The final six contestants are: Momiji, Jessweeee♪, Goldenboko, ~*~Celes~*~, Freya, and Aerith's Knight.
Perhaps in the past you haven't seen much of a connection between the frontsite and the forums, but the winds of change are blowing and that is becoming less and less the case. A CK now must be willing and able to both moderate the forums and contribute to the frontsite to at least some degree.
And so for task four that's what you'll be doing:
Part 1
Find five threads that you think should be closed. Post links to them here, and justify your choices.
WARNING! There can be no repeat threads. If someone already posted with one of the threads you chose, you have to choose another.
Part 2
Second accounts pop up on EoFF from time to time. Some are jokes, some are banned members trying to sneak in, some are regular members who are just being shady.
You must select one member to accuse of being a second account. Justify your choice.
Also, no duplicates yadda yadda. And known second accounts don't count.
Part 3
Now for I'm sure your favorite part: the frontsite. You actually have to choices here.
You may...
A) Contribute something to the FFXIII section. We have a to do list here.
B) If you haven't played FFXIII or would just prefer this task, you can write some reviews. The thread for that, with many examples even, is here. Also, Tavrobel says that if these aren't submitted in Notepad he will hunt you down, so I suppose make them attachments.
Keep in mind that not only is quality important, but quantity can play a factor. You may choose to do A and B if you wish. You may submit several reviews. You may type up several chapters from the FFXIII datalog. I will leave how much you do up to your judgment, but keep in mind that if someone submits a lot more than you...
You have 36 hours to complete this task. Only three contestants will make it to the next and final round.