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Thread: Task 4 - Work, love and play are the great balance wheels of man's being - ENDED!

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    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Default Task 4 - Work, love and play are the great balance wheels of man's being - ENDED!

    The final six contestants are: Momiji, Jessweeee♪, Goldenboko, ~*~Celes~*~, Freya, and Aerith's Knight.

    Perhaps in the past you haven't seen much of a connection between the frontsite and the forums, but the winds of change are blowing and that is becoming less and less the case. A CK now must be willing and able to both moderate the forums and contribute to the frontsite to at least some degree.

    And so for task four that's what you'll be doing:

    Part 1
    Find five threads that you think should be closed. Post links to them here, and justify your choices.

    WARNING! There can be no repeat threads. If someone already posted with one of the threads you chose, you have to choose another.

    Part 2
    Second accounts pop up on EoFF from time to time. Some are jokes, some are banned members trying to sneak in, some are regular members who are just being shady.

    You must select one member to accuse of being a second account. Justify your choice.

    Also, no duplicates yadda yadda. And known second accounts don't count.

    Part 3
    Now for I'm sure your favorite part: the frontsite. You actually have to choices here.

    You may...
    A) Contribute something to the FFXIII section. We have a to do list here.

    B) If you haven't played FFXIII or would just prefer this task, you can write some reviews. The thread for that, with many examples even, is here. Also, Tavrobel says that if these aren't submitted in Notepad he will hunt you down, so I suppose make them attachments.

    Keep in mind that not only is quality important, but quantity can play a factor. You may choose to do A and B if you wish. You may submit several reviews. You may type up several chapters from the FFXIII datalog. I will leave how much you do up to your judgment, but keep in mind that if someone submits a lot more than you...

    You have 36 hours to complete this task. Only three contestants will make it to the next and final round.

  2. #2
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Sadly most of the extra 12 hours I'll spend in school! Ah well...! This should be fun, although that second account thing is troublesome, I mean the chance of there being 1 second account right now is fairly low, let alone 6, we aren't eliminated just for a wrong guess right?

    EDIT: Reread. It says nothing about "Made after this thread" in the second account part. This is what happens when I post at 6:24 AM!
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 03-25-2010 at 09:32 PM.

  3. #3


    Just putting it out there, even though I'm bitterly disappointed Jiro had to bow out, that I'm giving my support to Jessweeee♪ because she has an awesome name
    if finding love is just a dance, proximity and chance, you will excuse me if i skip the masquerade

  4. #4
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Part 1

    1. CK Competition & The Staff This should be closed. It's had off topic posts since the second page, there's basically the same thread in there, and the posts are becoming personal attacks. I mean it was already closed once for being a repeat thread and it seems like it was created out of personal vendetta so it was in bad taste anyway, and then it was reopened by Raist from the look of things. Let the repeat thread die in peace.

    2. Post some of your favorite .gifs. I think this should also be closed. I get it, the Wonder Square is for things slightly too spammy for General Chat, like games and welcome threads. This is neither and once upon a time you got punched in the face for promoting animated .gifs and lolcat posting.

    3. Noisy Sex Will Get You Arrested - This should also be closed. EoEo is suppose to be a place of important discussions, which this, isn't. And without questioning the importantness of the content of the link, I have another problem with this thread. I like EoEo, it's a cool place to read opinions and debates (although I typically stay out of the line of fire), however just linking to a topic and saying "discuss" is a habit that posters are once again falling into there. Once we cracked down on this to improve the quality of topics in EoEo, I believe we should begin to again.

    4. Fang and Vanille *spoiler* should either be closed, or merged with Lovers? [SPOILERS UP TO CHAPTER 11]. They have the same topic and are being posted in simultaneously. Merging is probably better due to the amount of posts in the Fang and Vanille thread.

    5. Finally, How Can Kingdom Hearts Appeal to More Mainstream Disney Fans should be closed. Warnings where already handed out in this thread (ironically enough right after that someone proceeded to join the forum and advertise), but there's a point where there is nothing left worth discussing about and only bad can happen in a thread. This one reminds me a lot of how this one turned out it should be closed before more unrelated to topic flaming begins.

    Part II
    CloudRay and CloudFace looks like a sudden charge of heart in what they want their name to be, especially since they where made in the same day.

    If you're looking for a real, second account made by a long-time to sneak back in or be shady, no random looking is likely to find someone, because let's face it, who would name their second account similarly to their regular one without being too obvious? Yes, I know the idea of this, but it's tough to just out and say, "This is a second account of ________" after a mere 36 hours. Especially if the person intends to be really sneaky (see Vincent, Thunder God, sure we all thought The Devil was a second account, but exactly who was anyone's guess due to the "Christmas"ness of the account), situations like that just have to be monitored. If I had to guess, this dude looks a lot like Dynast-Kid, and mentions Viera in his only post (Dynast-Kid was a huge FFXII junkie). I like to imagine him being smarter than posting a picture of himself and seeing if he could get away with being a second account after leaving so long.

    Part 3

    Made a review of Final Fantasy VIII. That is attached.

    Started some threads in the FFXIII to promote people to throw some info in! Too tired to continue, but I want to make a few more. Hopefully I get a chance to before this thing is over.

    Well that might be just about it for what I have for this task!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 03-26-2010 at 04:26 AM.

  5. #5
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Task 3: One materia list for FF:Crisis Core, to be found here: and one review for KHII, to be found here:


    Task 2:

    Well, Jiro made it fairly easy for task 2.

    Case: Mrs. Jiro is Jiro's second account
    - Mrs. Jiro has sporadic posts, a few a week at best (once a year at worst), not active posting, yet updated enough to follow this contest and post even before some contestants.
    - The name, I mean come on. It's not like Jiro is some fancy do dah that's known across the world, unless you count some dude in Japan.
    - Even though they have so many similarities, I don't see Jiro posting in her visitor messages saying "Hey, you have my name", besides one measly joke in the beginning.


    edit: Not Jiro's second account, probably someone else's. Or someone really bored.

    I'll leave this up until I find someone better.

    edit: And here it is.

    Case: Moon rabbit? 's second account
    - Doesn't post for years until MR makes a thread called no name.
    - No activity, yet is able to find that thread (no name thread). Either extremely shy lurker or second account



    And for Task 1:

    During that thread making frenzy: This one and this one. They are basically just ripoffs of my thread here:

    My thread: "Do you use magic etc.?"
    Their thread:
    - Do you use summons? (kind of magic)
    - Who doesn't button bash? (ergo, who uses magic instead)

    I mean, at least momiji* admits it was a ripoff.


    That thread just starts with Raistlin whining, has no real topic, and shouldn't have stayed in the first place. It's just asking for a fight, of course, if there are people who actually like X-2.

    And this one: should belong as a post in this one: You could say it's a recommendation thread, but without the guy saying what he likes/prefers, it's basically become a thread where members shout out the FF's they like best, which is the same as this thread:

    Not to be discriminate:
    The thread is over, resolved, but people keep talking. I don't like that.
    Last edited by Aerith's Knight; 03-26-2010 at 03:44 PM.

  6. #6
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    This one ain't so bad! From the sidelines I think I'll be rooting for my comrade Momiji.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    Case: Mrs. Jiro is Jiro's second account
    Bahahahahaha this amused me. Let me assure you this isn't a second account of Jiro's

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    - Mrs. Jiro has sporadic posts, a few a week at best, not active posting, yet updated enough to follow this contest and post even before some contestants.
    Lol, sporadic posts? Yeah, I joined 2 years ago (a couple of months after we got together) simply for the novelty of it. Posted then once, maybe twice, didn't really get the hang of it. Since then I only ever come on whenever he mentions something to do with EOFF, just to see what he's on about . I read lots, post only very, very occasionally when I feel like I can add something to the conversation (which is 'sporadically', yes, but evidence? No.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    - The name, I mean come on. It's not like Jiro is some fancy do dah that's known across the world, unless you count some dude in Japan.
    Erm, Jiro has been Dakoda's screename forever. MSN, EOFF, LJ, everything. On the internet, I think of him as Jiro. Therefore, the name makes perfect sense (Oh, except that we're not married. And Jiro's not a lastname. But whatever.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    - Even though they have so many similarities, I don't see Jiro posting in her visitor messages, besides one measly joke in the beginning.
    May I reiterate my earlier point about me not really getting the hang of it? I still don't really understand the concept of visitor messages/how to use them. Jiro knows that. We do have other methods of communicating, ya know

    Other things I would like to point out:
    1. What is the point? Why would he pretend to be his own wife/girlfriend? Kind of sad to think that you think he would do that!
    2. I go by the name missaira on LJ. Comment his entries quite frequently. Any other EOFFers on LJ can attest to that.
    3. Have you not seen the photo of him and I? It's in a picture thread somewhere
    4. If you'd been paying attention, he dropped out of the comp because he's driving all the way to Townsville and won't have much internet access for the next week or so. Why on earth would he pull out, but still make an effort to log in and pretend to be me?
    5. I am so much more eloquent than him. There is no way he could've put this defense together

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post

    if finding love is just a dance, proximity and chance, you will excuse me if i skip the masquerade

  8. #8
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    It's okay, I still have a backup.

  9. #9
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShlupQuack View Post
    Also, Tavrobel says that if these aren't submitted in Notepad he will hunt you down, so I suppose make them attachments.
    I'll hunt you down for that as well, especially since I'm the one who has to code these things up. :kaoplain:

    Anyway, definitely making this more difficult. I'm gonna need some time to think. 33 hours is plenty of time...

    EDIT: Also, does the second account accusation have to be true to count, or does it simply have to be explained in a clear and logical manner, with valid reasons? Also, do they have to have been signed up as a joke or for malicious reasons?

    That aside, how about...
    Stud Muff
    Stud Muff21
    stud muff1

    All joined on March 11 of this year, all apparently made within a timespan of 30 minutes (their last activities were made within 30 minutes of each other, on March 11).

    If those don't count, I'm have a feeling these should:
    paulinephiliphs *new*

    First, there is julieandrews was the first one, whose single post had a title of 'hiiiii', a partially on-topic response, and a snipped advertising link.

    Next, here is juliawells, with her similar name aside, posted in a similar way in her single post, where she posts a quick response (actually on-topic, this time), and leaves an advertising link (which I did report yesterday, mind you).

    Finally, we have angelinebrown. Her single post, while moderately on-topic, has a title of 'hiiiii', and an advertising link which I shall report when I finish typing all of this.

    I think it is no coincidence that these ladies (lady? you can never be sure) have all registered within about a week of each other, have similar names (firstnamelastname), and all of them post their advertising links in the same way. I'm sort of assuming that julieandrews posted in the same way before she was snipped, I'll admit, but I do not think that it's a coincidence that both posts had identical titles ('hiiiii'), and since angelinebrown's advertising link was posted in the same way that juliawells's advertising link was, I think it's safe to assume the same of Miss(?) julieandrews. Therefore, I think they are either second accounts of the same person, or a handful of people making accounts in near-identical ways. Either way, I think at the very least that their posts should be snipped, if you do not decide to eliminate them outright.

    EDIT@4:20am EST: I've found another one! Meet paulinephiliphs, who, like the above 3, has but one single post, with a title of 'hiiiii', an on-topic post, and yet another advertising link after the post, not in a signature, just like the others!
    Last edited by Momiji; 03-26-2010 at 10:24 AM.

  10. #10
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Depends if you want to win or not. CK"s have to show good judgment.

  11. #11
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Oh wow this one's going to be tough! I can't play FFXIII, so I guess it's time to write some reviews n.n

    I'm going to edit all of my Part One and Two entries into this post!

    So Far I have...

    Part 1:

    Hopefully I will stumble upon more threads because some of these in all honesty I would just let sink to the bottom. Had to get those minimum requirements in, y'know?

    It sort of derailed into Meat Puppet offering SuperMillionaire a blowjob for money and then was revived three months later xD

    I think it's just about time this one dies. It will be four years old in a little over a week, and over that time it's been revived numerous times. Just about everyone and their mom has already made their own name.
    It was revived with really nothing new to add.
    This was made over a year ago and has been revived after being dead for several months a few times.
    I think this goes just fine in GC. Wonder Square is for welcoming and forum games! EoEO is there to separate the serious from the silly, not Wonder Square
    The issue has been resolved, there is no need for people to be asking for rep boosts

    Part 2:

    I read this name as "ban it BoB." No posts have been made by this user, but I thought s/he was worth looking into.

    This guy joins and leaves a few troll posts behind here and there and then a week later Arcee's friend Cactuar joins and never posts anything ever. A week later Arcee stopped posting forever. A second account perhaps?

    Part 3:

    Crisis Core secondary character content submitted

    Crisis Core DMW content submitted

    Threads of Fate review submitted
    I love this game
    Last edited by Jessweeee♪; 03-26-2010 at 08:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    It sort of derailed into Meat Puppet offering SuperMillionaire a blowjob for money and then was revived three months later xD
    You say this like it's a bad thing.
    Figaro Castle

  13. #13
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight
    Depends if you want to win or not. CK"s have to show good judgment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    During that thread making frenzy: This one and this one. They are basically just ripoffs of my thread here:

    My thread: "Do you use magic etc.?"
    Their thread:
    - Do you use summons? (kind of magic)
    - Who doesn't button bash? (ergo, who uses magic instead)

    I mean, at least Gobo admits it was a ripoff.
    You mean like blaming Goldenboko for something I said? He never even posted in either of those threads. I gave you credit for the similar topic, but you never mentioned Summons, so I made a thread for it. As a matter of fact, you admitted to not knowing they existed at all!


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    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    Good luck you all!

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

  15. #15
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momiji View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight
    Depends if you want to win or not. CK"s have to show good judgment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    During that thread making frenzy: This one and this one. They are basically just ripoffs of my thread here:

    My thread: "Do you use magic etc.?"
    Their thread:
    - Do you use summons? (kind of magic)
    - Who doesn't button bash? (ergo, who uses magic instead)

    I mean, at least Gobo admits it was a ripoff.
    You mean like blaming Goldenboko for something I said? He never even posted in either of those threads. I gave you credit for the similar topic, but you never mentioned Summons, so I made a thread for it. As a matter of fact, you admitted to not knowing they existed at all!

    Fine, so it was you, big deal. It's about threads, not people.

    And yes, I admitted I didn't know they existed, otherwise I would've made a thread that said: "Do you ever use magic or summons", ergo, anything but melee attacks. Seemed to me that was pretty obvious. It's like making a Crisis core thread: "Do you ever use materia?", and then another one pops up, "Do you ever use Fusion materia". It's the same thing, but not.

    But I'll rectify that it was you that thread spammed, not Gobo. As Boko admitted himself in this thread, it's becoming increasingly harder to differentiate.
    Last edited by Aerith's Knight; 03-25-2010 at 03:38 PM.

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