Anime/manga are some of my favorite shows/comics. I'm kind of in a rut because I seem to constantly pick sub-par stuff. Does anyone have anything they really liked and would suggest?

Full Metal Alchemist is probably my favorite anime. It's pretty much got everything. Action commeraderie, great dialog and amazing appearance as far as differences in character creation. I like the darkness as well, just seems to exemplify the friendships.

I also really like Naruto (the manga not the show that draggs on endlessly while the plot inch-worms along) I understand why the show takes forever and why they keep putting them out there, but you could at least take the time to devellope characters farther. Sad face. However the manga is non-stop great action.

Other good anime:
Basilisk (17+)
Gundam wing
Gundam seed
Berserk (if you like messed up dark stuff)
Death note

Good Manga list:
One piece
Basilisk (good enough to be listed in both)

So give me your lists and tell me why you liked some of your favorites