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Thread: The CK competition and the staff

  1. #76
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Del
    Breine isn't the only 100% NO. There are others. Of course there are others! We can't just let anyone in here. Breine is only a special case because of his status as a member and the fact that he was a finalist before.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweee
    Also I don't really appreciate you insulting our intelligence ._.
    Wait, what? I’ve been criticizing the Staff for taking blatant advantage of you to do busy work for them. You even admitted if you knew the truth, and it happened to be against you, that you wouldn’t want to participate that much. If the staff is willing to tell people that (see: Breine), wouldn’t you like to?
    I know I've avoided this thread like a great aunts exploding zit, but this (and other things) raises some valid points, as the mods get tired and start to slip up.

    Do I want to know? Actually yes. I mean, I know myself the chance of actually getting in there is slim to none, but if it was actually none, I'd rather know so I can.. you know.. focus on studying instead of forcing me to make a review for a game I haven't played in two years while I already contributed a shtload of time in the form of a materia list for that game at the time I was actually still playing it.

  2. #77
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    There is a point where you have to calm down and step away from something, especially when you don't know exactly what happened behind the scenes. The staff put Shlup in charge, Shlup wanted to do something different then the last two times, it required people in the competition to do a little work, Breine has gotten far before, the staff felt it would be unfair to lead him along, so they eliminated him. That's it, that's all there is to it, you didn't like this Competition this time, you've voiced that, the staff gets it, now walk away, like a big boy.

  3. #78
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    The last CK competition was highly entertaining and promoted activity by indirect means (people enjoyed it so much they posted more) instead of forcing activity alone.
    Says you, not says me. A number of people have said they prefer this format. Even Del's own girlfriend said nothing this funny has happened on EoFF in a long time!
    Most people are dumb. You of all people know the truth of that.
    Again insulting the intelligence of the peeople you claim to be sticking up for.
    Considering I liked the last competition so much, why would I want it to go away? I actually looked forward to this year’s.
    Clearly I was referring to this current competition, not the CK competition as a whole.
    This is just classic. Me pointing out the ridiculous treatment of Breine is “cold,” yet the staff’s treatment of Breine in the first place wasn’t?
    You just need to learn to accept that people sometimes have different perspectives than yours, and that doesn't make them wrong. From some people's perspective, Breine was done a courtesy, despite it being because of something unfortunately unpleasant.
    Oh get over yourself, seriously; not everything I do is all about messing with you.
    Based on this thread alone, I find this statement unlikely. You would totally go full-whinge just to mess with the staff that has messed with you so many times. I remain unconvinced of your sincerity.
    Jesus Christ, Amanda, do you just sit down at night and think of things I never said to attribute to me?
    Please learn the difference between me saying you said things that you never said and me saying what I feel your statements imply.
    I have no idea if who has a shot and doesn’t.
    My point exactly.
    ALSO, you said "everyone else but Breine" still has a shot in the competition, and he was the only definite no. Del explicitly contradicted that, which just further proves my point.

    At least Del is being somewhat honest and straightforward, even if everything he says is outright terrible. He even called it an “illusion” of a competition.
    Don't listen to Del; there's a reason he's the only one [kind of] on your side.

    Anyway, Del wants it closed because he wants to ignore it but is having a hard time. I want this discussion to be over because it's stupid and pointless. So are you done yet or are you going to continue abusing your Former Staff power to harass us about a forum game that has you all in a tizzy?

  4. #79
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShlupQuack View Post
    So are you done yet or are you going to continue abusing your Former Staff power to harass us about a forum game that has you all in a tizzy?
    To be fair, since all we do is post in a forum, a forum game has significance!

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Puppet View Post

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Puppet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Puppet View Post

  7. #82
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shlup
    A number of people have said they prefer this format.
    Any of the current contestants?

    Clearly I was referring to this current competition, not the CK competition as a whole.
    Well then duh I would like this format to go away. Do I need to type in big font for you?

    You just need to learn to accept that people sometimes have different perspectives than yours, and that doesn't make them wrong. From some people's perspective, Breine was done a courtesy, despite it being because of something unfortunately unpleasant.
    I agree he was done a courtesy, especially considering this year's format. My concern is why he was singled out for that courtesy, considering Del explicitly stating there are other definite answers for other members. Jessweee and AK have even said that, if applicable, they would like to know beforehand -- that they'd rather have to do all those tasks if they didn't really have a shot. How can you justify the "it's all fun anyway" argument when your own competitors, the ones who have stuck it out this long with your obnoxious tasks, are even contradicting you?

    You would totally go full-whinge just to mess with the staff that has messed with you so many times.
    "So many times?" 2005 was 5 years ago. You also said "whinge" which makes everything else you say void (not that there was much legitimate substance to begin with).

    Please learn the difference between me saying you said things that you never said and me saying what I feel your statements imply.
    I have neither said nor implied them. Just stating "I think you implied it" does not give you free reign to accuse me of saying any absurd argument, especially when I didn't come anywhere close to doing either.

    Don't listen to Del; there's a reason he's the only one [kind of] on your side.
    I'd actually be interested in what others think, especially the newer staff that may not be as comfortable about blatant displays of favoritism and other such predeterminations about the CK tournament.

    So are you done yet or are you going to continue abusing your Former Staff power to harass us about a forum game that has you all in a tizzy?
    I'll be done when I get anything remotely resembling a straight answer. As far as I can see, there is even more reason to be concerned now than when I first started the thread.

  8. #83
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I can only imagine what Breine would have to say about all of this, considering he's been used as an argument so many times.

    Seriously, it's just a competition. It's not like it's a life-or-death thing. No one's losing money over this, no one is physically getting hurt. This is supposed to be for fun, and yeah, something good comes out of it, we get another staff member or two, depending on the staff's predetermined choice. Yes, it's a big deal in that the people selected have a responsibility to look over an amazing community such as this one and yes, it will be work. But it's voluntary. This whole thing is voluntary. I think that's the key word here, and it seems to be very easily missed.

    I'm in this because a) I believe I would make a good Cid's Knight. Yes, I have flaws, who doesn't? I know how to step up and take responsibility and I take my work seriously. b) I'm having fun. Yes, I complain that it's a lot of work and that it's hard, but it's still fun, and it's something I'm doing because I want to, which makes it even better for me. c) I was curious to see what the tasks would be this time around since Shlup's running it instead of Del.

    If any of us contestants really felt like we were being over-worked, don't you think we'd be smart enough to quit rather than do something we really don't want to do? Aren't the greatest rewards in life obtained because we have the desire and the motivation to do what it takes?

    Good lord. Chill, please! We're all like a family here, and yet we're persistently squabbling over the silliest thing! Please, close the thread for good and continue on with the fun!

    And to answer Wes' question, I do like this format. I also like the previous format. There are pros and cons for each. However, I prefer this one because the whole confessional thing seemed a little ott to me.

  9. #84
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Any of the current contestants?
    Yup. Though even if someone hasn't really said, I believe their continued participation at least implies something positive. I hesitate to believe that any one of these particular people, at least, would go through something they absolutely hate just for a blue title, which leads to expectations at least somewhat similar to those of the contest. If that is the case then I say shame on them, though I don't believe it's so.
    Well then duh I would like this format to go away. Do I need to type in big font for you?
    So I have to stop having fun because you're not enjoying a competition you're not even participating in anymore?
    I agree he was done a courtesy, especially considering this year's format. My concern is why he was singled out for that courtesy, considering Del explicitly stating there are other definite answers for other members. Jessweee and AK have even said that, if applicable, they would like to know beforehand -- that they'd rather have to do all those tasks if they didn't really have a shot. How can you justify the "it's all fun anyway" argument when your own competitors, the ones who have stuck it out this long with your obnoxious tasks, are even contradicting you?
    I maintain that Del is full of it, or he's hanging on to vendettas against contestants that he hasn't stated to anyone else.
    "So many times?" 2005 was 5 years ago. You also said "whinge" which makes everything else you say void (not that there was much legitimate substance to begin with).
    Alright, so if you acting like a bleeding harpie isn't an April Fool's joke then this comment alone proves you have come in from another dimension. (A) 2005 wasn't the only time staff has screwed with you, (B) You are whinging.
    I have neither said nor implied them. Just stating "I think you implied it" does not give you free reign to accuse me of saying any absurd argument, especially when I didn't come anywhere close to doing either.
    I am free to state my interpretation of your whinging as I wish, especially considering that it's entirely spot on. This whole argument is absolutely ridiculous and petty.
    I'd actually be interested in what others think, especially the newer staff that may not be as comfortable about blatant displays of favoritism and other such predeterminations about the CK tournament.
    There will always be a degree of favoritism when selecting moderators, whether it be the old fashioned way or through contest. We're not going to knight someone we don't like, plain and simple. We're not going to knight someone with spotty activity, we're not going to knight someone who doesn't have something to offer that we feel the forums need (in this case, someone who can contribute to the frontsite at least to a small but consistant degree). The whole process of picking a new knight is favoritism. What you seem to fail to grasp is that our favorites can change. There are people I've been rooting for behind the scenes who I have previously voted against as moderators, but seeing how they've handled this competition has changed my mind.

    Even if they don't have a chance to win this time, and I'm not saying that is so despite the fact that there will only be one winner, at the very least this competition has put new candidates for future moddings on the map. And that's besides all the fun and increased activity and frontsite help this contest has generated.
    I'll be done when I get anything remotely resembling a straight answer. As far as I can see, there is even more reason to be concerned now than when I first started the thread.
    You are ridiculous. You're asking the same questions over and over, and I'm giving you the only answers I have for you. Is your crusade to save EoFF from evil tyranny? Do you really think the staff is doing that poor of a job? Are we picking moderators that you don't approve of? What is it?

    You may continue to ask your questions, but if I see the same ones again you may well just go back and read my previous posts.

  10. #85
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I'm asking the "same questions" because you refuse to give me anything remotely resembling a good answer consistent with the actual facts. You openly said Del's "full of it," but why the hell should I believe you over him? You can't seriously say he has a "vendetta" against all the contestants. He seems to at least be more honest than you; you have been giving some more vague answers that seem contradictory to what's actually happened and other things that have been said.

    Obviously there will be some "favoritism" to pick new staffers, regardless of the method utilized. What I object to is in misleading some people to think they have any sort of chance, however farfetched, when the staff has previously chosen to eliminate a very competitive contestant to save him the trouble. THAT favoritism, in the very implementation of the competition, is what I find so ridiculous -- NOT the favoritism for choosing a CK in and of itself. You are responding to statements I never made and ignoring the ones I actually did make. You even have YOUR OWN CONTESTANTS here saying they would change their minds if they were told they had no chance -- how can you be arguing against giving people that information when the staff has chosen to do that before? You say Breine was an "anamoly," but Del's own words state that others certainly have no chance, and that seems far more likely true than your completely contradictory statements.

    And Americans do not say "whinge."

  11. #86
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    Clearly you have simply chosen not to believe me, and I'm not interested in changing my perspective or what I believe is right just to satisfy you. I'm not even going to bother closing this, seeing as I'm pretty much the only person willing to tolerate you for this long anyway.

    You are now talking to yourself. Enjoy it.

  12. #87
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    12 threads in one day? Then, 50 posts in one day? Now there's a writing assignment? You are so evil, Shluppi. And cute. :mymeltitter:

  13. #88
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    If I was told I had no chance then yes I wouldn't spend my time but isn't that the whole point of a competition? You don't know the outcome, if you knew the outcome there would be no point of the game. Of any game! If you knew that you were going to lose the game of monopoly then you wouldn't want to play but if you didn't play you wouldn't have the fun of making people land on your boulevard with 3 hotels!

    Yes if I was told "You wont make it" I wouldn't spend my vacation online trying to win this thing. But I'm having fun with it. I've been away from eoff for like 2 months cause I had surgeries and what not and when I came back, yeah it was boring as hell. I even complained about it in my lj in which BoB quoted stats at me (not surprising eh?) but this competition has really increased the activity and I like that. It was hella boring when everyone was not posting or just gaming on their new XIII. Now it's reminded me of when it was this active way back when. (not your way back when because you're all old fogies)

    Sure it's a lot of more social type tasks but it has increased activity and it has been fun. If they told everyone the way they stood on preexisting opinions at the beginning of the game then there would be no game. There would be no chance for anyone to prove those preexisting opinions wrong.

    I know you don't outright say mean things like the contestants being idiots for doing these tasks but you imply it. You imply and then when someone calls you out you go "I never said THAT". I've known you long enough to know you do this. I've told you before wes, in fact like 40 mins ago even, to stop being such a jerk face. Yes you may have known shlup for a while but this is a public forum meaning other people can see it AND you should never talk to anyone as if they are less of a person even if you believe it to be so. That's just rude and mean and don't be a jerkass.

    I feel i'm wesley's friend, he even got me a stuffed otter for my birthday last year And I feel he has some points on how this does seem a bit more of a social contest rather than showing in depth blah blah in confessions and blah blah. Yeah that has it's pluses and so does this one. I'm glad I don't have to share my opinions with people and have the entire forum judge me. I enjoy the activity this one is bringing, I enjoyed the group dynamics that del's had us do. It has all been fun, all of them.

    Just because this one is drastically different than the other doesn't mean it's bad. Sorry that it isn't the same as something else but that's how things happen. They change, they evolve and even raistlin's negative opinions are valuable for that change. In the future if this is made again then you will know that some people (wes) don't like it as super social things and can change it. Not saying you should change for one person but just saying it's good to have both del's version and shlup's version mixed.

    Wes stop being a jerkface because you don't like what's happening now. Let people have their fun. If they don't want to do it they wont. If they think it's not fair, they wont be in it. Just because it's unjust in your eyes doesn't mean that they aren't doing something right behind those big gates of the staff forum. Yes there will be judgments made, that's the point of a competition. You don't go into an ice skating competition with no knowledge of skating and expect to win. They will judge you on how well you skate and if you do bad then well you're not gonna win. Simple as that. What is wrong with a competition judging on the competition?

    Oh but briene was singled out! Well yeah he was, so what? They made a judgment like they do in competitions and he was voted out. What's so hard to grasp about that? You don't have to know their reasons, that's why they are in charge and you're not. If you knew everything then there would no need for a competition in the first place would there? We'd all be tra la laing with power and the place would be anarchy. So let them judge a comp on their own.
    Last edited by Freya; 03-26-2010 at 06:50 AM.

  14. #89
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    you guys
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    a little less
    with this exposition.

  15. #90
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I agree completely. Let's make peace and not war.

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