During the scene when Roxas decides to fight Sora in TWTNW, this one little line that he says has caused huge debate as to who Roxas is referring to. These are the most commonly choices that I've heard from who people think "he" is:

DiZ or Ansem the Wise. Refers to the fact that he picked Sora to be the one who gets to have his body and that Roxas had to end his summer vacation and the fact that he is no longer his own entity. As far as I could tell, this was generally the second most popular idea, before KH2FM came along.

The Keyblade. This is the one which I hear people say the most, and the main thing that supports this is the fact that people say "The English version of that line is a mistranslation, because the Japanese version translates to 'Tell me why you were chosen'."

Axel. This is the one that is most likely the truth, since the fact that KH2FM included another scene in which Axel and Roxas talk with each other immediately after the fight shows that the Sora vs. Roxas fight was completely resolved after Axel decided to say goodbye to Roxas and that Nomura put in this scene to show to the players that "he" refers to Axel.

This topic is to ask who you think "he" refers to.
And don't believe something just because KHwiki says so.