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Thread: Omegle - Chat with a Stranger

  1. #46
    Recognized Member Bastian's Avatar
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    Here I tried my best to mimic Dignified Pauper's script, and it all came out wrong:

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Salut
    You: hurry! it's not safe to talk here! this is dinosaur country!
    Stranger: It's okay! I speak velociraptor!
    You: please, decide if we travel east or south.
    Stranger: I'm like the velociraptor whisperer!
    Stranger: South.
    You: south we go!
    Stranger: Onward!
    You: thank god for our rocket-car.
    Stranger: We have a rocket---ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
    You: zooooooooom!
    Stranger: Jesus, I told you not to jump on the gas like that anymore!
    You: oh! here comes a velociraptor from ahead. ask it what it wants!
    Stranger: Ahem, excuse me sir rawwwrrrr growlll rawrr hissss?
    You: what's it say?
    You: what's it say?
    Stranger: I see. I see.
    You: it's eyeing me dangerously!
    Stranger: He says that he's terribly sorry but he's just found out his wife is having an affair....
    Stranger: with a triceratops!
    You: oh snap!
    You: smurf the triceratops!
    You: wait, that's what she said.
    Stranger: He agrees with your statement.
    You: and DID!
    Stranger: That's what she did.
    Stranger: Oh dear, I think we've upset him.
    You: does he need our help kicking this triceratops' ass?
    Stranger: Let me ask.
    Stranger: raaawwww hissss grrrr raw?
    Stranger: No, he says he has it under control. Him and a few friends have plans to jump the triceratops after lunch.
    You: oh, okay. awesome.
    You: holy ! there are giant venemous butterflies heading right for us!
    You: what do we do?
    Stranger: Eat them.
    You: can you ask the velociraptor to help us out?
    You: I don't know how to take on these giant venemous butterflies on my own.
    Stranger: With butter and a dinner knife.
    You: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! it bit me!
    Stranger: Crap!
    You: I'm . . . . I'm changing . . . into . . . I can't tell what I am now.
    Stranger: Crap crap crap!
    You: But I know that I want your blood!
    Stranger: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
    You: Blooooooood!
    Stranger: You're gay and sparkly now!
    You: And have computer generated abs! Go me!~
    Stranger: Now, you've become....
    Stranger: *gasps in horror*
    You: Suddenly I realize that I don't want to suck your blood at all, I just want to mope around emo-ish-ly.
    You: What?
    You: What have I become?
    You: Help me! I can't see!
    Stranger:'ve become.....
    Stranger: Edward Cullen! *screams*
    Stranger: Dear God, WHY!?
    You: Wait . . . no, I think that was just bad indigestion. I just farted. I'm fine now.
    Stranger: Oh. Thank heavens.
    Stranger: I was almost too terrified to go on.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  2. #47
    Not coming back. BarelySeeAtAll's Avatar
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    A thought..what happens if one of us recognises another person's conversation?!

    "YOU disconnected?!?!?!"

    I am not a man

  3. #48
    Doctor Who?
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    I was talking to my friend earlier, and he was telling me about how he was on Omegle talking to a stranger and then told me his conversation, and I just have to share it cause it made me giggle for about 5 minutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stranger Danger
    You: Hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: Name?
    Stranger: chun wu at your service
    You: Alexander Goldberg
    Stranger: sup
    You: You know, I never forgave you Koreans for attacking pearl harbor
    Stranger: uhh. i'm chinese... and that was the japanese who attacked it
    You: Chinese, Japanese, Korean... what's the difference?
    Stranger: ...
    Stranger: are you serious?
    You: Yeah.
    Stranger: ....
    Stranger: you know, i never forgave you jews for sinking the titanic
    You: That was an iceberg.
    Stranger: goldberg, greenberg, iceberg, whats the difference?
    You always said I looked grumpy. But those were the happiest days of my life.

  4. #49
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Quote Originally Posted by Miss_Lulu View Post
    I was talking to my friend earlier, and he was telling me about how he was on Omegle talking to a stranger and then told me his conversation, and I just have to share it cause it made me giggle for about 5 minutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stranger Danger
    You: Hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: Name?
    Stranger: chun wu at your service
    You: Alexander Goldberg
    Stranger: sup
    You: You know, I never forgave you Koreans for attacking pearl harbor
    Stranger: uhh. i'm chinese... and that was the japanese who attacked it
    You: Chinese, Japanese, Korean... what's the difference?
    Stranger: ...
    Stranger: are you serious?
    You: Yeah.
    Stranger: ....
    Stranger: you know, i never forgave you jews for sinking the titanic
    You: That was an iceberg.
    Stranger: goldberg, greenberg, iceberg, whats the difference?
    That is so PWNED!

  5. #50
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    That made me chuckle. In other words, that is worth an lol multiplied by 10.

  6. #51
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    This was the best I could do:

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: m
    You: Wat up.
    You: You can tune a piano, but you can't TUNA FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH!!!!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  7. #52
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss_Lulu View Post
    I was talking to my friend earlier, and he was telling me about how he was on Omegle talking to a stranger and then told me his conversation, and I just have to share it cause it made me giggle for about 5 minutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stranger Danger
    You: Hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: Name?
    Stranger: chun wu at your service
    You: Alexander Goldberg
    Stranger: sup
    You: You know, I never forgave you Koreans for attacking pearl harbor
    Stranger: uhh. i'm chinese... and that was the japanese who attacked it
    You: Chinese, Japanese, Korean... what's the difference?
    Stranger: ...
    Stranger: are you serious?
    You: Yeah.
    Stranger: ....
    Stranger: you know, i never forgave you jews for sinking the titanic
    You: That was an iceberg.
    Stranger: goldberg, greenberg, iceberg, whats the difference?
    Yell at your friend for lying to you! That log has been passed around the internet for months. xD

  8. #53
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    New IDEA time.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    You: FIRST!
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: sex offeneder!
    You: what?
    Stranger: [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    You: ...?
    You: What are you talking about?
    Stranger: lol
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    You: FIRST!
    Stranger: GOD LOVES YOU!
    You: OMG!
    You: He does?
    You: I dunno...
    You: He might not..
    Stranger: he loves everyone
    You: Really?
    You: Does he know the things I have done?
    Stranger: of course. and he forgives you because of jesus christ
    You: ... oh.
    You: are you serious?
    You: I mean, I always get fire and brimstone lectures
    You: My mom tells me I'm going to hell.
    Stranger: your mom is not the alpha omega she does not get to die
    You: I think she'll die someday.
    You: Everyone does.
    You: I wish I would just die.
    You: I'm going to kill myself.
    Stranger: why?
    You: I'm a terrible person.
    Stranger: why would you do that?? what do you think you did to deserve that?
    You: I shouldn't even be on here.
    You: I'm just a bad person.
    You: I should just go.
    You: Okay, I'm gonna go.
    Stranger: please dont
    You: I have to.
    Stranger: i like talking to you
    You: No you don't.
    You: a/s/l?
    Stranger: pleaseeee!!
    Stranger: you first
    You: but I asked first.
    You: 42/m/MN
    Stranger: 36 f CA
    You: Oh...
    You: I really want to go now.
    You: I don't like old hoes.
    You: LAST
    You have disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    You: Hi.
    Stranger: hi
    You: What's going on?
    Stranger: im a little erect
    You: oh?
    You: a/s/l?
    Stranger: 15 male australia
    You: oh... too bad you're so far away
    You: 29/m/states
    Stranger: that doesnt matter
    You: yeah it does
    Stranger: cyber?
    Stranger: webcam?
    You: gurl, i be molestin' your ass for real, , you ain't got nuttin.
    You: don't come messin' round here no mo'
    Stranger: hahaha classic
    Stranger: i am chris hansen
    Stranger: mofo
    You: OMG!
    You: I met you last year!
    You: RemembeR?
    You: We met like 3 times...
    Stranger: oh yeah
    Stranger: you were the one with the excuse
    You: How are you buddy?
    Stranger: if i came here to rape her. i would have had a shower. look i havent had a shower
    Stranger: your a dumb
    Stranger: im great
    You: you're just jealous
    You: hehehe
    Stranger: how are you? meetingrandom kids at houses again?
    Stranger: and me coming out and suprising you
    You: OMG! You don't even WANT to know.
    You: actually, YOU DO!
    Stranger: yeah and so does everyone else in america
    You: Or else you won't get ratings
    Stranger: there are so many people
    Stranger: its alarming
    You: Listen, if I tell you, can you get me a job as a youth counselor?
    Stranger: yeah that should be fine
    You: good.
    Stranger: perhaps even a youth minister in a church
    You: No.
    You: Can't do that.
    You: I goto confession too much
    You: God forgave me
    You: Why can't you?
    Stranger: because you raped me when i was a little boy
    Stranger: and my ass is still smurfing sore
    You: I'm not THAT old.
    You: Not rape when it's molestation.
    Stranger: can i ask a question. just out of character haha. but why start with that (Omegle must make you alert etc...)?
    Stranger: what does it usually lead too
    You: I mean, someone else did it...
    Stranger: pretty much this?
    You: and it was hillarious
    You: well, sometimes I start "FIRST"
    You: or...
    You: sometimes I do "We can't stop here, it's bat country. Do we go North or East?"
    Stranger: hahaha right
    You: the more creative the better!
    Stranger: but how many disconnects do you get straight away?
    You: SO MANY!
    You: It's amazing.
    Stranger: hahaha
    Stranger: why would people believe it
    You: They are stupid
    Stranger: when its like a unregistered chat line
    You: well, watch this: FBI
    Stranger: it clearly isnt true
    You: did you see the little messagE?
    Stranger: that one is awesome
    You: i know!
    Stranger: im copying that haha
    You: it auto stamps something else
    You: just typing FBI does it
    Stranger: but it doesnt really work
    You: no, it does
    You: like, if you say FBI, i see that message
    Stranger: cause it doesnt make sense
    Stranger: like what context do you use it in
    Stranger: well, watch this: FBI

    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    Stranger: didnt work for me
    Stranger: how did you do it?
    You: Stranger: well, watch this: FBI

    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    Stranger: oh i see
    Stranger: FBI

    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    You: YOU don't see it.
    You: the stranger does
    You: which makes it EVEN better,
    Stranger: i see it from you
    Stranger: but not from you
    You: precisely
    Stranger: *but not form me
    Stranger: FBI

    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    You: see
    You: FBI!
    Stranger: so you saw it then
    You: yes
    Stranger: hahahahahahha
    You: and you saw it then
    Stranger: wow thats sweet
    Stranger: well that is gay
    You: watch your mouth
    Stranger: ruins all the times i have said FBI

    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
    You: SOME of us ARE gay.
    You: true.
    Stranger: im not
    Stranger: are you?
    You: I am.
    Stranger: true well is that offensive if i say
    Stranger: smurf myspace is gay
    You: It can be construed as such.
    Stranger: or the united states is gay
    Stranger: oh right
    You: I mean... when you interchange the word "stupid/dumb/etc" with gay... it'd be like changing the same words to "black" "spic" etc.
    Stranger: ah right i understand
    You: Either way. I think the FBI are monitoring us now.
    Stranger: they are
    Stranger: i reckn
    Stranger: cause why else would that come up
    Stranger: they obviously are aware
    Stranger: thats pretty sick if you ask me
    You: All I gotta say is that you'll someday reach internet stardom!
    You: [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    Stranger: i should get a metal for luring into peados
    You: OMG! you totally should
    You: OMG
    Stranger: hahaha
    You: FIRST!
    [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    You: This will be my new one
    You: FIRST!
    [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    You: WEEE
    You: okay, bye friend!
    Stranger: no wait i have one for you
    You: ok
    Stranger: its abit of a trick to use on straight seedy blokes looking for cyber cam etc.
    Stranger: so they say they are male looking for webcam
    Stranger: i tell them im a female
    Stranger: same age
    Stranger: and etc.
    Stranger: talk and then get there email
    Stranger: now i copy that email
    Stranger: and i start with something like this.. "hi, gay male ehre looking for cyber. please dont speak to me. just add me and start webcam"
    You: please tell me you sign it up for spam?
    Stranger: a gay man accepts
    You: omg, even BETTER!
    Stranger: and then that seedy straight guy gets a good view of dick
    Stranger: that he didnt want
    Stranger: i thought of it on my own
    Stranger: classic
    You: Brilliant
    Stranger: would you accept if that came up
    Stranger: haha
    You: Okay, time to go use these
    You: Totally!
    You: anyway.
    Stranger: ndeed
    You: You're brilliant
    Stranger: bye
    You: Look for this chat someday
    You: it will be posted
    You: LAST!
    You have disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hi!
    [Omegle is required to inform you that you're speaking to a registered sex offender.]
    Stranger: hiii
    You: How are you?
    Stranger: im quite well, yourself?
    You: Good.
    You: a/s/l
    You: ?
    Stranger: 22 f tx
    Stranger: you?
    You: oh
    You: 37/m/KY
    Stranger: haha oh? you sounded disappointed :P
    You: oh, just, don't think this conversation will be going anywhere.
    Stranger: where do most conversations take you?
    You: You don't want to know.
    You: lol
    Stranger: hahah i figured a 37 yr old wouldnt take it to the same places that most omegle users take it
    You: I guess.
    You: Anyway...
    You: Um, I dunno, I think we aren't really good to be talking to each other.
    You: Not really my type.
    Stranger: would it be better if i was 14?
    You: What?!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  9. #54
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    There's not enough /sci/ posters to troll.

    So I am sad @ Omegle.

    I however was spamming people looking to ciber yesterday with the following (paraphrased) delicious pasta. One line at a time. Can only pasta the next line if I get a valid response. I won if I could pasta the entire thing.

    [q]PSP can tell the time expired when you turn them off from the way they are programmed:

    The date is stored in the following julian format:


    That is the 'start date'. When a PSP is turned off, the counter goes up by one second every second. So for example you turn off the PSP for 3600 seconds. The counter will add 3600 to the last date. So you will get:


    Or 5:33:44am

    Hope that helps[/q]

    But I wanted to troll /sci/ posters who wanted to ask me how to make apple pie. They want me to invent the universe but I'll trick them good!


  10. #55
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Every time I try to make a funny conversation, I end up having a genuinely decent one!

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