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Thread: Battle Scars!

  1. #1
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Default Battle Scars!

    Dakoda says:
    Let's see. I tripped over a mattress and broke my toe, I almost lost my eye and got an eyebrow gash from a fan, I have a scar of my cheek from a knife, I got bitten by a kid once, several burns, greenstick fracture in my wrist, torn ligaments in my ankle, torn hamstring, collapsed spine um concussion twice, bamboo pole hit me just beside the eye so I have a crescent scar umm...
    On I have a scar on my palm from slicing it on rocks
    I dunno cartilage damage in my knees

    Emma says:
    Note to self: buy large amounts of cotton wool
    Dakoda says:
    I have a high pain tolerance, don't you worry
    I also have a cut on my hand where Evan cut me with scissors in 4th grade during spanish
    Because he wasn't paying attention and I was holding the sheet and he just snip ouuuuch

    Emma says:
    You just attract unintended violence
    Dakoda says:
    Oh yeah also many many blows to the head from all sorts of balls
    Also dislocated jaw from a baseball

    Emma says:
    epic innuendo
    Dakoda says:
    But yeah, basketballs repeatedly fell on my head. I also played club soccer for three years, so lots of headers
    Also I ran into goal posts while playing ultimate disc
    I think I was concussed that time so make that three concussions
    What else
    I probably have a scar on my back from where my brother hit me with a belt
    Though I deserved that I suppose. I hit him in the face with a rock and split his head open. There was a 9 year difference but yeah
    I've also been electrocuted two or three times
    Almost drowned once maybe twice
    Had an allergic reaction to a vaccine and almost died
    I think that about covers it

    Emma says:
    What the smurf Dakoda. In my 18 years I've fallen off my bike twice and cut my hand open
    oh and one hospitalisation
    Dakoda says:
    I like to take risks?
    Why were you hospitalised?

    Emma says:
    White blood cells were eating the red ones or something. I was on a drip for a week then I went home.
    Dakoda says:
    They aren't meant to do that

    Emma says:
    No, blood transfusion fixed it though
    well blood transfusion and some dodgey green jelly
    Dakoda says:
    I've had some pretty gnarly cuts and stuff from crashing my bike

    Emma says:
    I was 6 so I don't really remember
    Dakoda says:
    Well I'm glad you're okay now!

    Emma says:
    I can imagine you almost killing yourself on a bike.
    Mine weren't crashes, I actually just fell. Except when I fell over the handle bars but that wasn't bad anyway.
    Dakoda says:
    I did this really great one, seriously it was amazing
    Went down this really steep hill which I can show you when you visit, anyway
    The bike had no brakes or anything
    And when I got to the bottom, it got the major wobbles
    The handlebars just twisted and threw me over the top
    I crashed, bounced, slid for like 10-15 metres
    Then I stood up and was Oh okay and then the momentum just threw me back onto the ground
    Where I rolled down a hill

    Emma says:
    How did you plan on stopping if there were no brakes?
    Dakoda says:
    Into a lake
    Good question

    For those with attention deficiency disorders, here is a summarized snippet of the general ramblings for you to ponder over - what sorts of injuries have you had and share any funny stories in relation to those. As you can see, I've had a lot.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  2. #2


    At least you still have all your teeth xD
    if finding love is just a dance, proximity and chance, you will excuse me if i skip the masquerade

  3. #3


    I have split my head open in four different areas (rock dropped on my head, hit edge of glass container, run over by a bicycle, I forgot the last one), had my ankle torn up on two separate occasions (my cat went insane, my friend and I failed at chicken on bikes and my ankle was completely wrapped in the bike chain). I almost died car surfing because my friend slammed on the breaks without telling me.

    Probably a lot more. I have yet to break a bone in my body though!

  4. #4
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    I have a scar on my eyebrow

  5. #5
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    that has happened to me: (bolded entries scarred)
    Nearly drowned as a toddler
    Got a nasty gash on the corner of my eye that need stitches
    Wicked road rash on my left forearm

    Been sprayed with pepper spray/tear gas
    Whipped with carpet tack strip. Bareback.
    Beat over the head with a weighted boxing glove on the end of a rope
    Bruised a bone in a BMX accident
    Been nutted during a lacrosse game
    Flipped over my handlebars and got a concussion
    Walked into a pole in first grade and chipped a tooth
    Cut my arm to see what it felt like (don't judge me )

    That's all I can think of at the moment.

  6. #6
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Jiro View Post
    At least you still have all your teeth xD
    That reminds me: copped two stray headbutts to the mouth and almost lost two teeth.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  7. #7
    Just Do It kotora's Avatar
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    a few scratches on my chest from this drive-by shooting last week.
    This twenty-year-old boy was distinguished from childhood by strange qualities, a dreamer and an eccentric. A girl fell in love with him, and he went and sold her to a brothel...

  8. #8
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Once, I tried to remove a lid to a can of Ravioli with a spoon. Yeah, almost lost my pinky because it slipped. Dumbest I've ever done.

  9. #9
    Not coming back. BarelySeeAtAll's Avatar
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    I've never really got myself injured really. . .though last night I slipped in my bathtub having a shower and smacked my head on the bottom of the tub. Yeah that hurt..think I may have been knocked out for a couple'a seconds boo-hoo.

    I am not a man

  10. #10
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    I alreadyanswered this in a previous post.

    1. When I was 3 my family liveed on Springfield Road which separates The Falls (Catholic) from the Shankill (Protestant) our homes were always getting attacked. One day I escaped the home & I had the fantastic idea of walking into a riot just up the street. I ran when everyone else did from the army and fell on a smashed bottle. My whole right forearm was sliced i stil wear the scar.

    1. when I was a wee fella about 8 I had kidney problems, I was in there for a good 3 months.

    2. little later, tonsils removed.

    3. Not another visit till I was 17, hit with a plastic baton round on my thigh, i swear I've never felt pain like it.

    4. 1998 probably the most serious I was attacked by a Protestant gang & beated senseless with hands, feet & metal poles. I was in intensive care for 3 weeks with...brain something I duno & I still don't remember anything. There's pictures somewhere I can disgust with them if u want.

    5. at a party in 2002 and was spotted by someone who I had apparently wronged, got a bottle to the back of my head & then several jabs in the face & neck with the broke part. I still have the scars on my face of that is above my top lip & stops my beard growing properly

    6. NORMAL REASON!! I had kidney problems that kicked off again just last year, in there for 3 days.

    Thats it I think, I did not count day trips for cuts, slices & stuff. If u dont have to sleep over it's not worth it.

  11. #11
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    What, no images of said scars? Pshaw!
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #12
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    If you really must I will show you mine if you show me yours

  13. #13
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    I cracked open one of my teeth after taking amphetamine.

  14. #14
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I have a couple of small scars, nothing worth raving about though.

  15. #15
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I fell off a slide directly onto my head when I was a toddler (Fall was about 5 or 6 feet iirc), and a couple years after that I hit myself in the head with half a brick because I fashioned a lever in the backyard and was jumping on one end to see how high I could send this half brick xD

    Put my hand through a sheet of glass and was very lucky to just get a scar and no nerve damage or anything.

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