Quote Originally Posted by Clo View Post
I've been doing the 90s RPG thing lately (seeing as how I only have a PS2 console right now); I started with FF Tactics, got frustrated with that Weigraf/Velius battle, decided to take a break and I've reached pretty far into Star Ocean: Second Star Story now.

Also, someone lent me Tales of Destiny and I played a little bit of the beginning. Maybe I should modify and say "90s jRPG", because that's what I keep picking up.
Nothing wrong with that! <3 Retro-gaming :] I remember Tales of Destiny being really long and faking out endings left and right. After about the third time I thought I was about to beat the game and something else opened up I said screw it lol I would probably feel differently these days but I didn't like being toyed with at the time. Its a pretty good game over-all though, especially for its time. Its a little cliched by today's standards though but still fond memories