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Thread: When you're playing the game do you ever wish that Squall didn't fall for Rinoa?

  1. #46
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Well, looking at Squall's clothes, he's obviously a fan of fur and leather.
    Rinoa has a dog and seems like the type of person that really loves animals.


  2. #47
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I was hoping Squall to fall for PuPu. But if he falls for Rinoa, he might as well fall in love with a random Behemoth or a Cockatrice.

  3. #48


    I'm not a fan of Rinoa at all, though I don't exactly dislike her. I'd much rather see Squall with someone else, but she's the one who became the Sorceress and Squall is supposed to be the knight, so he must like her.
    I suppose what I'm getting at is: Why couldn't someone else inherit the powers. Like Selphie, then he'd probably end up liking her.

  4. #49

    Default NOOB coming through...!

    Hi guys! Been reading your posts... lovely topics! and great outfits everyone although i couldn't see all of you (I'm running out of compliments, sorry)! I'm quite new here so welcome with all your HEART! tee hee

    I'm a big fan of FFVIII, although my most fave is FFX. So regarding about this topic, uhmmm... It's actually right that Squall fell for Rinoa.Ok First lemme clear out that i don't really go gaga over RinoaxSquall or Rinoa/Squall. So, i'll just try to share my opinion as an observer.

    Let us analyze Squall with other girls one by one:

    with Quistis- I don't really think the 'chemistry' is there. The first thing that came to my mind was she was like a mother to him. So, seeing them all mushy together looks disgusting. Sure, Quistis is prettier, in my opinion, but she isn't the one who Squall needs, and besides, Squall gets bored of her. And Quistis sorted out her feelings that she only wants to replace Ellone as a big sister to Squall. So, Quistis might be better with Irvine, I assume. I can see that potential coming when I saw them together during the FF8 credits. A lot of bickering and hard to get will get Irvine's attention for a long time...

    with Selphie- A rather more unlikely match than with Quistis. Selphie is too childish for Squall and Squall is too serious for Selphie. Selphie likes guys chasing after her (remember how she enjoys being flirted by Irvine) and she will eventually lose interest in Squall. Besides, Selphie's short attention span will bother Squall. A better match for Selphie would be Zell. I really thought they had something, at least only in my fantasy.

    with Xu- I forgot this girl. Is she the one who Squall, Seifer, and Quistis were with during the Dollet mission?

    with Ellone- ew much?

    with Rinoa- Perfectly complimented. Squall needed someone to not leave him ever again, the one who gives him the undying comfort and Rinoa can give him all of that attention. What most people didn't realise is that it was actually Squall who first fell for Rinoa. Rinoa actually first fell for Seifer due to his confidence and that Seifer promised to help them with their rebellion. Squall actually said that when he first met her at the dance, he couldn't stop staring at Rinoa's eyes coz it gave him the most comfort. The look that promises that everything's gonna be okay. That's why he was like all dazzled and enchanted and danced with her. Actually, he didn't know why he'd done it, but he'd done it. You can eventually see a twist in Squall's character. He can be romantic and warm if he really wants too. Besides, a 'typical' Squall would be like....

    "Sir, we're being attacked. What are your orders?"

    What I love about this pairing is, it brought change to two people. They've become better and also, on how they treat each other. Squall learned to care for other people. Rinoa learned to not just think about herself. Rinoa was actually likable during the almost-end of the game. If we've seen her change earlier, then we would've liked her more, and for others, hate her less.

    It would've been wonderful, but Square didn't just execute it really well.

    I was just so surprised at SE that they didn't make a sequel for this. FFVII and FFX were better off without sequels coz they were already epic on their own.

    FFVIII has more potential to have a sequel and a higher chance to have a better one. At least we can be clear of all the assumptions.

  5. #50
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard!

    The manga Imadoki: Nowadays will give you a pretty good feel of a Squall/Selphie relationship. It's pretty cute the contrast between the bouncy perky Tanpopo (with a pet fox!) and the sullen aloof Koki (who is a closet plant lover and coping with a lot of family drama). It would have been an interesting route to explore, but this game is all about romantic destiny.
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  6. #51


    Doesn't anybody else think it's stupid that Rinoa tries to act all tough in the beginning, when she's really just a timid little bitch who can't even fight off two lizards on her own?

    And afterwards the stupid bitch says, "I was scared. I was really really scared." That's because your plan failed you idiot. It's just like Noah said, you don't announce your presence to a sorceress you're trying to kill. Not unless you want your frickening plan to fail.

  7. #52
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    Foolishness must be hereditary. Remember General Caroway's little walking tour of the city where he goes through the logistics of the assassination right out in the open?

  8. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothamite10092 View Post
    Doesn't anybody else think it's stupid that Rinoa tries to act all tough in the beginning, when she's really just a timid little bitch who can't even fight off two lizards on her own?

    And afterwards the stupid bitch says, "I was scared. I was really really scared." That's because your plan failed you idiot. It's just like Noah said, you don't announce your presence to a sorceress you're trying to kill. Not unless you want your frickening plan to fail.
    Oh c'mon. A lot of people say that drugs are bad and it's a proven fact, yet there are still many people who use em. Stupidity is everyone's epidemic. Besides, she wasn't trying to "kill" the sorceress... She was trying to seal her powers. Rinoa just didn't know how powerful a sorceress can be although she's one. She isn't a SeeD for all we know. Squall is a SeeD, but he was no match for the sorceress too.

    Oh one more thing, she couldn't really fight because Edea 'stunned' her... or maybe weakened her to an extent. Hmmm...I just realized that if that bangle reacted on her, that only proves Rinoa's a sorceress from the beginning...

  9. #54
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    I like Rinoa and Squall together but I wouldve liked if Quistis found someone too.
    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  10. #55
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saint_shinobi View Post
    . Hmmm...I just realized that if that bangle reacted on her, that only proves Rinoa's a sorceress from the beginning...
    Finally someone else notices it!

  11. #56


    Rinoaīs plan didnīt fail.

    Her plan was to find out who is the true Villain of FF8.
    And she did it.

    If the sorceressīs powers were sealed the plan would fail.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  12. #57
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    No because then we wouldn't get, "I kinda light it your way" at the end.

  13. #58


    Everything would be lost because Laguna would not be able to confirm his suspicions.
    He would therefore not be able to stop the baddy efficiently.
    Laguna is teamed with Ellone to save the world.

    And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

    Big Ellone is just a cyborg.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

    Images removed for being utterly colossal. Please use images that conform to the size limit.

    Big D

  14. #59


    And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

    Big Ellone is just a cyborg.
    You've lost it dood?

  15. #60
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickenHeart View Post
    And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

    Big Ellone is just a cyborg.
    You've lost it dood?
    Check out Future Esthar's old posts. This theory is explained in better detail, and you can kind of see where he got his ideas from -it makes sense as a theory even if you don't agree with it. (I'm still open minded).

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