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Thread: Your Favorite FFXIII Char!

  1. #31
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    The frocobo doesn't count; if people could choose him as their favorite character, none of the others would ever be chosen.

  2. #32
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    This is true.
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  3. #33


    It's hard to choose! There's not one member of the main cast I don't really like; I thought I would have trouble with Fang, but once I met her I adored her.

    I think Lightning edges out in front, just because it's refreshing to see a FF female lead, and one that's pretty bad ass at that. She's tough, but she's got a sensitive side to her that makes her more human. It helps that I think she's absolutely beautiful, and not in the typical girly way. The way she moves in battle just seals the deal for me, it's so fluid and yet so awesome.

    I'm also fond of the others. The only character who I really dislike is Serah.

  4. #34
    A figure clad in armor. Darkwolf090's Avatar
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    Well just like the Frocobo Sarah doesnt really count, as char i did mean playable ones i should of pointed that out but oh well.

    Im seeing alot more Hope's then I thought I would, me and Wolf Kanno were talking the other day about it, alot more Hope's and not as much Snow's as we had thought lol oh well.

    Since I told ya Snow I guess for fun Ill say my 2nd fav.
    Fang, the reasons being that; 1. She is hot. 2. She is the dragoon of the game and has my favorite summon. 3. She is modeled after her voice actress. Lets not forget her personality however! I like it, I'm really sick of whiny chars so I was happy to see alot of tough people in this game not any who really whine too much.
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  5. #35


    Fang is my fave. I also like Vanille and Lightning a lot, but not as much as Fang. The other 3 can diaf for all I care, although I dislike Hope the least. :X

  6. #36
    The Seeker Sword's Avatar
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    Hope. Definately Hope. His development is really good, and he seems like a natural leader.

  7. #37
    Edge7's Avatar
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    I'm only on chapter 3 or 4, so from what I can tell, Sazh is my favorite character. Not only does his dialouge make me chuckle, but he seems balanced as a character. Lightning's too cold, Snow's too obsesive (as well as having a one track mind, but I knda like him anyway), Vanille's a little too perky, but I still like her, I haven't really seen Fang too much, Hope is too... Hope ("You wanna help a L'Cie!" "Snow Deserves it!"). Seriously, Snow has enough to deal with with his fiancee in a crystalized coma and his would-be sister inlaw wanting him to die. The last thing he needs is someone hating him because Hope mother died tfighting for Hope's freedom.

    Oh well, there's time.
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  8. #38
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    I'm on chapter 11 now, and I changed my mind. D: It's Lightning and Fang all the way for me, but I love them all.

  9. #39
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm up to the start of Chapter 6 right now and can say that Sahz is easily my favorite character at the moment. He's not only wickedly funny but the most down to earth character. Everyone else feels like a 2-Dimensional JRPG cookie cutter type character.

    Snow started off a bit annoying but thanks to the flashbacks and how much he gets from Lightning and Hope, he's becoming the second most sympathetic character. His story with Serah has been somewhat touching and gives more weight to his personality and quirks than the rest of the class.

    Haven't really got to know Fang yet but she looks amusing at least.

    Lightning is so indifferent and quiet that she comes off as being devoid of any personality. I can't sympathize with her and though she's more calm and calculating than Snow, I feel her decisions and actions haven't really been any less stupid than Snow's. I'm not really feeling her. Watching her try to be a mentor with Hope came off more creepy and eerie than endearing. Her only emotion seems to be anger, but she comes across as a watered down version of Lady Ashe from XII with some Wire-Fu moves.

    Vanille is getting on my nerves, she's trying too hard to be ditzy and cute and it comes across more like a sad cry for help than "fun". I'm also getting irked with the whole "I have a world shattering secret" vibe she keeps getting in the story (SPOILER)cause its obvious she's from Pulse. She really hasn't tried to fit in and its agonizing watching the rest of your party act oblivious to her just so the plot could build up a plot twist we see a mile away. She's been the most disappointing character so far cause I was hoping she would break the mold of some JRPG cliches (perky hyperactive girl with a sad past) but instead she's trying to be the full embodiment of it. She's also being blatantly used as fan service that its embarrassing.

    I want to punch Hope in the face, he's annoying and if I were Lightning I would have taken him out and just told the others PSICOM got him. His character growth is less growth and more of going from excruciatingly whiny to annoying whiny. Its an improvement but its not enough to make him likable.

    Granted, I've only started Chapter 6 so my thoughts may change on any of these characters as time goes on but its going to be really difficult for a few of them due to their terrible first impressions but at least Snow is proving to be an exception to that rule.

  10. #40
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    When did Hope whine again? I only seem to remember him doing so when he damn well had every right to do it.

    No, don't answer, I don't wanna read it. Bashing Hope is in simply because he exists, he's been hated as soon as he was revealed. I'll leave it at that and am not going to go into any more discussions concerning him. It's pointless. Just as pointless as discussing with the haters how this game is a RPG and not a movie.

    Please ignore.

  11. #41
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    If you want people to ignore your rant then don't make them.

    While I feel its completely fair to say that Hope got the short end of the stick it doesn't mean I enjoy listening to him complain about becoming a l'Cie and how Snow and his dad ruined his life for the first couple of hours of the game. Yes its realistic but it doesn't make it any less annoying as if I were listening to some real life jack-ass complaining about all their horrible problems. He's gotten better now that he's finally gotten into the whole "revenge" deal but having to listen to him try to figure out what he wanted to do and getting all bashful around Snow in the beginning just felt so unrealistic and was exasperating to say the least. I f I were in Hope's shoes, Team NORA would have had to drag me off Snow the first time I saw him as I tried to claw his eyes out. Rage is not something I feel one dwells on and act wishy washy about until it grows, it just comes out.

    I'm not a bleeding heart compassionate fellow, so my sympathy levels disappeared when I realized the only thing he was ever going to talk about until he confronts Snow is how miserable his life is and its all Snow's fault. This does not really make him an interesting or empathetic character for the first few hours of the game which are being used to make the player like him. Its also annoying how I feel their is a major conflict between how Hope is presented in the game and how he is represented in the Datalog. He's bashful and whiny in the game but the datalog has him "stirring with rage within" which I frankly don't see.

    The other issue here is that its very difficult to not compare the guy to Ken Amada from Persona 3. Their storylines are almost exactly the same with obvious differences being their respected worlds. Ken was able to actually be a very likable character. He mentioned his problem but only got emotional about it when he finally had the major confrontation with his mother's killer and that whole scene did not play out like anyone would have thought. Ken was far more methodical and really to me; showed how unsettling mental trauma could be on a child due to his personality and the way he handled his revenge.

    Hope to me, brings out two emotions from people. Anger and Pity. You either find his constant complaining and "woe is me cause that bastard took everything from me" annoying and learn to hate him quickly or you go the opposite and pity the poor kid and kick into some parental instinct of wanting to love and protect the kid.

    I'm actually trying to like him and despite my rants against him he is not actually my least favorite character. I just want to punch him in the face for having to put up with him. Maybe he'll grow on me when I get to his hometown but I have a sad feeling he won't grow on me until after he finally gets over his baggage with Snow and accepts his mother died trying to protect him rather than dying senselessly thanks to Snow's manipulation. Time will tell.

  12. #42
    Edge7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I'm actually trying to like him and despite my rants against him he is not actually my least favorite character. I just want to punch him in the face for having to put up with him. Maybe he'll grow on me when I get to his hometown but I have a sad feeling he won't grow on me until after he finally gets over his baggage with Snow and accepts his mother died trying to protect him rather than dying senselessly thanks to Snow's manipulation. Time will tell.
    Sums it up beautifully. When his mom first died, and he just stood there shocked, I legitimately felt bad for him, even though I didn't like him in the trailers. Then when Vanille takes him to talk to Snow, I wondered if he had anything to say about it. If he was actually mad at Snow he would've yelled at him then and there, and they could have both moved on. But it looks like Square-Enix tries to give Hope more rage the more he sees Snow act out of love for Serah, a L'Cie. I can understand that he feels cheated that Snow fought harder for Serah than for his mother, but for it to evolve into full-blast rage to me is just unrealistic, and I'm usually the type of person who's patient with character flaws (I'm one of the few people who like Raiden as he was in MGS2). So when Hope has an entire cutscene with Lightning just about why Snow sucks so much, I have the right to say that Hope needs a lesson from Great Teacher Onizuka. "You think if life treats you bad you can just blame other people?!" (ad libbed)
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  13. #43
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I smurfing love Onizuka

  14. #44


    Hope's possibly the first 'child' character in a Final Fantasy game to act, y'know, like an actual child. Yeah he whines, he gets tired, and he has a lot of emotional rage over something that couldn't be helped. But he's also a kid whose just been dragged into something terrifying, he lost his mum and actually watched her die, and to top it off, he's been marked an l'cie. And that was done out of the sake of that muppet Serah, something that didn't involve him. He's right, it wasn't fair.

    It's nice to see a child character actually act like one. Instead of being all gung ho and charging into battle with little to no fear, and getting a trifle sniffly over anything bad that happens in their life. Hope's a near perfect characterisation of a young teenager in a crap situation.

  15. #45

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