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Thread: Who was your favorite party?

  1. #46
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I forgot to note the name of the person who detailed the limit breaks but you missed some spells unique to Selphie in the limit break which include one called Rupture (or Rapture, maybe theres two) but yeah her special unique spells are awesome I believe she may also get Exit. Generically speaking the spells are throwbacks to old FF spells from the older games with exception of The End.

    Also Irvine, no end of game you should be using Pulse Ammo unless you have a guaranteed 9999 damage on a normal attack without junctions (devouring for strength will net you this eventually I normally just devour for 255 of everything anyhow) The reason I say this is simple:

    Pulse ammo = guaranteed 9999 damage hit.

    End battle Griever and junctioned forms of Ultimecia can obliterate your magic straight out from your stock including your junctioned magic. Therefore if you're using machine gun ammo you can't always deal max damage. Fight the Elnoyle in Esthar repeatedly for 2 energy crystals each time ammo RF will make this in to pulse ammo (also can be mugged for 1 or 2 more and carded to make 1 for every 10 cards, better to just play cards in a safe region for elnoyle cards. Brilliant exp too so if you're not level 100 and wish to be this fight which is much like the Dollet Tower boss battle will get you there quickly enough)

    My personal party changes frequently I've done just about every combination possible and enjoyed it. I don't feel there is a weak character in terms of ability in VIII, unlike in VII where I felt Cait Sith and Vincent's limit breaks were not as effective as the other party members.

  2. #47
    Do You Like Waffles? DarkBahamut's Avatar
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    Squall, Zell, and Quistis was pretty much the one I used cuz my bro used to use it as well.

    But I really like that party when you're fighting Omega. Squall and Zell doing their limit breaks and Quistis is the one using magic and stuff like healing, putting on Aura, summoning Doomtrain and (even Eden sometimes if she had nothing to do, causing a lil damage is helpful).


    1st Party: Squall, Zell, and Quistis
    2nd Party: Squall, Zell and Irvine. My aggressive, Tank team. In my 2nd perfect game I'm currently completing, I'm going to use this party for the first time against Omega.

    No time for "Dilly-Dallying" or "Shilly-Shallying."
    Props go to the one and only, Proxy, for the signature.

  3. #48
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    I split the boys and girls when I first played, but when I figured out the game mechanics it was Squall/Zell/Quistis or Squall/Zell/Selphie (but only for the heals which I didn't need)

    For max dps I do Squall/Zell/Quistis

  4. #49
    Recognized Member Flying Arrow's Avatar
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    When the game first came out I think I had a party of Squall, Rinoa, Irvine. Can't remember later playthroughs, though, except for my last one a few years ago of Squall, Rinoa, Quistis. If I were to play again, I'd probably use those three again mainly because Zell is an idiot, Selphie is insufferable, and Irvine is a cardboard cut-out. Not that Quistis has much more to do; I just like using my enemy skills. (I also like surrounding myself with attractive women)

    EDIT: Thinking on it, Quistis was actually kind of an interesting character. Tremendously overachieving student-turned-teacher in love with one of her own students who couldn't care less about it. With the whole 'theme of love' thing FF8 tried to have going for it, the ball was really dropped with this subplot. The(SPOILER) Orphanage really did wreck everything character-wise with FF8.
    Last edited by Flying Arrow; 07-18-2010 at 05:06 AM.

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