedingly obvious that she's guilty. IS THAT IN DEPTH ENOUGH FOR YOU?! smurf. Can't I be lazy like the rest of you lot?

    There are most likely typos but again too lazy to fix things.

  2. #557
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    Give me an hour of my day back plz kthx

  3. #558
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
    Here's what I think: it doesn't make sense for qwerty to kill himself day one if he's mafia. If there's a governor in play, qwerty couldn't possibly have known the governor would save him. It could be role specific. Like "you're allowed to save yourself from being lynched once." I don't believe such a role would exist on the mafia side. It would be far too strong (ex: if it came down to two townies and that role the mafia wouldn't be able to lose).

    For that reason, I don't believe qwerty is mafia.
    So you're saying because qwerty acted like an idiot on day 1 he should automatically be ignored as potential mafia?

    Governor himself would not know who the mafia is, he would just know that qwerty acted like an idiot and save him because of it.

    This hardly seems an argument. Plus, this isn't why I suspect him, day 1 hardly factors in at all.

  4. #559
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Btw, until further notice, the mafia is in my eyes Boko, Qwerty and Celes, here is partly why (NOTICE: NOT ALL, GATHERING EVIDENCE, TAKES TIME)

    Quote Originally Posted by demondude55 View Post
    qwertysaur (5): Jessweeee♪, Timekeeper, qwertysaur, Laddy, leader of mortals
    ~*Celes*~ (2): Del Murder, Goldenboko
    Laddy (1): Sagensyg
    Christmas (1): Blues Agent
    Sagensyg (1): ~*Celes*~
    Del Murder (1): Christmas
    See how they all not vote for Qwerty, except qwerty himself, knowing he's a goner, it's a desperate attempt, laddy did so too, and like Del, I don't like it. Boko covers himself by voting for Celes, who'll never get lynched. Nice credibility, no?

    Quote Originally Posted by demondude55 View Post
    Laddy (6): Goldenboko, sagensyg, qwertysaur, ~*Celes*~, Laddy, Del Murder
    ~*~Celes~*~ (1): Freya:
    Blues Agent (1): Christmas

    Chicken Chokers who haven't voted yet:
    Timekeeper, Aerith's Knight, Jessweeee, Blues Agent, Shattered Dreamer, leader of mortals.
    And suddenly they all agree on something. In the first day they seemed awfully reluctant to get on the vote train, but now it's okay. I know it isn't hard evidence, that's why I said I'm gathering more.

  5. #560
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Adding to above post, also because they all are going after Freya, now that she voted for Celes, not to mention they are covering for each other like crazy.

    I don't even know who to vote for, with three options. But I think, seeing as the mafia are the most active, I'll vote for the one most likely to go through, most impact, as you could say. Although I'd prefer Boko,

    ##vote: Celes

    I'm heading for bed soon (Add 7 hours to your time), so any responses I might not read, neither will any sudden changes or confirmed roleclaims.

  6. #561
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I said that Lancealot was acting oddly, and that Qwert was acting oddly, but I voted for Saglet. I didn't vote for Lance or Qwert because I didn't have enough crucial evidence to really say they were scum, just that particular things they said were odd to me. I voted for Saglet because I didn't want to place a vote on someone that everyone else was harassing (Qwert) unless:

    a) there was REALLY good evidence saying that he was mafia,
    b) I had a serious enough scum vibe from him that I wouldn't be unsure of my decision.

    I knew that Lancealot was just playing in his usual style, which has always looked odd to me in every friggen game we play together (except Retro Games because we were mafia teammates together). I did it in Phoenix Wright a lot and he turned out to be town, and I was town as well, and I was completely ragged on for my campaign against him then, just like I'm being ragged on now.

    I haven't been addressing the fact that I'm being voted for because I'm trying to be calm and not get all frustrated because I know part of the reason you're ragging so hard on me, Kaycee, is because you know how into this I get

  7. #562
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    Typing in bold text to get your point across will not actually help you at all.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  8. #563
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    ^Bolded because I'm really frustrated now.

  9. #564
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    Angry Kari either posts in caps or bold

  10. #565
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some mafian scum to hunt and lynch. If you wish to join me, instead of meta-gaming, that'd be wonderful.

  11. #566
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    You should have posted in bold AND ALL CAPS to show how TRULY ANGRY YOU ARE.

    The at the end ruined your angry look to be honest.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  12. #567
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    Kaycee: And just because a couple of players tend to agree a lot with each other doesn't mean they're a team of mafia scum. It just means that reasonable points have been brought to attention that can be agreed on. I don't see you after Del for voting for Laddy, in fact, I don't see you going after anyone except me. Is your hunch really THAT strong on me that you're not even looking at anyone else?

  13. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blues Agent View Post
    You should have posted in bold AND ALL CAPS to show how TRULY ANGRY YOU ARE.

    The at the end ruined your angry look to be honest.
    you are so right pr00t I shall remember that next time!

  14. #569
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    Well, for Celes, I'm not sure. She doesn't have a good vibe on her to me, but I don't really see any of the evidence against her to be too strong. I looked through all of her posts and I didn't really see too much...

    Now Im not saying the evidence against her has no merit, it seems to be true, but it doesnt really seem to powerful. It almost seems like you are trying as hard as you can to pick her apart, and you just happen to fall into those reasons.

  15. #570
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    ##Vote: leader of mortals
    :shoot: I still think you are in the mafia. for reasons I already stated.

    When did I ever go after Freya? The only time I mentioned something about her without her mentioning me is when I posted my thoughts during day 2, which listed her with Jessweeee as moderate for adamantly defending Laddy.

    AK, your case against me will fail because it is inherently wrong. I have acted day one only because my role allowed me to do so. I welcome questions from people, I'm not trying to hide anything beyond my exact role, only because my role is best when unknown. What I find disheartening is you have given me a guilty verdict because I was wrong yesterday, and you would rather kill me than work alongside me to rat out the real mafia.

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