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Thread: Too many games, too little time

  1. #31
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Seriously. xD Perhaps, as I said, you should wait until you have time to play the game before you buy the game, as that way you will get to play what you pay for. There's no point in buying a game if you never play it, obviously.

    I intend on buying roughly ten games a year at most going forward, and only will play one MMORPG at any given time (if any at all). When I get bored of or finish a game, I buy a new one. There are some games I consider "must have" and will buy them on release date but more often than not I'll play those the day I buy them - even if I'm in the middle of another game, I still have to at least know what I've got!

    Still, must be nice to have enough money that you can buy games without ever needing to play them. How about you just send some of the money (or games!) my way. ;D
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #32


    Definitely have to throw out Lucifer's Call! The best RPG I've ever played (and replayed).

    If you liked DDS, a few things to note. I feel that the story in SMTIII is better told and more interesting, but it's also much more "in the background" than DDS' story. It's much more event-driven rather than character-driven, although even on that note I think SMTIII has some of the best characters I've ever come across in the genre.

    Also, the game is a lot harder and more open-ended, so just be prepared to have a rough time in spite of the similarities the two battle systems share.

    I rarely have the time or inclination to replay games, and even when I try I usually get bored within hours. I've played SMTIII from start to finish a good four times, and I suspect more playthroughs lie in my future.
    Currently playing: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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