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Thread: What are you playing right now?

  1. #16
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Splinter Cell: Conviction Co-Op which I mind as well be doing by myself cuz neither my sister nor my dad can seem to know how to work a controller.

    Final Fantasy XIII: Just started it last night.

    Red Dead Redemption: I'll get around to this eventually.

  2. #17
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    I've been playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS lately. I was playing Pokemon SoulSilver, but it's been taking up my playing time so I stopped so I could play FF4. I might consider popping up the PS2 to play Kingdom Hearts for the upcoming Eyes on Plays, but i don't really wanna bother atm. So, just playing FF4 for now.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  3. #18
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeloZer0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Shoeberto View Post
    That's extremely subjective. ...

    In the 90s when people said 'RPG' they were usually referring to what we now consider jRPGs. jRPGs as a term hasn't really been in popular circulation until the past half dozen years. Back in the 90s games like Final Fantasy 7 were what people general though of when you said RPG. (especially late 90s)
    When I say subjective, I mean it depends on who you're asking: A PC gamer or a console gamer of the time. I don't think you can exactly say that one or the other was uniformly synonymous with the role-playing genre at the time, it just depended on your platform of preference. They really were about even in popularity.

  4. #19
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    I'm almost always playing Mushihimesama Futari off and on.

    I'm also playing Trauma Team and Persona 3 off and on, as well.

    I've actually been spending a bit of time learning how to code with Touhou Danmakufu, so that's pretty time-consuming as well.

  5. #20


    I've been playing lots of Super Mario Galaxy 2, it's just one of those games I'll start playing and three hours later realize I've been playing for an unhealthy amount of time. Before that I was playing Final Fantasy XIII, I'm on the second disc, but with Mario Galaxy to play I find it really hard to wanna play FF, likely because Galaxy is a better (though obviously very different) game, and because I like how it requires a very short attention span. Having a modded Wii, I just burned Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands and Fragile Dreams: Farewell Runes of the Moon but idk when I'll ever get around to playing those.

  6. #21
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> Im playing FF9, CD3 (terra)..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  7. #22


    Right now I'm playing FF7 on my PSP as well as trying to finish FF13. Oh I've also been playing a bit of Secret of mana, I love that game so very much.

    Other than that I have a huge list of others that I'm just waiting to play after I've finished those.

    Oh and I guess I can add a bit of Dark cloud in there too (just trying to finish the extra dungeon).

  8. #23


    Playing Uncharted 2 again once they released the new Siege co-op mode. Unfortunately, rarely do the two others vote for it and I don't get to play it as much as I want, but when I do it's a great time.

    Why can't these games have set lists to choose from? Why random popping up that the people vote on? I hate ending up in a stage and mode I don't like. I don't understand this approach.

  9. #24
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    I just finished Alan wake. It was awesome.

  10. #25
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I have been playing the following:

    Red Dead Redemption

    CoD MW2 (multiplayer people!)

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2

    Final Fantasy IX

  11. #26
    Tiny Chloe ♥ Chloe.'s Avatar
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    I'm playing a few at the moment. I have two more trophies to get on FFXIII til I get the Platinum, so I've been playing that a lot lately. I'm also playing on FF7 on my PSP, I'm nearly on the 3rd disk now. Other than those there's a few randomers that I keep going back to, like last week I downloaded Flower and Bomberman Ultra on my PS3, they are both quite addictive.

    I have a couple of PS3 games waiting to be played, mainly White Knight Chronicles, but I want to completely finish XIII til I play them.

  12. #27
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    1. Killzone 2 - after a little over a year since its release, i finally got 100% of the Trophies (Platinum). Its a big deal for me b/c the last one I needed was to be in the Top 1% of the Worldwide leaderboard for the week, and I'll brag about it b/c I'm proud dammit !!!!

    2. Dragon Quest V - been playing a fanslation and its epic. Hope to beat it before VI is released on the DS in NA and buy that.

    3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - bought the Map Pack (already paid $3/map before, and never played much of CoD4 multiplayer). Maps are great, favorite is Storm. But I've been playing Hardcore playlists lately and its really changed the way I view the game. Without the green phrases popping on the screen with rock music, numbers flying everywhere every 3 seconds, the experience bar, constant radar, and all the other crap in the way, this game is almost completely different. Convinced me there's something there worth appreciating behind all the attempts to appeal to as broad an audience as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by VeloZer0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I started Resistance 2 in single player since it doesn't have co-op for the main campaign (!) but so far have been unimpressed - they took out my favourite things about the previous game (being able to carry about ten guns, co-op campaign, etc) so it's a little gutting on that end.
    Exactly my thoughts on Resistance 2. Having all the guns at the same time gave the game an excellent sense of development as you went on. Different guns for every scenario. I never even beat the single player.
    I've always thought these were bad reasons to hate on the game (Played multiplayer with some friends last week and a little campaign over the weekend (R2).) R2 compensates for the lack of weapon wheel by placing the guns you need at the scenarios you need them. Yes, the crazy guns are no longer there, but it never really appealed to me. Resistance 1 was overly drawn out with extremely repetitive engagements. By the end of the game, I had done of each of the 5 different kinds of scenarios at least 20 times. It was gray. Resistance 1 is the reason I held off on buying a PS3, Resistance 2 made me glad I bought one the year I did. IDK!!!

    Anyway, the second one too has fallen from my favor. Going back, it's obvious the campaign was poorly designed in certain parts. It's just not good. But the variety, color, boss fights, and overall feel more than makes up for it for me. Still, the extreme auto-aim and bad map design killed the multiplayer for me, while the repetitiveness of fighting bullet spunges and never really doing much has even ruined co-op for me. But I will still play this game with a small group of friends, which is how I think its meant to be played. We should definitely get an EoFF game night going on with this, we've actually talked about it a few months back.

    Quote Originally Posted by VeloZer0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Clo View Post
    I've been doing the 90s RPG thing lately (seeing as how I only have a PS2 console right now); I started with FF Tactics, got frustrated with that Weigraf/Velius battle, decided to take a break and I've reached pretty far into Star Ocean: Second Star Story now.

    Also, someone lent me Tales of Destiny and I played a little bit of the beginning. Maybe I should modify and say "90s jRPG", because that's what I keep picking up.
    In the 90s jRPGs were RPGs and wRPGs were a sideshow. Only recently have wRPGs hijacked the title of 'RPG' back.
    I have to stand by this. Even my one friend who was a total PC nut, did everything on it you could imagine and more, referred to japanese games when he said RPG, and it was his favorite genre. I do 100% believe WRPG's were niche, and that the role is reversed today.

    BUT I have to say WRPG's have not evolved beyond graphics while jRPG's stagnate, as others might say. I would instead argue they've diluted themselves to appeal to a broader audience: Fallout 3 was criticized by long-time fans for being more about action, and Mass Effect 2 gutted much of its RPG elements to become more like a shooter.

    At the same time, games like Demon's Souls and White Knight Chronicles have innovated, especially online multiplayer of all things. Valkyria Chronicles and Dragon Quest IX have done interesting things as well.

  13. #28


    I assume the "EoFF plays FF#" is up to 9 now and that's why everyone seems to be playing it. I hacked my friend's PSP and its his favorite FF so I'll probably be ripping it and converting it for PSP here shortly. I might dig into it at that point myself

  14. #29


    Final Fantasy XIII, although now that I've finished it, I'm just stuffing about. Although found a non-monster related side-quest!!!! So going to use it against people who say there aren't side-quests in this game.

    Final Fantasy IX. Although I now need to level up my characters because I'm trying to beat Gizamaluke and am like level 6/7 with my characters. Apparently the FF Wikia reckons level 15 is a good one to try it at (or at least 10). Anyway, after getting my ass handed to me repeatedly, I am now going to grind for a bit. Which is my least favourite part of any FF game (why I stopped playing IV as well), hence why I'm now messing around in XIII.

    Finished The Ballad of Gay Tony. So much fun. So much still to do outside the main storyline. Reminds me of the awesomeness of San Andreas (still my favourite GTA and possibly my favourite game of all time).

    Got God of War 3. But will only take it out of its packaging when I've achieved certain objectives. Otherwise another weekend of my life will be eaten up, never to be seen again.

    Also got Fallout 3 and Super Street Fighter 4, neither of which I've tried yet. Considering getting Heavy Rain or Red Dead Redemption once I'm done with them.

  15. #30
    Umbrella ella ella Jings's Avatar
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    Currently playing Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake for the 360. Haven't touched them in a few days though because I've been stuck in ultra-micromanagement mode with Hearts of Iron 2. I'm currently in the process of creating a grand Mexican empire in South America. Only Brazil and Argentina stand in the way of victory. I'm also in the mood to play some Baldur's Gate so I'm probably going to do another playthrough of the entire saga. That should take me a good year or so.

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