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Thread: LOST - Season 6

  1. #436
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    As another discussion point, now it's all over looking back what were your favourite episodes from the whole show? I think my top five were, in no real order:

    Through the Looking Glass
    The Constant
    The Long Con
    The Shape of Things to Come
    Expose (I just liked how cruel this one was to be honest)
    Expose is up there. But I think that's a special episode, really :}~

    The End because it was smurfing awesome.

    S.O.S. because I love Rose and Bernard, especially the scene where Rose tells Bernard she's sick.

    The Shape of Things to Come because it's smurfing awesome, and Alex's death was intense.

    The Variable because Daniel Faraday was the best character D:

    Lighthouse because it was awesome, and Jack's freakout was also awesome, and Jack is awesome.

    A Tale of Two Cities because the flashbacks for Jack were smurfed.

    Not in Portland and One of Us because Juliet. End of story. Juliet.

    My favorite episode is The Other Woman, fo sho, though. Because Juliet. And Ben! And the creepy date. And the impaled Goodwin corpse. All crazy amounts of smurfery.

    What a good show.

  2. #437
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I really liked the ending. Anyone who'd read interviews with Lindelof and Cuse would've realised they wouldn't go into intense technical detail about what the island was - they specifically related to how they felt the devolution of the Force into "midichlorians" in the prequel trilogy of Star Wars was a bad move, and I agree. Having the island still be somewhat mysterious makes a lot more sense than explaining every last detail, because life is mysterious.

    I think the finale was almost as well executed as it could have been, given the circumstances. My main disappointment was not seeing Mr. Eko, but I guess that's understandable.

    As for my favourite episodes, I'll have to think and come up with a list.
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  3. #438
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Yeah, Expose was pretty awesome.

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  4. #439
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    I've no idea why y'all are saying "Expose." I hated that episode, and thought outside of "Fire + Water" and "Stranger in a Strange Land" it was the worst episode of the series.

    My favorite episodes:

    "The Man Behind the Curtain"
    "Through the Looking Glass"
    "The Constant"
    "The Shape of Things to Come"
    "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
    "Ab Aeterno"
    "The End"

  5. #440
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    I can understand why one would hate Fire+Water, but I never really understood why Stranger in a Strange Land got such a bad rep. I thought it was okay.

  6. #441
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Why I liked Expose:

    Two annoying characters introduced to the show seemingly as a replacement for the equally annoying Boone and Shannon. Nobody likes them much. Writers realise this and so bump them off in a hilariously cruel way (and show plenty of self-awareness as they go about it, with Sawyer constantly asking who they are). Plus I liked how it was plotted (similar to The Long Con).
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  7. #442
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Out of curiosity, maybe it's slipped my mind or something, but did we ever find out what was going on when John and then later on Hurley found Jacob's shed?
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  8. #443
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    The shed was apparently inhabited by Jacob at one point, but he hadn't been there for quite some time. The implication was that Smokey had been using it.

    This commentary was apparently written by a Bad Robot employee. I found it fairly enlightening.
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  9. #444
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    The Ben episodes were also my favorite episodes. I don't know the titles offhand.

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  10. #445
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    Did the man in Black not say the flash in the shed was him? Think he did. It waas him manipulating Ben all those years.

  11. #446


    I cried my heart out when Vincent laid down beside jack, he didn't die alone and he didn't pass on alone, harks back to the "live together or die alone" (is that right) speech from s1.

    OMG YAY FRANK, you da man

    Sawyer and Juliet was epic! but it was Sayid and Shannon that made me grin, cos i thought they had dropped that pairing but they were together again.

    Dan and Charlotte, too short but very sweet, Its the lil looks they give each other that always made me love them, I'm sure that once they had the time together that they were denied they will get to move on too, Maybe with Frank (altho he didn't turn up in the flashsideways i'm sure he will eventually) and Miles.

    Can't help but feel sorry for flashsideways Miles, his true love has past on and he went with Juliet. He's gunna go to work and be heartbroken when James doesn't come in lol.

    Kate won me over in the finale her line about "I missed you so much" is pretty poignant, I took it to mean she lived a good long time after Jack . So pleased they were together in the end, up till s4 i was tottally "skate" and "jacket", but Jack and Kate were meant to be, as were Sawyer and Juliet, she finally made him grow up.

    Wish i felt more about Claire and Charlie tho, i loved them and it was touching but it didn't get to me as much as the others.

    All in all it was beautiful but heartachingly sad, and I totally called the last scene being Jack lying on the floor and his eyes close
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  12. #447


    i loved it, but i found myself thinking when it turned out the sideways was all purgatory or whatever and that these characters had all found eachother because it was the most important time of their lives or whatever thinking "well hold on.. some of these people never even met and some of them were only alive on the island for a few weeks.. why is it all so important?"

    its like.. the main story line was what i was interested in, but they made the flashsideways/purgatory, that we had only a 1 out of 6 seasons to know the most important part of it, and for what? so they could all meet and move on together... when some of the main characters there probably went on to live long full lives that we never got to see, who knows what happened to them, why do we care if they all got to meet up?

    sorry thats written really badly, but i dunno how to word it properly. anyway, despite that i did love it, just the purgatory ending made me sad/confused/and a bit ...right okay all in one

  13. #448


    Maybe there lives weren't so great, I mean after everything they went through (the ones that survive). Nothing as special as surviving on a magical island could have happened.

    I mean, for example, maybe Kate and Sawyer got together in the orginal timeline, maybe not but we don't know, its left open. But if they did they didn't love each other as much as they did Jack and Juliet. What matters is they are all united by what happened to them.
    The only survivors of the original timeline at the church were Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire, Dess and Penny, and they all were very close with their dead friends.
    Hurley had lost Libby his love and Charlie his best friend
    Claire gets to be with Kate, aaron and Chawlie
    Sawyer back with juliet who he lost
    Kate back with Jack who she lost
    and Des and Pen obviously would be together when they died, and Des and Jack had a special kind of love, Des and Pen had a connection with Chawlie

    all the others died before the end so the island was the best part of their life anyway
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  14. #449
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
    Did the man in Black not say the flash in the shed was him? Think he did. It waas him manipulating Ben all those years.
    Yes, I thought this was pretty well implied. Esp. with Ben's line about his closet: "this is where I thought I was summoning the smoke monster but it turns out he was summoning me" or whatever.

  15. #450
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    Forgive me if I glanced over it, but does anyone know where to find a list of the manifest that shows what their destiny on the island is? Apparently some of the things on it were like: "Jack: To take Jacob's place. Kate: To kill the Man in Black" Apparently it's an app on the iPhone

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