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Thread: XIII: The Flaw thread

  1. #61
    I AM NOT A PRETTY BOY! Shin Gouken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANGRYWOLF View Post
    This is the arguement i use when debating the gambit system with people who complain it plays the game for you. In FFXII though, battles flow smoothly without the seperate battle screen. In FFXIII battles last can and do last 5-10 minutes (depending on enemies and player skill of course) Halving the battle speed effectively can make an ordinary encounter last as long as 15-20minutes, as if they weren't long enough

  2. #62
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shin Gouken View Post
    In FFXIII battles last can and do last 5-10 minutes (depending on enemies and player skill of course) Halving the battle speed effectively can make an ordinary encounter last as long as 15-20minutes, as if they weren't long enough
    I perceive that as the strength of FFXIII. The game makes no attempt to disguise the fact that it's all about the battles and gameplay. In just about every FF besides 13 in recent times, most standard random encounters can be taken care of by just mashing Attack. In 13, particularly in battles from about Chapter 9-10 onwards, you're forced to Paradigm Shift, go for Staggers and to a degree, think ahead and strategise. Auto-Battle does take the fun out of it a bit, but I rarely use it anyway.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by arcanedude34 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ANGRYWOLF View Post
    He can watch youtube videos.Some sites have players playing the game and posting long episodes of their gameplay that you can watch.
    Which he has already admitted to not really doing either. :V
    Please. I have stated 100 times that that is precisely what I have done, and in HD with quite a few of them.

    I must have written around 3 essay's on this game and yet to all the points you claim these faults do not exist (and yet they do seem to be repeated again and again by others as well. And let me be clearer...they do exist.) or simply say you prefer it that way.

    Now you are trying to tell me what I have or have not seen/done/read. It seems you are in denial about this game, and I am not going to sit debating with you if you can't even argue the points I make, but please don't try lying about me in order to "win" the debate. This is a flaw thread, what on earth were you expecting people to be saying here? That roses sprout from FFXIII's ass perhaps? haha
    Last edited by seiferalmasy2; 04-21-2010 at 04:32 AM.

  4. #64

    Default That was arcane btw who said seifer hadn't watched

    any videos of the game.
    It wasn't clear from the quote who said that.

    People who like the game..any FF game..tend to criticize people who don't like it.

    Some people

    Some people who don't like the my experience..seem to believe that they can somehow convince others of the righteousness of their position.That they can convince the people who like the game to suddenly dislike it.That they can convince people who like the game that it is flawed.
    That's a forlorne hope.It simply doesn't happen.Won't happen.


    The game is as it is.

    We can only hope Versus is more to our taste and doesn't have those flaws some of us see.

  5. #65


    Wolf is right, you're not gonna convince anyone who enjoyed the game to dislike it, just like I'm not gonna convince you to like it. Ah well, maybe Versus will be both our cups of tea and we can dance merrily through the meadow of the Versus sub-forum together.

  6. #66
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    As I said in a previous thread, it really needs a dude with a sword. So yeah, that would be its main flaw.

    It is a team effort, like FFVI. However to me, Lightening is the leader, and her attack style is awesome. For me however, the leader should be a dude with THE GINORMOUS SWORD FTW. Call me shallow, but that's a big reason why I liked Cloud, Squall and Tidus. Though, for me the attack style is tres important, and Lightning's is very cool. She's like a She-Cloud-Jedi

    But, I personally do find it hard to identify with Lightning. Actually I find it very hard to identify with any of them. Even though they did make Snow very "real", HE STILL NEEDS A SWORD.

    Oh, and there's WAY too much $hit going on screen at once during battle. I'm sure someone will have a seizure one day because of it. I can't follow who's hitting who and for what damage mixed in with which spells. Too many effects at once.

    And the battles take long. Though they are fast paced, which is cool, but sometimes too fast-paced, as I can't keep track of what's going on. And yeah, too long. Fighting Bartandeleus seemed like an eternity, for instance. Even fighting the (SPOILER)Behemoth Kings and wolf-things (combined) on the Steppe, takes quite a while.

    And it spent WAY too much time in Cocoon. Now that I'm in Chapter 11, I'm finally in the (SPOILER)Steppe, which has the most resemblance of a world map. Which is another its missing. A WORLD MAP!!! I know FFX didn't have one, which was fine. FFXII kind of had one, but not really. This one is similar to FFXII, but with so many restrictions.

    And the weapons and accessories - WTF. There's nothing there that turns my crank. It seems, so far, that every weapon I find just has some funny single attribute, with no appeal. Like increasing "raise". Or maybe giving you an extra meter charge in the beginning. AND THEY'RE ALL AT LEVEL 1 WHEN YOU FIND THEM! I'm still using my suped up Gladius, Black belt and Power Wrist (or whatever it is), because I can't be arsed to spend time and money beefing up a new weapon and accessories. Likewise, all my party members are using the first or second weapon I found for them. And they ALL SUCK. Oooooo......this accessory casts protect and shell when your HP is critical.....ONCE! And this one casts....wait for it.....bravery and vigilance....ONCE!! AARRRGGGGG!!!!!

    And the upgrade system leaves much to be desired. So you can just chuck random $hit into your weapon, to upgrade it? Why? How? At least in FFVIII, it was just certain things that made you able to upgrade, and there were magazines to tell you what you needed. This system of adding ooze, bones, and some other funny-named crap is just retarded.

    Any many of the things others here people touched on are serious flaws such as:
    - when the leader dies, that's it, its game over - OH MY GOD THIS IS STUPID
    - You can't use anyone else's Eidolon except the leader's.
    - Paradigms aren't saved when you switch back to a previous party. You have to spend time setting up the same paradigms, OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

    Oh, and the Ark was way too long, and WAY too repetitive. I felt like I was walking endlessly through the train tracks in FFVII all over again. Which goes back to TOO MUCH TIME IN COCOON.

    Back to the characters - Hope is a Mega-sissy, Sahz looks like a mega-retard in battle (what is he doing? Dancing?), Fang is too....manly and hard headed. The rest are OK, but there's still no one for me to identify with.

    So, yup, there's my vent on the flaws! And there are major ones. Especially after such a long wait for this game.
    Last edited by crazybayman; 04-21-2010 at 02:52 PM.

  7. #67
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Just regarding a couple of things I noticed in your rant...
    Quote Originally Posted by crazybayman View Post
    Oh, and there's WAY too much $hit going on screen at once during battle. I'm sure someone will have a seizure one day because of it. I can't follow who's hitting who and for what damage mixed in with which spells. Too many effects at once.
    Have you tried changing the battle speed setting to "Slow"? Never did it myself, but I imagine it would make things a little easier to follow.
    And the battles take long. Though they are fast paced, which is cool, but sometimes too fast-paced. But yeah, too long. Fighting Bartandeleus seemed like an eternity, for instance.
    Were the battles really that different in length to other FF games? Keeping in mind that Barthandelus is the equivalent of Sephiroth, so his battles are about as long.
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  8. #68
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Just regarding a couple of things I noticed in your rant...
    Quote Originally Posted by crazybayman View Post
    Oh, and there's WAY too much $hit going on screen at once during battle. I'm sure someone will have a seizure one day because of it. I can't follow who's hitting who and for what damage mixed in with which spells. Too many effects at once.
    Have you tried changing the battle speed setting to "Slow"? Never did it myself, but I imagine it would make things a little easier to follow.
    And the battles take long. Though they are fast paced, which is cool, but sometimes too fast-paced. But yeah, too long. Fighting Bartandeleus seemed like an eternity, for instance.
    Were the battles really that different in length to other FF games? Keeping in mind that Barthandelus is the equivalent of Sephiroth, so his battles are about as long.
    Didn't know you could set the battle speed setting. I'll give it a try, thanks.

    I don't recall the battles with Sephiroth taking that long, but it was quite a while ago that I last did battle with him, so perhaps your right. I guess my beef would mainly be with the random encounters (well, they're not really random, as you can see and avoid the enemy on the screen, but you know what I mean). Some of random battles are quite long - COM-RAV-SYN repeatedly, then COM-RAV-RAV repeatedly, until the enemies are staggered or I need healing then COM-COM-COM, or MED-SEN-SYN, or something or other. For instance, Dire Flan is seems SO tedious for fighting. Maybe I'm impatient, I dunno, but overall the random battles seem much more tedious and dragged out than before. Although the idea of staggering an enemy is pretty cool.

    Another thing would be the Crystarium. Very similar to the Sphere Grid (which I really liked), however it takes quite a while to get used to, and you can't really see where you are. Its like your just on some loop with orbs. You have to cursor your way along to see what abilities lie ahead.

  9. #69
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    There were definitely some obscure battles that could have been done with faster, yeah.

    I think the Cyrstarium was a great idea (in a "3D Sphere Grid, what's not to like?" way) but possibly could have been executed better.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #70
    Cloudane's Avatar
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    I liked the crystarium once I got used to the controls. But my, those controls were fiddly when you're trying to get it to go in a particular direction, and returning after branching off was rather unintuitive.

    I like the sound effects though, it's like your character is being flushed down the toilet

    Quote Originally Posted by crazybayman View Post
    Back to the characters - Hope is a Mega-sissy, Sahz looks like a mega-retard in battle (what is he doing? Dancing?), Fang is too....manly and hard headed. The rest are OK, but there's still no one for me to identify with.
    No hate for Vanille?

    She'd be so pleased, she'd be like

  11. #71
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    The problem with setting the battle speed to slow: The score timer isn't adjusted. So it's a lot harder to get 5 stars etc.

  12. #72


    I think the real issue with Vanille boils down to this: YouTube - georgia F8 HQ

  13. #73
    I AM NOT A PRETTY BOY! Shin Gouken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    The problem with setting the battle speed to slow: The score timer isn't adjusted. So it's a lot harder to get 5 stars etc.
    If that's true then that's a pretty big smurfin flaw.

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by arcanedude34 View Post
    Wolf is right, you're not gonna convince anyone who enjoyed the game to dislike it, just like I'm not gonna convince you to like it. Ah well, maybe Versus will be both our cups of tea and we can dance merrily through the meadow of the Versus sub-forum together.
    Sadly no, I sold my PS3 and I am now playing FFX via an emulator instead...I am getting an Xbox soon for Lost Odyssey and that is about as far as it goes really. FF as a series is dead to me, same as Resident Evil series, MGS series and Command and Conquer series.

    I will await the day they change until then it is alternatives like Blue dragon, Lost Odyssey, Splinter Cell etc.

  15. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by seiferalmasy2 View Post
    Sadly no, I sold my PS3 and I am now playing FFX via an emulator instead...I am getting an Xbox soon for Lost Odyssey and that is about as far as it goes really. FF as a series is dead to me.
    Then why bother posting about new FF games?

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