Ok let me start off with saying personally I like all the Chars, so lets just show our favorite ones some love eh?

So lets start it off, how bout we say who our favorite one char is and why. This will be harder for others then some, but meh we all know the Frocobo is awesome right? Anyway Ill start it off.

My favorite char in this game is Snow, silly name and silly man!
I just really love his personality... that and he is a hobo surfer man bum who must be the hero...
Sure he isnt the BEST char in the game stats wise but I'd say he is in the top 3 however i put him in as my leader and he has never left. That and come on... he is a surf bum who summons twin sisters to fight with him? Gotta love him right? Also I have one more thing to add about him....

He is a Monkadin.... think about... Monkadin... half monk half paladin... wooo!

Anyway let the disscussing of who loves who start... seeing as a Sazh thread already is going on, I do plan to see a few of him being there.