I wonder if my death scene will say something about how after I die I can still be used for banana bread...
I wonder if my death scene will say something about how after I die I can still be used for banana bread...
11 Hours Left
[M] Watermelon 1-[M] Plum
Jiro didn't give me the password. :<
So which of us fruits haven't said anything yet? Oh, I know. Red Apple.
##vote: Red Apple
But my juices are always flowing~
I feel that it is too premature to vote. I think I will withhold my vote until later to see how things develop. The agony of the first round and blind voting~
While you make a valid point, I still rather reflect a bit more before I vote. Maybe a vain hope that there will be some substance to my vote~
Sounds like something a mafia would say to disguise himself amongst the masses!
First page updated with the players list. Sorry about that oversight!
[M] Watermelon (1) - [M] Plum
[M] Red Apple (1) - [M] Watermelon
Roughly 8 hours to go~
No Cherry or Mango yet. Difficulties in getting on... or something more sinister?