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Thread: a return to one of the great games of the series?

  1. #16
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    I agree it remains to be seen if ff13 actually does a good job with fighting tactics and with storyline. But I am interested to see how it does.

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'd say XIII has more in common with FFX than Tactics, Linear "Single Road" dungeon design, little back tracking, all optional quest unlock 2/3rds of the way into the game, only equips are weapons and accessories that give small bonuses or stuff like auto haste, combat system based on total strategy instead of button mashing and character playing specific roles in combat. Now as long as it fixes the problems with FFX such as its weak difficulty, crappy plot, and generic cliche characters then XIII should be gold.

    As for FFT being a total rip-off of the Bible... Except for the strong similarity between the fake story of St.Ajora and Jesus Christ. (SPOILER)There is little in common, as the big secret about St. Ajora is the fact that he wasn't a real child of god and was instead the leader of a political reform trying to overthrow the establishment which is far from the truth behind the historical and Biblical accounts of the Jesus of Nazareth, in fact its more in common with the other Jesus who was released instead by Pilate as he was the one trying to start a Jewish revolt against Rome. So I would find that to be a far cry from stealing ideas from the Bible as the basic premise is similar but the truth and revelations that follow are far from the reality it borrows from. FFX's plot is a near verbatim rip off of the Tale of Orochi, FFII is a rip off of Star Wars.
    Last edited by Wolf Kanno; 02-13-2010 at 09:52 AM. Reason: I hate when they retcon a retcon...

  3. #18


    It seems more like FFVII meets FFX to me. Cloud is using the sphere grid.

  4. #19
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    and has boobs

  5. #20
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    this is an improvement, at least.

  6. #21
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    I'm retardedly excited about this game.

  7. #22
    Recognized Member Flying Arrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dignified Pauper View Post
    I'm retardedly excited about this game.
    So am I. I don't know what that says about me, though.

    Few weeks ago I was as skeptical as the most skeptical posters on this board and worrying that FFXIII looks way too similar to FFX (my least favourite entry in the FF series) but all of a sudden I'm perfectly prepared to put down full price come release day. One moment I'm lamenting the passing of my enjoyment of an old favourite, and the next I'm driving the bandwagon. Very, very, very few things can get this kind of excitement out of me. I'm smurfing baffled.

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Lightening View Post
    Cloud is using the sphere grid.
    Quote Originally Posted by krissy View Post
    and has boobs
    Quote Originally Posted by eestlinc View Post
    this is an improvement, at least.
    This series of statements made me lol

    /easily amused

  9. #24

    Default Agreed...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lightening View Post
    It seems more like FFVII meets FFX to me. Cloud is using the sphere grid.
    Lightning as a female Cloud basically, Team Nora as Avalanche.

    I disagree with the person who claimed FFX had a crappy plot.
    You could argue it could have been executed better but I thought the plot was excellent.

    I don't see FFXIII as the greatest FF ever.I think it's probably too linear, lacks compelling minigames and the lack of towns and lack of nonhumans hurts it in my eyes.
    I'm still going to play it but I don't feel it's going to be the best ever.

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by ANGRYWOLF View Post
    I'm still going to play it but I don't feel it's going to be the best ever.
    It is not the best Final Fantasy, but the story makes it one of the best Final Fantasys. Even with some strange parts - which exist in every story - it is more than just great. It is a pitty the complete version of Kimi ga iru kara is just in the japanese ending. Because of this theme the ending is even more awesome than it is without theme or another theme.

  11. #26


    Speaking with a Square Enix artist who was proudly showing off her portfolio, we asked her if she was just as proud of her work on FFXIII. “Of course,” she said. So we asked what she’d been working on that day. She paused, “A rock. I’ve been working on a single rock that appears in only one scene, for three seconds, for the past three days.”

    that is what it has come to. I am selling my ps3 tomorrow on ebay and buying an xbox 360. And the reason is that MGS4 and FF13 are not up to it, whilst Hironobu is going strong with a game I really want to play "Lost Odyssey", and that has Nobuo who also jumped ship.

    So there we are , end of an era for me. I will probably also buy a ps2 so I can play the good games.

  12. #27
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seiferalmasy2 View Post
    Speaking with a Square Enix artist who was proudly showing off her portfolio, we asked her if she was just as proud of her work on FFXIII. “Of course,” she said. So we asked what she’d been working on that day. She paused, “A rock. I’ve been working on a single rock that appears in only one scene, for three seconds, for the past three days.”

    that is what it has come to. I am selling my ps3 tomorrow on ebay and buying an xbox 360. And the reason is that MGS4 and FF13 are not up to it, whilst Hironobu is going strong with a game I really want to play "Lost Odyssey", and that has Nobuo who also jumped ship.

    So there we are , end of an era for me. I will probably also buy a ps2 so I can play the good games.
    Just going to point out that Nobuo hasn't jumped ship. He's working freelance now. He's doing the entire soundtrack for FFXIV, for example.

    Also, just because they've paid intense attention to graphical detail in FFXIII does not necessarily mean that they've shirked everything else in favor of it. That's a pretty drastic conclusion to jump to. Square Enix has a lot of resources at their disposal. The person designing those rocks generally has nothing to do with the rest of the game anyway, so I fail to see how the uncited quote is relevant.

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by ANGRYWOLF View Post
    I disagree with the person who claimed FFX had a crappy plot.
    You could argue it could have been executed better but I thought the plot was excellent.
    Well I don't think I dislike the plot for FFX quite as much as Wolf Kanno does, however I think he and I both agree that the plot for FFX is clearly far from being "excellent".

    Quote Originally Posted by ANGRYWOLF View Post
    lack of nonhumans hurts it in my eyes.
    Actually I'm quite relieved that it doesn't have non-humans. I don't mind humanoids that are slightly different somehow [not really talking about elves, but things like Sprigg are okay too], but I'm annoyed at the current trend of making EXCESSIVE amounts of non-humans, as well as the other trend of making them all animal-based. I really don't care for it at all.

  14. #29

    Default If FFX had a "bad plot" which game has had

    a "good one"...?

    How do you define what makes a plot "good" or bad"...?

    For me Sin destroying humanity was a good plot.If others feel differently that's fine.

    I realize some people are tired of the "world is in danger" type of storyline but I happen to like those.
    Saving the world/saving humanity is in my view a worthwhile endeavor.

    That's just my opinion though.

    One problem I have with FFXIII is the notion espoused apparently by the socalled sanctum elite is that i'cies are a threat to cocoon.To the people of cocoon.I don't see it.I see them more as at risk people .They're at risk of becoming either crystals if they succeed or zombies if they fail.So they're more at risk for taking assignments from the falcies than they are any risk to ordinary humans imo.

  15. #30
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    For me Sin destroying humanity was a good plot.If others feel differently that's fine.

    I realize some people are tired of the "world is in danger" type of storyline but I happen to like those.
    Saving the world/saving humanity is in my view a worthwhile endeavor.
    One of the major problems with the plot is that Sin isn't destroying humanity, it has been co-existing with humanity for a thousand years. There is no immediacy or urgency to your quest, and humanity isn't in any need of saving. You are just out to raise the standard of living.


    Speaking of plot, does anyone feel that the world of FFXIII is setting it up to reek of social commentary?

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