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Thread: Omegle - Chat with a Stranger

  1. #31
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Somebody on eoff was on omegle once. The stranger goes 'asl?' and he (eoffer) replies 'PG?'


  2. #32
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    PG, post some logs!

  3. #33


    marick you smurfing rock. i mean fail.

  4. #34
    GONNA ROKKEN YOUR WORLD WildRaubtier's Avatar
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    I had a pretty interesting Omegle conversation a while back. Apparently, some teenager was typing for his sister who wanted to cyber with someone. I played along to see where it went, but accidentally hit the "home" button on my keyboard, disconnecting it.

  5. #35
    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    Stranger: Hey


    Stranger: Whats up

    Me: Oh I'm just floating around

    (Stranger has disconnected)

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

  6. #36
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: I want him alive.
    You: No disintegrations
    Stranger: luck
    You: In my experience there's no such thing as luck
    Stranger: hi, i m not horny
    you f/m?
    You: C'mon kid, let's blow this popstand and go home!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: You will come to Alderaan with me if you are to learn the ways of the Force
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: i'm a gay boy
    You: You will come to Alderaan with me if you are to learn the ways of the Force
    Stranger: what?
    You: Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough. It is the weapon of a Jedi Knight, a light saber.
    Stranger: r u kiding me ?
    You: It surrounds us, it binds us, it penetrates us.
    Stranger: who r u ?
    You: I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  7. #37
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    Stranger: asl?
    You: asl?
    Stranger: 24 m S.Korea
    You: 24 m N.Korea
    Stranger: don't kidding man
    You: not kidding man
    Stranger: 미친새꺄
    You: I don't speak S. Korean.
    Stranger: 장난질 작작 좀 해 ㅋㅋㅋ
    Stranger: 왜?
    Stranger: ㅋ
    Stranger: 다 알아들으면서 ㅎㅎ
    Stranger: 병즨
    You: Now you're speaking Spanish.
    You: Stop.
    Stranger: You must not be N.Korean
    You: Well, you must not be white, so you know you ain't right
    You: Can I get an Amen?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    I think he was an Atheist.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hi!
    Stranger: hello.
    You: What's your name?
    Stranger: Casandra.
    You: I'm Colonel Nathan R. Jessop - Marine Forces Guatanamo Bay, Cuba. You will address me as Colonel or Sir.
    Stranger: ugh.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    Apparently, they didn't like this roleplay...

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: I found you!
    You: I think...
    Stranger: yes you did
    You: What's your name?
    Stranger: Mandi
    You: I'm Colonel Nathan R. Jessop - Marine Forces Guatanamo Bay, Cuba.
    You: You may address me as Colonel or Sir.
    Stranger: naughty
    You: You better believe it.
    You: How tall are you, Mandi?
    Stranger: 5'8
    You: Five Foot Eight!? I didn't know they stacked crap that high!
    Stranger: good one
    You: Listen, we've got something important to discuss.
    You: My general told me to find a worthy scout to go on a mission.
    You: You seem as worthy as any other maggot I could pick.
    You: Do you accept the briefing?
    Stranger: yes
    You: Good, let me strip down to mine then.
    You: Okay, that's better.
    Stranger: can i strip?
    You: I dunno, I mean, I guess, it's a briefing.
    You: Anyway, we've got an army of Haitian rebels coming up from that war-torn Earthquake ripped country to request aid of our base.
    Stranger: sweet il get naked
    You: Your job is to go and give them the "AID" they'll need.
    You: I guess that will make your job easier.
    You: So, are you ready to here how deeply involved you're going to be?
    You: I mean... deeply.
    Stranger: very very deep
    You: Right. Let me just grab something.
    You: This is a requirement.
    You: I'm going to stick you with this needly, don't worry, it's sterile.
    You: There we go.
    You: Dang, you've got nice boobies.
    You: Anyway. Your goal is to have sex with as many Haitians as possible.
    You: When they go back to their home country, they'll have sex with their wives.
    Stranger: i do have nice bobies
    You: And they'll all get infected with the AIDS I just injected into you.
    You: Operation HIV is underway!
    You: Now go!
    You have disconnected.
    Operation HIV!

  8. #38
    Recognized Member Bastian's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: MOO
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hurry! we're being chased by giant vemenous butterflies! do we go east or west?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    And last but not least, I finally got someone to play along!

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi!
    You: hello?
    You: hurry!
    Stranger: bahahaha I love this site
    You: we're being chased by giant vemenous butterflies! do we go east or west?
    Stranger: NORTH!
    Stranger: GO NORTH
    You: oh! excelent!
    You: north we go!
    You: do you have a can of raid on you?
    Stranger: NO BUT I HAVE PAM!
    You: the road ends in a cliff, what do we do?
    You: I think that would just make the butterflies slippery, want to give it a try?
    Stranger: YEA!
    You: what happened?
    Stranger: HERE YOU DO IT
    You: okay!
    You: *spray*
    You: they transformed into vampire bats! even worse! what do we do?
    You: run! fast
    You: there's a house up ahead!
    Stranger: LETS GO IN!
    You: open the door!
    You: what do you see inside?
    You: gradma!
    You: I love her cookies!
    You: what kind did she make you?
    Stranger: chocalate chip!
    You: wait a minute . . . grandma has fangs . . . and is very hairy . . .
    Stranger: my favourite!
    You: ah!
    You: that's not gradma!
    Stranger: OH NO!
    You: gradpa! where did you get those fangs.
    You: I can't hear him, what did he say?
    You: for xmas? rad. I just got a lousy video game.
    You: oh no!
    Stranger: I got a chainsaw!
    You: the vampire bats broke through the window!
    You: give me the saw to take care of grandpa, you take care of the bats!
    Stranger: OHK!
    Stranger: ill give it the cookies!
    You: when I cut through grandpa, both halves grew into a seperate halfsized grandpa! what do I do?
    You: the bats died! that worked! good job! help me with grandpa!
    Stranger: OHK!
    Stranger: think quick !!! OH HE HATES WHEN GRANDMA NAGS HIM.!
    You: oh!
    You: "hey, grandpa, clean the garage!"
    You: grandpa, take out the trash! now!
    Stranger: hes melting!
    You: grandpa, don't leave your dishes everywhere with half-eaten food!
    You: he's a puddle of goo now!
    You: we did it!
    You: *highfive*
    You: but I have something important to tell you:
    Stranger: What is it
    You: one of those bats bit me. I need your blood.
    Stranger: NOOOO!!!!!
    You: rawwwwwwwr!
    Stranger: *DEAD*
    You: wait! I was only kidding!
    Stranger: *ALIVE*
    You: whew!
    You: that was scary for a minute there!
    You: someone's knocking on the door!
    Stranger: Who Could It Be?
    Stranger: *opens door*
    You: the loch ness monster!
    Stranger: Oh No!
    Stranger: Give Him A Beann!
    You: "got tree fiddy" it asks
    You: a bean?
    You: green or lima?
    You: or mister?
    Stranger: LIMA
    You: I don't have any lima beans!
    You: check the kitchen!
    Stranger: THERES LIMA BEANS!
    Stranger: WERE SAVED!
    You: woot!
    You: thank the gods!
    You: give him some!
    Stranger: *gives them to him*
    You: "thanks" it said and swam away.
    You: well, that was easy.
    Stranger: Yea.
    You: I'm exhausted. wanna go tan on the beach?
    Stranger: Oh yes.
    You: which way to the ocean? east or west?
    Stranger: SOUTH.
    Stranger: We came from the beach
    You: oh! of course! florida! I forgot!
    You: let's take grandpa's car!
    You: what kind is it?
    Stranger: Awwhh groos its a ford..
    You: ugh!
    You: oh well.
    You: you drive. I suck.
    You: wait! there's something in the road! don't hit it!
    You: *crash!*
    Stranger: Damn.
    Stranger: Sorry
    You: let's get out of the car and see what we hit.
    You: what IS it? I can barely tell.
    Stranger: IT WAS GRANDMA!
    You: grandma!
    You: what do we do with her body?
    You: if my mom finds out, we're in TROUBLE!
    Stranger: Bury her!
    You: there's a shovel in the trunk, you dig the hole, I'll pull her in.
    Stranger: Ohk!
    Stranger: *digs it*
    You: uh oh . . .
    You: she's missing a leg . . .
    Stranger: :O Where did it go?
    You: if someone finds it, we're screwed!
    Stranger: they wont know it was us,, cmon lets go, im already in my bikini
    You: what's that sound?
    Stranger: I unno?
    You: a bear! it smelled the blood! it's got grandma!
    You: wow, it ate her in one gulp, but it's coming after us now! what do we do?
    Stranger: GET IN THE CAR!
    Stranger: STEP ON IT
    You: you drive!
    Stranger: KAY
    You: ah! it's running fast!
    You: it's a robot bear!
    You: stupid ford!
    You: hey! I found a stun gun in the glove department. take it and try to disrupt the electrical current in the robot bear's cpu!
    You: okay, I'll try!
    You: . . . the bear ate my hand!
    Stranger: ONE NASTY BEAR.
    You: but the stun gun went off inside the bear and electrocuted it! it's twitching on the roadside
    You: we did it!
    You: *highfive*
    You: and look! you got us to the beach!
    Stranger: Yea!
    You: woohoo!
    Stranger: Timw to chillax in out bikinis!
    Stranger: time our*
    You: I forgot mine.
    Stranger: Thats ok!
    You: oh! it's nude beach!
    You: yeay!
    Stranger: Great!
    You: The End
    You have disconnected.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: STAR
    You: that's what she said.
    Stranger: TAke point
    You: That's what she said.
    You: That's what she said.
    Stranger: did you noticed that you just insult yourself?
    You: That's what she said.
    Stranger: WERE OSCAR MIKE
    You: that's what she said.
    You: that's what she said.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: I am a legitimate 22 year old female looking to trade pics with another sexy girl
    You: that's what she said.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    Last edited by Bastian; 01-19-2010 at 06:07 AM.

  9. #39
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    BAHAHA! Great!

    Quote Originally Posted by #tot
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hey
    You: Hey.
    Stranger: Asl?
    You: No.
    You: We're going to play a game.
    You: Truth or Truth.
    Stranger: ?
    You: pick one, Truth or Truth?
    Stranger: Lol truth
    You: How many times have you had sex?
    Stranger: 0
    You: Wow, honest answer.
    You: your turn.
    Stranger: Truth it is haha
    Stranger: How old are u
    You: 23.
    You: Okay, Stranger, Truth or Truth.
    You: ?
    Stranger: Wow.
    Stranger: Why do u even ask
    You: I'm asking the question right now. Pick. Truth or Truth?
    Stranger: Truth
    You: Okay.
    You: Have you ever fingerbanged anybody or yourself?
    Stranger: Myself? I'm a guy
    Stranger: I don't think it's possible
    You: I mean, gay guys do it.
    You: So, is that a yes or no?
    Stranger: LOL I've done neither
    You: Okay.
    You: YOUR TURN
    Stranger: Are u ganna cry cuz I'm leaving?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    I cried.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: first
    Stranger: second
    You: pwnd
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: FIRST
    Stranger: THIRD
    Stranger: DAMN!
    You: wait.
    You: what?
    You: I... I'm so confused
    Stranger: me too
    Stranger: i was going for a pre-emptive "third," but you outwitted me by not saying anything
    Stranger: well played
    You: But you spoke terribly fast.
    Stranger: i could only assume that given the rate at which you were able to type "first," you'd be able to get "second" just as quickly
    Stranger: obviously, our relationship was built on false expectations
    You: Oh... I wasn't even thinking about that.
    You: I just thought your were being random and typing fast
    You: want to hear a rhyme?
    Stranger: no, but i'll read one
    You: LAST
    You have disconnected.

  10. #40


    Stranger: hey girley
    You: I wish I had boobs.
    Stranger: try harder
    Stranger: concentratae
    You: i can't afford the medication.
    Stranger: how old you is?
    You: 22.
    You: I fail to see what this has to do with my lack of boobs though.
    Stranger: it doesn't matter
    Stranger: how's your ass?
    You: Not bad I'd say.
    You: Can't bounce coins of it or anything, but nice nonethe less.
    Stranger: how are your vagina, labia major, labia minora and clitorus?
    You: Underused.
    Stranger: how is your cervix?
    You: Kind of smelly actually. o_O
    Stranger: in this digital age
    Stranger: the cervix is more important than ever
    You: ...Should I wash it or something?
    Stranger: can you reach it?
    You: This would be so much funnier if I could remember what a cervix was. ;_;
    Stranger: ye be female?
    You: Depends. Can I be both female AND have a penis?
    I wish he answered me.

    Stranger: ask me the hardest question you can think of
    You: How hard is my penis
    Stranger: not as hard as mine
    You: Likely, I'm rather limp right now.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You: Pain.
    Stranger: what
    You: Tis the only emotion I feel in this cold and cruel world.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Intergalactic planetary
    Stranger: hiii
    Stranger: r u m f
    You: Why hello there tasty morsel, I mean stranger.
    You: And I believe your species would lable me as the male
    You: I mean M.
    You: Do not be frightened, I am but a simple earth creature here to 'chat'
    You: Not devour your intestine.
    You: That would just be silly.
    You: I mean I don't want to be alone...
    You: Yes, that is it.
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: what do u want
    You: ...
    You: *Eats intestines*
    You have disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Guy 19 lookin for a girl who will let him watch her webcam.
    You: I have a penis, thats almost the same thing.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    And take this Shlup and Rubah.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: Important question.
    Stranger: yes
    You: If you find a race of people physically unnatractive, is it Racist?
    Stranger: hellz no
    Stranger: hahahaha
    You have disconnected.
    And this is it for me.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: ...
    Stranger: dont be all quiet on me
    You: But sounds scare me. ;_;
    Stranger: hows that?
    You: I tend to scream like a little school girl.
    You: And it turns on the creepy janitor who proceeds to molest me.
    Stranger: thats pretty messed up
    You: I know, right?
    You: Creepy old people.
    Stranger: maybe if you didnt float about the place in your short skirts and long socks
    Stranger: you're asking for it
    Stranger: you want to get molest
    You: But they look so pretty on me.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    Last edited by NeoCracker; 01-19-2010 at 08:33 AM.

  11. #41
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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  12. #42
    Not coming back. BarelySeeAtAll's Avatar
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    Stranger: hihi
    You: Is it happening already?!
    Stranger: no
    You: But I can feel it!
    Stranger: i don't think so....
    You: You know what I feel?
    You: :O
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: i think and imagine only....
    Stranger: i can;t say firmly
    You: Oh no..what are you thinking now?!
    Stranger: i am thinking that i should ask ur name.
    You: Should you?
    Stranger: may b.......
    You: Are you scared?
    Stranger: no
    You: why not
    Stranger: for what?
    You: why aintcha scared?
    Stranger: u know....
    You: what do I know?
    Stranger: whatever u think....
    You: What about what I think
    Stranger: u can xplain urself
    You: You seem to know pretty well
    Stranger: no
    You: Do you not
    Stranger: ya....
    You: I see?
    Stranger: really??!!!!
    You: I THINK D:
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: r u there/
    You: I think I am O_O
    Stranger: ok
    You: is it?
    Stranger: can i no ur name?
    You: M
    Stranger: m?????????????/////
    You: M, indeed. And you?
    Stranger: s.......
    You: for?
    Stranger: stop........this ur name????
    Stranger: full name???
    You: My name appears to be stranger
    Stranger: but i want to know????
    You: whyyyy 8]
    Stranger: noting special.....
    Stranger: nothing
    You: oh o_o
    Stranger: but u should tell....
    Stranger: do u want to tell or not?
    You: I might
    Stranger: tell reality
    Stranger: tell...
    You: Oh but reality knows
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: i think u don't want to taltk any long
    You: Awww don't get all emo
    Stranger: i am going....
    Stranger: so tell......
    You: Farewell then
    And then, I disconnected

    I am not a man

  13. #43
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    My goodness, this is the most hilarious thing.

  14. #44
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Novi Glitzko (Sargatanas)


    I tried to rhyme everything but this guy never caught on. xD
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: My name is Uziš
    You: how many rounds do you have
    Stranger: What?
    You: i personally prefer 32
    You: .45 is my weapon of choice
    Stranger: Are you 32 year old?
    Stranger: My name is Uzi
    You: My name is Susie
    Stranger: Where u live?
    You: In your garden
    You: you?
    Stranger: Kahoona
    Stranger: I can not see you there
    Stranger: I have nothing garden
    You: I am like the wind
    Stranger: My name is Uzi
    You: My name is Mulawhozie
    Stranger: My name is Uzi
    You: My name is Zuzi
    Stranger: We be friends?
    You: The summer never ends
    Stranger: I got snow in my pants
    You: Shall we dance?
    Stranger: I have no dance with me
    Stranger: But My name is Uzi
    You: And my name is Boozey
    Stranger: Wow, you gotmany name
    Stranger: I go school
    Stranger: ops
    You: I have lots of parents
    Stranger: sorry, Skool
    You: that is cruel
    Stranger: My name is Uzi
    You: My name is Roozie
    Stranger: cool
    Stranger: It almost sound like Uzi
    Stranger: My name is Uzi
    You: My name is Doodleluzie
    Stranger: Now I go
    You: Because you must show
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  15. #45


    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: MMM, Savage Garden
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hello
    You: Hello there person.
    Stranger: Where in the world are you from?
    You: THat depends entirely on teh world you speak of. In middle earth I hale from the depths of Mordor, in Shannara I crossed over during the time the Elcrys was dead
    Stranger: I live in New Zealand
    Stranger: Wellington
    You: Here? I'm a geek with way to many DnD books.
    Stranger: nice
    You: living in the basement of his parents home.
    Stranger: american?
    You: It's odd how you immediately connect 'in parents basement' to American, but yes.
    You have disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: I want a hotdog
    You: I could make so many dirty comments to that.
    You: But it feels to easy.
    Stranger: should I make it harder for you?
    You: You're doing it already. *wink*
    You: There we go.
    You: That one didn't feel to cheap.
    Stranger: no, you're good
    You have disconnected.

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