I'm eating some Laffy Taffy's that I got for christmas, and I was reading the jokes... Here they are, they are so horrible that you can't even laugh at how bad they are.

When was the meat so High?
(SPOILER)when the cow jumped over the moon

What happened to the wind?
(SPOILER)It blew away

Why didn't the lobster share?
(SPOILER)Because he was shellfish

Why couldn't the skeeleton add 1+1
(SPOILER)Because he didn't have a brain (I hope this was supposed to be an anti-joke)

What can you throw but can't catch?
(SPOILER)A party

What did one triangle say to the other?
(SPOILER)Lets get together and square dance

How do billboards talk?
(SPOILER)Sign Language! (This is one that, after reading the others, is like god)

What kind of chain is edible?
(SPOILER)A foood chain

What is in the middle of Paris?
(SPOILER)The letter "R" (Another I didn't hate, I was expecting something much worse)

What is the funniest bone in your body?
(SPOILER)The humerus (smurf, I knew it)

Why is the baker so mean?
(SPOILER)Because he beats his bread ()

What is a fish's favorite country?

How do you fix a monkey?
(SPOILER)With a Monkey Wrench! (GAH!)

What does a ship say when it's cold?
(SPOILER)Shiver me Timbers! (ARGGGGGGGG)

Where does Scrooge go to in New York City?
(SPOILER)The Grumpire State Building! (I am very sorry you had to read that)

What did the cake say to the candle?
(SPOILER)You're burning my back (Another bad anti-joke)

What did Delaware?
(SPOILER)She wore a brand New Jersey! (I lost brain cells)

What do pigs give on thanksgiving?
(SPOILER)Valenswines (can't do math now)

What is a room no one can enter?
(SPOILER)A mushroom (/wrist)

Where do astronauts leave their spacecraft? (Last one, please be good!)
(SPOILER)At parking meteors (You are scum)

Edit: Lol, forgot a topic...

Topic: What are some of the worst jokes you have ever heard? And I mean actually horrible, not "So bad it's good"